Access Statistics for Frederico Finan

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Brokering Votes With Information Spread Via Social Networks 0 0 1 44 0 1 5 133
Can Conditional Cash Transfers Serve as Safety Nets to Keep Children at School and Out of the Labor Market? 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 93
Can Conditional Cash Transfers Serve as Safety Nets to Keep Children at School and Out of the Labor Market? 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 24
Combating Political Corruption with Policy Bundles 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 18
Corrupting Learning: Evidence from Missing Federal Education Funds in Brazil 0 0 1 163 1 2 11 600
Corrupting Learning: Evidence from Missing Federal Education Funds in Brazil 0 0 1 156 0 1 9 574
Corrupting Learning: Evidence from Missing Federal Education Funds in Brazil 1 1 3 86 1 3 15 305
Corrupção, Má Gestão, e Desempenho Educacional: Evidências a Partir da Fiscalização dos Municípios 3 4 9 254 3 5 20 570
Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption: Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt Politicians 0 1 1 27 0 3 6 194
Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption? Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt Politicians 0 1 4 173 1 4 15 270
Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption? Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt Politicians 0 0 2 84 0 2 8 169
Electoral Accountability and Corruption in Local Governments: Evidence from Audit Reports 0 0 0 188 1 1 3 682
Electoral Accountability and Corruption: Evidence from the Audits of Local Governments 0 0 3 292 2 2 19 908
Electoral Incentives and the Allocation of Public Funds 0 0 0 18 2 2 3 59
Errors in the measurement of the output gap and the design of monetary policy 0 0 0 352 1 3 3 1,029
Exposing Corrupt Politicians: The Effects of Brazil’s Publicly Released Audits on Electoral Outcomes 1 2 2 392 1 3 4 1,477
Government Decentralization Under Changing State Capacity: Experimental Evidence From Paraguay 0 1 1 30 0 1 4 90
Local Electoral Incentives and Decentralized Program Performance 0 0 1 51 0 0 4 230
Local Electoral Incentives and Decentralized Program Performance 2 2 2 35 3 3 5 126
Measuring the Poverty Reduction Potential of Land in Rural Mexico 0 2 2 15 0 3 3 72
Measuring the Poverty Reduction Potential of Land in Rural Mexico 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 20
Mis-allocation of Political Capital 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 105
Money and Politics: The Effects of Campaign Spending Limits on Political Competition and Incumbency Advantage 0 1 3 44 0 3 16 143
Money and Politics: The Effects of Campaign Spending Limits on Political Competition and Incumbency Advantage 1 1 3 52 3 6 18 169
Motivating Politicians: The Impacts of Monetary Incentives on Quality and Performance 1 2 3 160 1 2 4 456
Motivating Politicians: The Impacts of Monetary Incentives on Quality and Performance 0 0 1 179 0 2 12 765
Motivating Politicians: The Impacts of Monetary Incentives on Quality and Performance 0 0 0 53 0 2 10 282
Optimal control of large, forward-looking models efficient solutions and two examples 0 0 0 117 0 0 2 286
Political Power, Elite Control, and Long-Run Development: Evidence from Brazil 0 1 5 84 1 2 15 213
Procuring Firm Growth: The Effects of Government Purchases on Firm Dynamics 0 0 2 56 2 5 16 200
Procuring Firm Growth: The Effects of Government Purchases on Firm Dynamics 0 0 5 61 1 6 32 312
Progress and Perspectives in the Study of Political Selection 0 0 2 25 2 3 7 60
Reelection Incentives and Political Corruption: Evidence from Brazilian Audit Reports 0 0 1 120 0 2 6 655
Reinforcing RCTs with Multiple Priors while Learning about External Validity 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9
Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service 1 7 21 279 1 10 39 576
Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service 0 0 0 52 0 1 3 191
The Personnel Economics of the State 0 1 10 177 4 7 46 661
Vote-Buying and Reciprocity 0 0 2 48 0 1 7 156
Vote-Buying and Reciprocity 0 0 0 30 0 0 1 173
Vote-Buying and Reciprocity 0 1 2 92 2 3 5 188
When Democracy Refuses to Die: Evaluating a Training Program for New Politicians 0 6 6 6 4 10 10 10
Who Becomes a Politican? 0 0 1 95 2 8 17 487
Who Becomes a Politician? 1 1 20 217 1 3 34 341
Total Working Papers 11 35 120 4,391 42 120 443 14,216
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Can conditional cash transfer programs serve as safety nets in keeping children at school and from working when exposed to shocks? 0 1 12 454 1 9 45 1,110
Corrupting learning 0 0 2 48 1 5 9 219
Electoral Accountability and Corruption: Evidence from the Audits of Local Governments 1 1 7 295 2 4 13 948
Errors in the measurement of the output gap and the design of monetary policy 0 1 6 245 2 4 26 727
Exposing Corrupt Politicians: The Effects of Brazil's Publicly Released Audits on Electoral Outcomes 0 1 9 390 12 16 40 1,487
Local Electoral Incentives and Decentralized Program Performance 0 1 12 133 3 9 32 472
Measuring the poverty reduction potential of land in rural Mexico 0 1 2 93 0 3 4 270
Neighborhood Peer Effects in Secondary School Enrollment Decisions 0 1 6 210 0 4 13 563
Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service 2 5 38 374 8 23 513 2,024
Vote‐Buying and Reciprocity 0 1 2 119 1 3 8 513
Who Becomes A Politician? 3 4 27 225 9 12 81 1,168
Total Journal Articles 6 17 123 2,586 39 92 784 9,501

Statistics updated 2025-03-03