Access Statistics for d'Artis Kancs

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Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Access to Credit, Factor Allocation and Farm Productivity: Evidence From the CEE Transition Economies 0 1 2 140 1 3 9 529
Access to Credit, Factor Allocation and Farm Productivity: Evidence From the CEE Transition Economies 0 1 3 136 2 4 10 540
Analysing Sectoral Competitiveness: A Framework of Strategic Management 0 0 5 194 1 2 14 534
Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of Renewable Energy Policies 3 4 7 178 4 6 13 462
Assessing Impacts of Alternative Renewable Energy Strategies 3 4 7 65 5 7 14 231
Assessing policy options for the EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 0 1 4 37 0 2 12 139
Assessing the Social and Macroeconomic Impacts of Labour Market Integration: A Holistic Approach 0 1 3 46 0 2 9 104
Assessing the Social and Macroeconomic Impacts of the High-Skill Labour Market Integration: The European Qualifications Framework 0 0 3 65 1 3 16 159
Beyond the austerity dispute: new priorities for fiscal policy 0 0 7 261 4 8 27 753
Bioenergy and Global Land Use Change 1 1 2 2 10 19 29 30
Bioenergy and Global Land Use Change 0 0 3 68 4 6 12 215
Bioenergy and Land Use Change 0 0 1 53 3 6 11 146
Can we use NEG models to predict migration flows? An example of CEE accession countries 3 4 7 118 4 7 14 459
Capitalization of the Single Payment Scheme into Land Value: Generalized Propensity Score Evidence from the EU 0 0 2 32 1 1 9 158
Causes of the Social and Economic Marginalisation: The Role of Social Mobility Barriers for Roma 0 0 5 118 4 6 15 1,810
Comparative Advantages, Transaction Costs and Factor Content in Agricultural Trade: Empirical Evidence from the CEE 0 0 2 114 1 2 8 690
Comparative Advantages, Transaction Costs and Factor Content of Agricultural Trade: Empirical Evidence from CEE 0 0 1 1 1 6 16 16
Comparative Advantages, Transaction Costs and Factor Content of Agricultural Trade: Empirical Evidence from the CEE 0 0 3 134 4 6 15 558
Comparing the Immigrant-Native Pay Gap: A Novel Evidence from Home and Host Countries 1 1 2 20 4 7 16 67
Comparing the immigrant-native pay gap: A novel evidence from home and host countries 0 0 6 23 0 1 18 58
Comparing the immigrant-native pay gap: A novel evidence from home and host countries 1 2 9 29 14 23 44 93
Conceptual framework for analysing structural change in agriculture and rural livelihoods 0 1 2 117 1 4 9 578
Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms and Loan Defaults 0 0 1 1 0 5 16 16
Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms and Loan Defaults 0 0 3 83 1 1 7 242
Data Needs for Regional Modelling: A Description of the Data used in Support of RHOMOLO 0 0 3 64 0 1 11 233
Distributional Effects of CAP Subsidies: Micro Evidence from the EU 0 0 3 97 4 6 13 239
Distributional Effects of CAP Subsidies: Micro Evidence from the EU 0 0 1 82 3 3 12 267
Distributional Effects of CAP Subsidies: Micro Evidence from the EU 0 0 1 41 2 2 7 133
EU Economic Modelling System 0 1 6 99 0 2 15 154
EU Economic Modelling System 4 6 11 72 4 6 15 143
EU Land Markets and the Common Agricultural Policy 0 0 4 25 3 5 14 135
Education in the East, Emigrating to the West? 2 3 6 149 5 7 15 530
Efficiency of European Funds in the Accession Countries: The Case of Transport Infrastructure Investments in Latvia 1 2 5 72 3 6 13 334
Empirical Evidence of the Distributional Effects of the CAP in New EU Member States 0 0 1 23 3 4 9 53
