Access Statistics for Michał Brzeziński

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Accounting for recent trends in absolute poverty in Poland: A decomposition analysis 0 0 0 22 2 2 3 147
Accounting for trends in health poverty: A decomposition analysis for Britain, 1991-2008 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 100
Asymptotic and bootstrap inference for top income shares 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 81
Childhood circumstances, personality traits and adult-life economic outcomes in developing countries: Evidence from STEP 0 0 1 40 2 3 7 117
Diagnosing unhappiness dynamics: Evidence from Poland and Russia 0 0 1 30 0 1 2 73
Do wealth distributions follow power laws? Evidence from "rich lists" 0 0 0 19 0 0 1 94
Does income redistribution impede innovation? 0 0 1 16 1 3 5 47
Empirical modeling of the impact factor distribution 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 55
GINI Country Report: Growing Inequalities and their Impacts in Poland 0 1 6 101 1 4 16 440
Has recent economic growth in Poland been pro-poor? 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 103
Income Polarization and Economic Growth 0 1 3 23 0 1 9 140
Income inequality and the Great Recession in Central and Eastern Europe 0 0 0 38 0 0 2 93
Income polarization and economic growth 0 0 0 135 0 0 3 414
Income polarization and economic growth 0 0 0 75 0 1 7 148
Inequality of opportunity in Europe before and after the Great Recession 0 0 2 49 0 2 8 112
Inequality of opportunity in Europe before and after the Great Recession 0 1 2 61 1 2 3 118
Nierówności dochodowe i majątkowe w Polsce: nowe wyniki wykorzystujące dane pozaankietowe 0 0 1 39 0 0 10 143
Parametric modelling of income distribution in Central and Eastern Europe 0 0 1 20 0 0 8 76
Political connections and the super-rich in Poland 1 1 3 31 1 2 5 90
Political connections and the super-rich in Poland 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 21
Political connections and the super-rich in Poland 1 1 1 32 1 2 3 109
Power laws in citation distributions: Evidence from Scopus 0 0 0 40 0 0 1 69
Prudent populists? The short-term macroeconomic impact of populist policies in Poland 0 2 6 20 0 6 16 46
Reevaluating Distributional Consequences of the Transition to Market Economy in Poland: New Results from Combined Household Survey and Tax Return Data 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 49
Reevaluating distributional consequences of the transition to market economy in Poland: new results from combined household survey and tax return data 0 0 0 27 0 1 4 228
Relative risk aversion and power-law distribution of macroeconomic disasters 0 0 0 34 0 0 1 89
Robust estimation of the Pareto index: A Monte Carlo Analysis 0 0 0 33 0 1 2 211
The Impact of Past Pandemics on Economic and Gender Inequalities 0 0 0 29 0 1 3 36
The impact of "Family 500+" programme on household incomes, poverty and inequality 1 1 9 67 2 7 26 192
The impact of past pandemics on CO$_2$ emissions and transition to renewable energy 0 0 0 8 0 1 2 21
Top incomes and subjective well-being 0 0 0 13 2 3 3 63
Top incomes and subjective well-being 0 0 0 29 0 1 2 58
Variance Estimation for Richness Measures 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 14
Variance estimation for richness measures 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 80
Wealth inequality in Central and Eastern Europe: evidence from joined household survey and rich lists’ data 0 0 1 115 0 0 10 441
What accounts for the rise of low self-rated health during the recent economic crisis in Europe? 0 0 0 20 0 1 2 42
When populists deliver on their promises: the electoral effects of a large cash transfer program in Poland 0 0 1 22 0 1 16 67
Why wealth inequality differs between post-socialist countries? 0 0 0 34 1 3 5 53
Why wealth inequality differs between post-socialist countries? 0 0 0 15 1 1 4 35
Total Working Papers 3 8 39 1,441 15 51 191 4,515

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Accounting for recent trends in absolute poverty in Poland: a decomposition analysis 0 0 0 8 0 0 3 44
Accounting for trends in health poverty: a decomposition analysis for Britain, 1991–2008 0 0 0 5 0 1 2 32
Asymptotic and bootstrap inference for top income shares 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 46
Determinants of inequality in transition countries 0 0 1 13 0 1 5 30
Diagnosing Unhappiness Dynamics: Evidence from Poland and Russia 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 32
Do wealth distributions follow power laws? Evidence from ‘rich lists’ 0 0 0 18 1 1 5 90
Does income redistribution impede innovation? 0 0 0 1 1 2 5 12
Empirical modeling of the impact factor distribution 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 32
Factors that account for the wealth inequality differences between post-socialist countries 0 1 4 8 1 3 9 30
Health effects of introducing an unconditional child benefit in Poland: Evidence from a difference in differences analysis 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Income Affluence in Poland 0 0 1 26 0 0 1 82
Income and consumption inequality in Poland, 1998–2008 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 225
Income inequality and the Great Recession in Central and Eastern Europe 0 0 0 17 1 1 4 74
Is endogenous growth theory degenerating? Another look at Lakatosian appraisal of growth theories 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 192
Parametric Modelling of Income Distribution in Central and Eastern Europe 0 0 3 46 0 1 8 131
Political connections and the super-rich in Poland 0 1 2 2 0 1 8 12
Power laws in citation distributions: evidence from Scopus 0 0 1 4 0 0 4 27
Relative Risk Aversion and Power‐Law Distribution of Macroeconomic Disasters 0 0 0 4 0 1 4 45
Sharing the gains of transition: Evaluating changes in income inequality and redistribution in Poland using combined survey and tax return data 2 2 4 13 2 4 15 40
Současné trendy v historiografii ekonomie 0 0 1 45 0 0 1 134
Statistical inference for richness measures 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 40
Testing the Perturbation Sensitivity of Abortion-Crime Regressions 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 28
The Chen–Shapiro test for normality 0 0 1 52 0 2 10 300
The evolution of inequality of opportunity in Europe 0 0 2 8 1 1 4 30
The impact of past pandemics on economic and gender inequalities 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 15
The short‐term macroeconomic impact of populism: A case study of Poland 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 9
Top income shares and crime 1 1 1 25 1 1 4 94
Top incomes and subjective well-being 1 1 3 15 1 1 5 50
Wealth inequality in Central and Eastern Europe: Evidence from household survey and rich lists’ data combined* 0 0 1 6 1 2 9 45
When populists deliver on their promises: the electoral effects of a large cash transfer programme in Poland 0 0 2 2 0 2 16 19
Total Journal Articles 4 6 27 458 10 28 136 1,941

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Marshall in Poland 0 0 0 2 1 1 3 19
Total Chapters 0 0 0 2 1 1 3 19

Statistics updated 2025-03-03