Access Statistics for Rochelle Edge

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A New Dataset of Macroprudential Policy Governance Structures 0 0 0 66 0 1 1 58
A comparison of forecast performance between Federal Reserve staff forecasts, simple reduced-form models, and a DSGE model 0 1 3 250 0 3 8 657
A utility-based welfare criterion in a model with endogenous capital accumulation 0 0 2 166 0 1 5 375
Credit-to-GDP Trends and Gaps by Lender-and Credit-type 0 0 1 21 1 3 14 114
Documentation of the Research and Statistics Division’s estimated DSGE model of the U.S. economy: 2006 version 0 0 1 190 0 1 3 456
Financial Stability Committees and Basel III Macroprudential Capital Buffers 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 67
General-equilibrium effects of investment tax incentives 0 0 2 42 0 0 3 157
How useful are estimated DSGE model forecasts? 0 1 1 260 1 2 8 634
Learning and shifts in long-run productivity growth 0 0 1 20 0 0 1 84
Learning and shifts in long-run productivity growth 0 1 1 236 0 1 2 734
Measuring the Severity of Stress-Test Scenarios 1 1 1 70 1 1 1 170
Natural rate measures in an estimated DSGE model of the U.S. economy 0 1 2 374 2 4 8 833
New Financial Stability Governance Structures and Central Banks 1 1 3 90 2 6 11 251
Online Appendix to "The Equivalence of Wage and Price Staggering in Monetary Business Cycle Models" 0 0 0 234 1 1 2 684
Real-time properties of the Federal Reserve's output gap 0 0 1 16 0 0 1 55
Taxation and the Taylor principle 0 0 1 111 0 0 3 555
Temporary partial expensing in a general-equilibrium model 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 258
The Effects of Bank Capital Buffers on Bank Lending and Firm Activity: What Can We Learn from Five Years of Stress-Test Results? 0 0 0 0 1 4 14 77
The Optimal Monetary Policy Response to Shifts in Trend MFP Growth: A DGE Analysis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 164
The effect of monetary policy on residential and structures investment under differential project planning and completion times 0 1 1 210 0 1 2 783
The effects of bank capital on lending: what do we know, and what does it mean? 0 0 1 134 1 1 2 297
The equivalence of wage and price staggering in monetary business cycle models 0 0 0 140 0 1 6 482
The responses of wages and prices to technology shocks 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 66
The responses of wages and prices to technology shocks 0 0 0 164 0 0 3 446
The unreliability of credit-to-GDP ratio gaps in real-time: Implications for countercyclical capital buffers 0 0 0 62 1 1 2 187
Time-to-build, time-to-plan, habit-persistence, and the liquidity effect 0 1 1 362 0 1 1 887
Welfare-maximizing monetary policy under parameter uncertainty 0 0 0 69 0 0 1 194
Welfare-maximizing monetary policy under parameter uncertainty 0 0 0 60 0 0 1 212
Total Working Papers 2 8 23 3,447 11 33 105 9,937

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
An estimated DSGE model of the US economy with an application to natural rate measures 0 1 1 66 0 1 1 149
The Equivalence of Wage and Price Staggering in Monetary Business Cycle Models 0 0 0 223 1 1 2 776
Welfare-maximizing monetary policy under parameter uncertainty 0 0 0 32 0 0 2 470
Total Journal Articles 0 1 1 321 1 2 5 1,395

Statistics updated 2025-03-03