Empirical Evidence of the Distributional Effects of the CAP in New EU Member States 0 0 2 45 1 1 11 74
Employment Effect of Innovation 3 9 12 13 10 21 33 35
Employment Effect of Innovation 0 0 2 75 1 3 9 86
Employment Effect of Innovation 0 1 2 37 1 4 9 74
Employment Effect of Innovation 0 0 1 177 2 4 9 199
Enhancing Resilience: Model-based Simulations 3 6 7 65 6 9 11 28
Enhancing Resilience: Model-based Simulations 3 6 8 34 6 10 14 53
Environmental and Social Preferences and Investments in Crypto-Assets 0 0 2 48 2 3 17 35
Environmental-Social-Governance Preferences and Investments in Crypto-Assets 0 0 2 16 4 5 15 49
Environmental-Social-Governance Preferences and Investments in Crypto-Assets (Pavel Ciaian, Andrej Cupak, Pirmin Fessler, d’Artis Kancs) 0 0 1 18 3 6 19 76
Environmental-Social-Governance Preferences and the Holding of Crypto-Assets 0 0 2 60 0 1 16 101
European Integration and Labour Migration 2 3 6 104 4 6 12 193
European Union Land Markets and the Common Agricultural Policy 0 0 1 48 4 7 15 174
Evaluation of Renewable Energy Policies 2 3 6 152 3 5 12 483
Evaluation of renewable energy policies in an integrated economic-energy-environment model 2 3 6 166 4 6 13 539
Factor Content of Agricultural Trade 0 0 1 71 0 1 7 328
Factor Content of Agricultural Trade 0 1 4 120 4 7 14 426
Factor Content of Agricultural Trade: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity and Transaction Costs 0 0 1 16 0 0 8 91
Factor Content of Bilateral Trade: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity and Transaction Costs 0 1 3 3 3 9 19 19
Firm-Level Evidence of Deadweight Loss of Investment Support Policies: A Case Study of Dairy Farms in Schleswig-Holstein 0 0 1 19 1 1 6 113
From a rise in B to a fall in C? Environmental impact of biofuels 0 0 3 104 5 7 13 301
From a rise in B to a fall in C? SVAR analysis of environmental impact of biofuels 0 0 2 6 0 0 9 59
From a rise in B to a fall in C? SVAR analysis of environmental impact of biofuels 0 0 2 43 0 1 10 84
From rise in B to fall in C? Global environmental impacts of biofuels 0 0 1 15 3 4 9 84
Income Distributional Effects of Decoupled Payments: Single Payment Scheme in the European Union 0 0 3 35 0 1 13 159
Income Distributional Effects of Decoupled Payments: Single Payment Scheme in the European Union 0 0 1 11 1 1 7 68
Institutional Factors Affecting Agricultural Land Markets 0 0 2 26 4 6 14 99
Institutional Factors Affecting Agricultural Land Markets 1 1 6 219 1 5 26 2,220
Integrated Appraisal of Renewable Energy Strategies: A CGE Analysis 3 4 7 114 5 8 15 410
Interdependencies between Mining Costs, Mining Rewards and Blockchain Security 0 0 3 26 0 2 12 49
Interdependencies between Mining Costs, Mining Rewards and Blockchain Security 0 0 1 23 3 4 10 91
Interdependencies in the Energy-Bioenergy-Food Price Systems: A Cointegration Analysis 0 0 1 60 2 3 8 207
Interdependencies in the Energy-Bioenergy-Food Price Systems: A Cointegration Analysis 0 0 3 176 4 6 13 598
Investment crowding-out: firm-level evidence from Germany 0 0 1 10 0 0 10 63
Job creation and job destruction in the EU agriculture 0 0 2 65 2 3 9 378
Key Issues and Developments in Farmland Rental Markets in EU Member States and Candidate Countries 0 0 2 62 0 1 12 175
Key Issues and Developments in Farmland Rental Markets in EU Member States and Candidate Countries 0 0 2 12 2 4 14 67
Key Issues and Developments in Farmland Sales Markets in the EU Member States and Candidate Countries 1 1 3 22 2 2 8 79
Key Issues and Developments in Farmland Sales Markets in the EU Member States and Candidate Countries 1 1 3 40 2 3 12 145
