Access Statistics for Matthieu DARRACQ PARIES

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A non-standard monetary policy shock: the ECB's 3-year LTROs and the shift in credit supply 0 0 0 124 1 1 4 283
A quantitative perspective on optimal monetary policy cooperation between the US and the euro area 1 1 2 267 2 3 4 560
Bank and sovereign debt risk connection 0 0 0 113 0 0 2 131
Bank capital structure and the credit channel of central bank asset purchases 0 0 1 155 0 1 3 251
Climate change and monetary policy in the euro area 2 22 62 325 9 50 138 740
Corporate finance and economic activity in the euro area 0 0 0 11 0 0 3 102
ECB macroeconometric models for forecasting and policy analysis 1 4 37 37 1 11 69 69
ECB-(RE)BASE: Heterogeneity in expectation formation and macroeconomic dynamics 1 1 12 12 2 3 16 16
ECB-BASIR: a primer on the macroeconomic implications of the Covid-19 pandemic 1 1 1 22 1 2 2 99
Empowering Central Bank Asset Purchases: The Role of Financial Policies 0 0 3 43 1 1 7 108
Empowering central bank asset purchases: The role of financial policies 0 0 2 69 0 0 2 153
Epstein-Zin preferences and their use in macro-finance models: implications for optimal monetary policy 0 0 2 280 4 4 15 796
Financial conditions index and credit supply shocks for the euro area 0 1 2 131 0 4 10 318
Fiscal Multipliers with Sovereign Risk and Fragile Banks 0 1 3 40 1 2 6 62
Fiscal multipliers with financial fragmentation risk and interactions with monetary policy 0 1 1 36 2 3 7 72
Inflation expectations and their role in Eurosystem forecasting 1 2 16 113 3 6 44 314
International frictions and optimal monetary policy cooperation: analytical solutions 0 0 0 80 0 0 1 236
Loan supply, credit markets and the euro area financial crisis 0 0 3 188 0 2 14 472
MZE: a small macro-model for the euro area 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 4
Macroeconomic propagation under different regulatory regimes: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model for the euro area 0 1 1 245 0 1 5 477
Macroprudential policy in a monetary union with cross-border banking 0 0 4 118 1 4 16 299
Macroprudential policy measures: macroeconomic impact and interaction with monetary policy 0 1 6 169 2 9 24 347
Monetary policy and housing prices in an estimated DSGE for the US and the euro area 1 1 3 460 1 1 7 854
Monetary policy and inflationary shocks under imperfect credibility 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 287
Monetary policy strategies to navigate post-pandemic inflation: an assessment using the ECB’s New Area-Wide Model 0 0 22 22 3 6 48 48
NGFS climate scenarios for the euro area: role of fiscal and monetary policy conduct 1 1 8 19 2 3 19 34
On the Credit and Exchange Rate Channels of Central Bank Asset Purchases in a Monetary Union 0 1 2 35 1 2 4 90
On the credit and exchange rate channels of central bank asset purchases in a monetary union 0 1 3 56 0 2 5 130
Optimal monetary policy and the transmission of oil-supply shocks to the euro area under rational expectations 0 0 0 119 0 2 9 226
Optimal monetary policy in an estimated DSGE for the euro area 0 0 1 271 0 1 4 652
Parsing Financial Frictions Underlying Bank Lending Fragmentation during the Euro Area Crisis 0 0 1 9 1 1 4 80
Parsing financial fragmentation in the euro area: a multi-country DSGE perspective 0 1 6 167 0 2 10 229
Reversal interest rate and macroprudential policy 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 154
Reversal interest rate and macroprudential policy 0 0 1 34 1 2 3 39
Review of macroeconomic modelling in the Eurosystem: current practices and scope for improvement 2 5 10 83 4 7 24 177
Shadow Banking and Market Discipline on Traditional Banks 0 0 0 49 1 1 2 94
Synopsis of the Euro Area Financial Crisis 0 1 3 14 1 2 5 68
The optimal conduct of central bank asset purchases 0 1 2 72 1 3 5 111
The optimal conduct of central bank asset purchases 0 0 1 112 1 2 6 202
The retail bank interest rate pass-through: The case of the euro area during the financial and sovereign debt crisis 0 1 3 105 0 2 8 241
The role of country-specific trade and survey data in forecasting euro area manufacturing production: perspective from large panel factor models 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 243
Towards a monetary policy evaluation framework 0 0 2 157 0 1 4 448
Unconventional monetary policy and funding liquidity risk 1 1 1 90 2 2 7 191
When shadows grow longer: shadow banking with endogenous entry 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 115
Total Working Papers 12 50 227 4,699 50 150 569 10,622

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A model-based assessment of the macroeconomic impact of the ECB’s monetary policy tightening since December 2021 0 0 5 16 1 2 18 41
A non-standard monetary policy shock: The ECB's 3-year LTROs and the shift in credit supply 0 1 4 170 0 2 19 549
Balance Sheet Policies in a Large Currency Union: A Primer on ECB Non-Standard Measures since 2014 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 43
Des statistiques douanières aux échanges de biens de la balance des paiements et des comptes nationaux 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 18
Des statistiques douanières aux échanges de biens de la balance des paiements et des comptes nationaux 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9
Enhancing macroprudential space when interest rates are “low for long” 0 0 4 32 1 1 8 73
Exploring the Nexus between Macro-Prudential Policies and Monetary Policy Measures 0 0 2 17 1 1 4 59
Financial Conditions Index and Identification of Credit Supply Shocks for the Euro Area 0 0 0 39 0 0 3 90
Fiscal multipliers within the euro area in the context of sovereign risk and bank fragility 0 1 6 25 3 6 14 65
Forecasting euro area manufacturing production with country-specific trade and survey data 0 0 0 14 0 0 1 78
Loan supply, credit markets and the euro area financial crisis 1 2 17 93 3 7 37 259
MZE, un modèle macroéconométrique pour la zone euro; suivi d'un commentaire de Jérome Henry 0 0 0 41 0 0 1 231
Macroeconomic Propagation under Different Regulatory Regimes: Evidence from an Estimated DSGE Model for the Euro Area 0 3 7 268 1 9 29 630
Macroeconomic implications of heterogeneous long-term inflation expectations: illustrative simulations through the ECB-BASE 0 0 0 8 1 1 1 29
Macroprudential space and current policy trade-offs in the euro area 0 0 1 29 1 2 5 85
Model-based risk analysis during the pandemic: introducing ECB-BASIR 0 0 0 12 0 1 1 44
Modelling pandemic risks for policy analysis and forecasting 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 10
Monetary policy and inflationary shocks under imperfect credibility 0 0 0 38 1 1 3 88
On the credit and exchange rate channels of central bank asset purchases in a monetary union 0 2 3 18 2 5 10 57
Origines et conséquence des incertitudes pesant sur le solde commercial de la zone euro 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 10
Origines et conséquence des incertitudes pesant sur le solde commercial de la zone euro 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 18
Quantifying the Policy Mix in a Monetary Union with National Macroprudential Policies 0 0 0 18 0 0 1 67
Reversal interest rate and macroprudential policy 0 0 6 7 1 1 13 18
The Impact of Capital Requirements on the Macroeconomy: Lessons from Four Macroeconomic Models of the Euro Area 0 0 2 5 1 1 8 17
The growth of non-bank finance and new monetary policy tools 0 1 1 22 0 1 3 56
Total Journal Articles 1 10 58 893 20 45 184 2,644

Book File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Financial frictions and monetary policy conduct 0 0 1 36 0 1 5 120
Total Books 0 0 1 36 0 1 5 120

Statistics updated 2025-03-03