Access Statistics for Maik Schmeling

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Comprehensive Look at Financial Volatility Prediction by Economic Variables 0 0 1 98 0 2 8 275
A Comprehensive Look at Financial Volatility Prediction by Economic Variables 0 0 1 131 0 0 2 323
A Prospect-Theoretical Interpretation of Momentum Returns 0 0 0 376 1 3 3 808
Are all professional investors sophisticated? 0 0 1 143 0 0 5 576
Automating Exchange Rate Target Zones: Intervention via an Electronic Limit Order Book 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 324
Carry Trades and Global FX Volatility 1 1 1 424 1 2 6 1,002
Carry Trades and Global Foreign Exchange Volatility 0 0 1 253 1 1 4 565
Crypto carry 2 4 13 34 3 10 36 88
Currency Momentum Strategies 0 1 4 148 1 3 12 522
Currency Momentum Strategies 0 0 5 101 1 3 17 430
Currency Momentum Strategies 0 0 2 279 2 6 28 1,509
Currency Value 0 0 2 111 0 0 3 175
Deciphering Monetary Policy Shocks 0 1 1 7 0 3 5 24
Dividend predictability around the world 0 0 0 81 0 0 1 314
Does Central Bank Tone Move Asset Prices? 0 1 16 143 1 7 41 468
Exchange Rate Management in Emerging Markets: Intervention via an Electronic Limit Order Book 0 1 1 87 0 3 4 300
Exchange Rates and Sovereign Risk 0 0 0 15 1 2 7 47
Expected inflation, expected stock returns, and money illusion: What can we learn from survey expectations? 0 0 0 192 1 1 3 496
Foreign Exchange Intervention: A New Database 0 1 1 39 0 1 4 135
Foreign exchange intervention: A new database 0 0 3 57 2 2 6 80
Foreign exchange intervention: A new database 0 0 2 5 1 2 6 16
Global Asset Allocation Shifts 0 0 0 40 0 2 5 152
Global Asset Pricing: Is There a Role for Long-run Consumption Risk? 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 166
Higher-order beliefs among professional stock market forecasters: some first empirical tests 0 0 0 105 0 0 0 342
Information flows in foreign exchange markets: dissecting customer currency trades 0 0 1 135 1 3 5 484
Institutional and Individual Sentiment: Smart Money and Noise Trader Risk 0 0 2 663 3 6 13 2,046
Investor sentiment and stock returns: Some international evidence 1 2 3 792 3 7 17 2,098
Limit-Order Submission Strategies under Asymmetric Information 0 0 0 125 1 1 1 308
Local Information in Foreign Exchange Markets 0 0 0 179 0 0 0 533
Macro Expectations, Aggregate Uncertainty, and Expected Term Premia 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 164
Macro expectations, aggregate uncertainty, and expected term premia 0 0 0 44 0 0 1 219
Monetary policy expectation errors 0 0 2 30 0 1 11 51
Non-performing loans - new risks and policies? NPL resolution after COVID-19: Main differences to previous crises 0 0 2 34 0 1 6 80
Quantifying survey expectations: What's wrong with the probability approach? 0 0 1 65 1 2 3 278
Short-term Momentum 0 0 1 43 1 2 9 104
The FOMC Risk Shift 0 0 0 58 1 3 3 112
The FOMC risk shift 0 0 1 27 0 1 2 33
Trader see, trader do: How do (small) FX traders react to large counterparties' trades? 0 0 0 117 0 0 0 1,114
What is Libra? Understanding Facebook's currency 0 0 1 76 1 1 3 104
What moves markets? 0 1 4 39 1 5 14 48
Which Fundamentals Drive Exchange Rates? A Cross-Sectional Perspective 0 0 0 89 2 3 3 271
Whose trades convey information? Evidence from a cross-section of traders 0 0 1 246 0 1 3 694
Total Working Papers 4 13 74 5,819 31 90 300 17,878

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A comprehensive look at financial volatility prediction by economic variables 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 228
A prospect-theoretical interpretation of momentum returns 0 0 0 44 0 1 1 147
Capital market integration and consumption risk sharing over the long run 0 0 4 46 0 1 7 147
Carry Trades and Global Foreign Exchange Volatility 1 1 4 209 4 7 21 631
Currency Value 0 0 3 77 0 3 15 253
Currency momentum strategies 1 2 20 406 3 10 70 1,328
Dividend Predictability Around the World 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 67
Exchange Rates and Sovereign Risk 0 1 3 5 0 3 12 19
Exchange rate management in emerging markets: Intervention via an electronic limit order book 0 0 0 80 0 3 4 404
Expected inflation, expected stock returns, and money illusion: What can we learn from survey expectations? 0 0 1 88 0 0 3 296
Information Flows in Foreign Exchange Markets: Dissecting Customer Currency Trades 0 0 0 16 0 1 2 136
Institutional and individual sentiment: Smart money and noise trader risk? 1 1 4 207 1 2 12 627
Investor sentiment and stock returns: Some international evidence 1 4 13 560 5 13 57 1,791
Limit-order submission strategies under asymmetric information 0 1 1 44 1 2 3 189
Local information in foreign exchange markets 0 0 2 31 0 0 3 202
Macro-expectations, aggregate uncertainty, and expected term premia 0 0 1 67 0 1 5 245
Monetary policy expectation errors 0 1 3 18 1 3 12 58
Quantifying survey expectations: What’s wrong with the probability approach? 0 0 1 26 0 0 3 122
Short-term Momentum 0 1 4 22 1 7 21 69
The FOMC Risk Shift 0 1 6 22 1 4 19 91
Trader see, trader do: How do (small) FX traders react to large counterparties' trades? 0 0 0 25 0 0 2 444
What do professional forecasters' stock market expectations tell us about herding, information extraction and beauty contests? 0 0 0 21 0 0 1 104
Which Fundamentals Drive Exchange Rates? A Cross‐Sectional Perspective 0 1 2 60 0 2 9 169
Whose trades convey information? Evidence from a cross-section of traders 0 0 0 62 0 1 5 253
Total Journal Articles 4 14 72 2,146 17 64 288 8,020

Statistics updated 2025-03-03