Labour Migration in the Enlarged EU: A New Economic Geography Approach 2 3 6 106 3 5 11 219
Land Markets in Europe: Institutions and Market Outcomes 0 0 2 71 0 1 12 178
Land Use Change Impacts of Biofuels: Near-VAR Evidence from the US 0 0 3 87 3 6 12 262
Legal migration policy and law 2 4 10 22 2 4 16 44
Long-run Economic, Budgetary and Fiscal Effects of Roma Integration Policies 0 0 1 36 1 3 12 102
Long-run Economic, Budgetary and Fiscal Effects of Roma Integration Policies 0 0 4 31 0 1 14 73
Long-term Social, Economic and Fiscal Effects of Immigration into the EU: The Role of the Integration Policy 0 0 1 73 2 4 9 226
Long-term social, economic and fiscal effects of immigration into the EU: The role of the integration policy 0 1 4 335 5 7 15 672
Macro-Economic Models for R&D and Innovation Policies 0 1 2 131 1 3 9 383
Macro-Economic Models for R&D and Innovation Policies - A Comparison of QUEST, RHOMOLO, GEM-E3 and NEMESIS 0 0 3 145 1 4 20 457
Macroeconomic Modelling of R&D and Innovation Policies 1 1 3 73 1 2 11 176
Marginalisation of Roma: Root Causes and Possible Policy Actions 0 0 2 8 1 2 12 40
Market Impacts of New Land Market Regulations in Eastern EU Member States 0 0 3 55 2 5 11 130
Methodology for the Assessment of Spatial Economic Impacts of Transport Projects and Policies 2 3 6 175 3 7 14 544
Migration in the Enlarged European Union: Empirical Evidence for Labour Mobility in the Baltic States 3 4 7 127 4 8 16 468
Migration to the EU: Social and Macroeconomic Effects on Sending Countries 0 0 3 85 0 1 8 206
Modelling Agricultural Policies in the CEE Accession Countries 2 3 6 116 5 9 16 399
Modelling Inter-Regional Trade Flows: Data and Methodological Issues 2 3 7 99 4 6 12 247
Modelling Inter-Regional Trade Flows: Data and Methodological Issues in Rhomolo 3 4 8 66 4 6 13 194
Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of New Economic Geography Model Rhomolo 0 0 1 150 1 3 7 386
Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO 0 0 2 4 0 1 11 27
Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO 0 0 2 136 1 3 12 339
Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO 0 0 2 3 0 1 10 26
Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO 0 0 2 99 1 2 13 182
Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: An Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO 0 0 1 17 0 2 16 107
Modelling Renewable Energy Policies 1 6 10 11 9 18 28 31
Modelling inter-regional trade flows: data and methodological issues in Rhomolo 0 0 1 124 1 4 8 287
Modelling of Agglomeration and Dispersion in RHOMOLO 0 0 2 64 3 5 14 229
Modelling regional labour market dynamics. Participation, employment and migration decisions in a spatial CGE model for the EU 0 0 3 66 0 1 13 124
Modelling the Flow of Knowledge and Human Capital: A Framework of Innovative Capital 1 1 5 87 5 7 13 204
Possible effects on EU land markets of the 2013 CAP reform 0 0 1 20 0 0 5 64
Predicting European Enlargement Impacts: A Framework of Inter-regional General Equilibrium 2 4 7 120 3 6 14 364
Productivity and Credit Constraints Firm-Level Evidence from Propensity Score Matching 1 1 2 56 4 5 10 122
Productivity and Credit Constraints: Firm-Level Evidence from Propensity Score Matching 1 1 3 108 1 2 11 349
R&D and Non-Linear Productivity Growth of Heterogeneous Firms 0 0 3 52 0 1 13 148
R&D and Non-Linear Productivity Growth of Heterogeneous Firms 0 1 2 83 1 3 9 212
R&D and Non-linear Productivity Growth of Heterogeneous Firms 0 0 1 52 1 3 8 195
RHOMOLO Model Manual: A Dynamic Spatial General Equilibrium Model for EU Regions and Sectors 0 0 9 223 1 4 22 499
RHOMOLO-v2 Model Description: A spatial computable general equilibrium model for EU regions and sectors 0 1 7 112 3 6 24 373
RHOMOLO: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling Approach to the Evaluation of the EU's Regional Policies 4 7 8 454 5 12 20 893
RHOMOLO: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling Approach to the Evaluation of the EU's Regional Policies 10 13 16 161 12 20 26 340
RHOMOLO: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling Approach to the Evaluation of the EUs R&D Policies 4 7 8 47 5 11 20 139
RHOMOLO: A Dynamic Spatial General Equilibrium Model for Assessing the Impact of Cohesion Policy 6 8 9 91 7 14 20 105
Regional Trade Flows and Input Output Data for Europe 0 1 9 131 0 2 27 187
Regional development policies modelling: a framework of general equilibrium 0 1 3 517 1 5 12 1,430
Rental Market Regulations for Agricultural Land in EU Member States and Candidate Countries 0 0 3 86 0 3 13 285
Rental Market Regulations for Agricultural Land in EU Member States and Candidate Countries 0 0 1 20 4 6 13 86
Rhomolo: A Dynamic Spatial General Equilibrium Model for Assessing the Impact of Cohesion Policy 5 8 10 192 7 13 24 462
Sales Market Regulations for Agricultural Land in EU Member States and Candidate Countries 0 0 2 70 0 1 14 265
Sales Market Regulations for Agricultural Land in EU Member States and Candidate Countries 0 0 1 14 2 3 10 75
Social Mobility Barriers for Roma: Discrimination and Informal Institutions 0 0 2 20 1 3 13 65
Standards Driven Rural Development: A General Equilibrium Model with Market Imperfections 0 0 1 12 2 3 10 130
Structural Estimation of Variety Gains from Trade Integration in Asia 0 0 3 94 0 1 12 353
Study on the Functioning of Land Markets in the EU Member States under the Influence of Measures applied under the Common Agricultural Policy 0 0 3 81 5 8 14 275
The Capitalisation of Area Payments into Farmland Rents: Micro Evidence from the New EU Member States 0 0 4 171 3 6 14 633
The Capitalization of Agricultural Subsidies into Land Prices 0 0 4 56 0 1 20 149
The Digital Agenda of Virtual Currencies. Can BitCoin Become a Global Currency? 0 1 3 397 1 3 9 1,234
The Economic Dependency of the Bitcoin Security 0 1 4 37 0 2 14 66
The Economics of BitCoin Price Formation 1 1 4 230 5 7 21 830
The Economics of BitCoin Price Formation 0 1 5 467 5 8 18 1,142
The Factor Content of Heterogeneous Firm Trade 0 0 2 80 0 1 11 342
The Impact of Food Price Shock on Heterogenous Credit Constrained Firms 0 0 3 120 2 2 10 395
The Impact of Food Price Shock on Heterogenous Credit Constrained Firms 0 0 2 11 2 4 10 72
The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on Land Capitalization 0 0 3 95 5 7 14 279
The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on the Decoupled Payments' Capitalization into Land Values 0 0 3 29 2 3 9 87
The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on the Decoupled Payments' Capitalization into Land Values 0 0 2 28 0 1 10 102
The Impact of the EU Blue Card Policy on Economic Growth in the African Sending Countries 0 0 3 102 4 6 12 352
The Price of BitCoin: GARCH Evidence from High Frequency Data 0 1 4 52 2 5 13 99
The Price of BitCoin: GARCH Evidence from High Frequency Data 0 0 3 123 0 1 13 340
The Price of BitCoin: GARCH Evidence from High Frequency Data 0 0 2 25 1 3 14 62
The Rise and Fall of Enforcement Institutions: An Example of Religion and Secularism 1 1 4 74 5 7 18 325
The Role of Additionality in the EU Cohesion Policies 2 3 7 30 4 8 20 115
The Role of Additionality in the EU Cohesion Policies: An Example of Firm-Level Investment Support 3 3 7 58 6 7 17 208
The capitalisation of agricultural subsidies into farmland prices 0 0 3 25 1 2 18 67
The economic dependency of the Bitcoin security 0 0 2 34 2 4 11 70
The economic geography of labour migration: Competition, competitiveness and development 3 4 7 187 4 7 15 557
Trade growth in a heterogeneous firm model: Evidence from South Eastern Europe 1 2 5 304 2 4 15 1,028
Uncertainty of Supply Chains: Risk and Ambiguity 5 9 14 14 9 20 35 35
Uncertainty of Supply Chains: Risk and Ambiguity 4 6 20 20 7 12 36 36
Variety Gains from Trade Integration in Europe 0 4 8 8 0 8 18 20
Variety gains of trade integration in a heterogeneous firm model 0 1 4 65 0 1 9 177
Virtual Relationships: Short- and Long-run Evidence from BitCoin and Altcoin Markets 1 2 3 41 3 5 13 97
Virtual Relationships: Short- and Long-run Evidence from BitCoin and Altcoin Markets 0 0 3 82 0 1 12 201
Virtual Relationships: Short- and Long-run Evidence from BitCoin and Altcoin Markets 0 0 0 131 3 6 14 356
Welfare Gains from the Variety Growth 1 2 3 61 2 5 13 178
Welfare Gains from the Variety Growth 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 8
Total Working Papers 115 205 622 13,783 405 780 2,229 43,778
14 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Access to credit, factor allocation and farm productivity 0 0 4 23 1 4 21 87
Assessing policy options for the EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 0 1 3 46 1 5 19 175
Bioenergy and global land-use change 0 0 1 30 3 5 10 111
Blue Cards, Blue Prospects? 0 0 2 40 5 9 23 156
Can we use NEG models to predict migration flows? An example of CEE accession countries 1 2 5 109 4 8 23 398
Comparative Advantages, Transaction Costs and Factor Content in Agricultural Trade: Empirical Evidence from the CEE - Vantaggi comparati, costi di transazione e contenuto dei fattori nel commercio agricolo: evidenze empiriche dai paesi dell’Europa centro-orientale 0 0 3 9 4 7 27 376
Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms and Loan Defaults 0 0 2 55 0 1 17 244
Does Economic Integration Affect the Structure of Industries? Empirical Evidence from the CEE 1 1 2 193 1 2 7 756
EU Land Markets and the Common Agricultural Policy 0 0 3 27 6 9 28 164
Education in the East, Emigrating to the West? 1 2 4 72 5 8 23 357
Efficiency of European Funds in the Accession Countries: The Case of Transport Infrastructure Investments in Latvia 2 2 3 31 2 5 10 97
Employment effect of innovation 1 3 5 13 2 5 12 57
European Integration and Labour Migration 0 0 5 79 0 2 18 250
Evaluation of renewable energy policies in an integrated economic-energy-environment model 1 2 5 240 4 7 24 839
Factor content of bilateral trade: the role of firm heterogeneity and transaction costs 0 0 2 43 4 7 22 162
Food Standards and Welfare: General Equilibrium Effects 0 0 3 37 5 8 24 187
Food, energy and environment: Is bioenergy the missing link? 0 0 3 45 5 8 26 205
From a rise in B to a fall in C? SVAR analysis of environmental impact of biofuels 0 0 2 13 5 8 23 103
Functioning of Land Markets in the EU Member States 0 0 2 27 3 6 21 204
Integrated appraisal of renewable energy strategies: a CGE analysis 0 2 6 29 3 8 22 62
Interdependencies between Mining Costs, Mining Rewards and Blockchain Security 0 1 6 15 4 9 30 58
Interdependencies in the energy-bioenergy-food price systems: A cointegration analysis 0 0 5 116 4 7 33 404
Investment Crowding Out: Firm-Level Evidence from Northern Germany 0 1 3 18 0 1 8 58
Job creation and job destruction in EU agriculture 0 0 2 26 4 8 22 150
Land use change impacts of biofuels: Near-VAR evidence from the US 0 0 2 32 3 6 22 150
Long‐term social, economic and fiscal effects of immigration into the EU: The role of the integration policy 1 2 4 27 4 9 26 122
Marginalisation of Roma: Root Causes and Possible Policy Actions 0 1 4 15 4 7 21 46
Modeling agglomeration and dispersion in space: The role of labor migration, capital mobility and vertical linkages 0 1 3 16 4 8 25 87
Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: an Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO 0 1 4 34 4 7 21 132
Modelling regional labour market dynamics: Participation, employment and migration decisions in a spatial CGE model for the EU 0 0 4 55 4 7 23 170
Modelling the factor content of agricultural trade 0 2 4 5 15 25 35 36
Modelling the flow of knowledge and human capital: a framework of innovative capital 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 17
Predicting European Enlargement Impacts: A Framework of Interregional General Equilibrium 1 3 7 237 5 10 25 742
Productivity and credit constraints: A firm-level propensity score evidence for agricultural farms in central and east European countries 0 0 2 31 3 5 20 145
R&D and non-linear productivity growth 2 3 10 108 7 12 36 499
RHOMOLO: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling Approach to the Evaluation of the European Union's R&D Policies 3 5 7 32 5 11 21 120
RHOMOLO: A dynamic spatial general equilibrium model for assessing the impact of cohesion policy 6 8 11 32 7 13 31 121
Social Mobility Barriers for Roma: Discrimination and Informal Institutions 0 1 3 13 5 8 25 56
Static and Dynamic Distributional Effects of Decoupled Payments 1 1 3 42 8 15 30 165
Structural Estimation of Variety Gains from Trade Integration in Asia 0 2 6 49 1 3 21 135
The Capitalization of Agricultural Subsidies into Land Prices 0 0 2 21 4 7 28 79
The Capitalization of Area Payments into Farmland Rents: Micro Evidence from the New EU Member States 0 0 3 22 0 1 20 128
The Factor Content of Heterogeneous Firm Trade 0 0 2 33 1 2 16 140
The Impact of Market Imperfections on Heterogeneous Firm Output, Productivity, and Profit 0 0 3 23 5 8 24 85
The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on the Decoupled Payments’ Capitalisation into Land Values 1 1 3 23 5 8 24 89
The Impact of the 2013 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy on Land Capitalization in the European Union 1 1 3 28 4 9 25 110
The Rise and Fall of Enforcement Institutions: An Example of Religion and Secularism 0 0 2 32 4 7 22 169
The Role of Additionality in the EU Cohesion Policies: An Example of Firm-Level Investment Support 3 3 5 25 7 8 16 109
The digital agenda of virtual currencies: Can BitCoin become a global currency? 0 0 3 45 2 5 14 236
The economics of BitCoin price formation 0 2 25 229 3 13 76 845
Trade Growth in a Heterogeneous Firm Model: Evidence from South Eastern Europe 1 3 6 281 5 11 29 897
Uncertainty of supply chains: Risk and ambiguity 5 12 14 14 9 19 30 30
Universal basic income: A viable policy alternative? 0 0 2 34 5 8 25 90
Virtual relationships: Short- and long-run evidence from BitCoin and altcoin markets 0 2 13 98 4 13 48 345
Total Journal Articles 32 71 244 3,025 212 415 1,308 12,113
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Statistics updated 2025-03-03