Access Statistics for Romain Wacziarg

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Monte Carlo Study of Growth Regressions 0 0 0 450 0 0 1 1,560
Ancestry and Development: New Evidence 0 0 1 120 3 4 9 234
Ancestry, Language and Culture 0 0 1 21 0 0 4 136
Ancestry, Language and Culture 0 0 1 38 0 0 4 75
Ancestry, Language and Culture 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 117
Ancestry, Language and Culture 0 0 1 27 1 2 10 137
Ancestry, Language and Culture 0 0 1 34 0 0 1 76
Barriers to Global Capital Allocation 0 0 1 25 2 4 8 43
Barriers to Global Capital Allocation 0 0 0 31 3 4 16 88
Barriers to global capital allocation 1 2 12 12 3 7 34 34
Borders and Growth 0 0 0 101 2 3 4 363
Borders and Growth 0 0 0 41 1 1 3 252
Borders and Growth 0 0 0 171 1 2 2 709
Change and Persistence in the Age of Modernization: Saint-Germain-d'Anxure 1730-1895 0 0 0 25 0 2 12 141
Cultural Remittances and Modern Fertility 0 1 1 1 1 5 6 6
Cultural Remittances and Modern Fertility 0 0 2 2 0 1 6 6
Cultural Remittances and Modern Fertility 0 1 21 21 1 6 27 27
Cultural Remittances and Modern Fertility 0 3 3 3 1 12 17 17
Cultural Remittances and Modern Fertility 0 0 1 1 1 3 6 6
Culture, Ethnicity and Diversity 0 0 0 59 0 1 6 160
Culture, Ethnicity and Diversity 0 0 0 93 1 2 5 222
Death and Development 0 0 0 108 0 1 4 380
Death and Development 0 0 0 185 0 0 3 578
Death and Development 0 0 0 168 0 0 1 598
Developing Countries and the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle 1 1 1 191 2 2 3 459
Does Anger Drive Populism? 0 0 0 17 2 2 7 47
Does Anger Drive Populism? 0 0 1 10 1 2 10 44
Economic Integration and Political Disintegration 0 0 3 539 3 5 13 2,274
Economic Integration and Political Disintegration 0 0 1 54 3 5 17 394
Fertility and Modernity 0 0 0 85 1 2 3 87
Fertility and Modernity 0 0 3 75 1 1 7 73
Fertility and Modernity 1 1 1 144 2 3 4 291
Fractionalization 0 1 4 97 0 6 14 407
Fractionalization 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 153
Fractionalization 0 1 2 270 0 2 6 948
Fractionalization 0 2 6 1,029 1 7 25 3,168
Fractionalization 0 1 4 221 1 3 11 850
How Deep Are the Roots of Economic Development? 0 0 2 171 1 2 9 494
How Deep Are the Roots of Economic Development? 0 0 2 195 2 2 7 753
How Deep Are the Roots of Economic Development? 0 0 0 91 2 2 6 237
How Deep are the Roots of Economic Development? 0 0 0 91 1 1 3 318
India in the World Trading System 0 0 0 280 0 0 1 2,065
Is Europe Going Too Far? 0 0 0 331 0 0 2 911
Is Europe Going Too Far? 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 74
Long-Term Barriers to Economic Development 0 0 0 130 1 1 2 147
Long-Term Barriers to Economic Development 0 0 0 161 1 1 2 205
Long-Term Barriers to Economic Development 0 0 0 121 1 2 2 72
Long-Term Barriers to Economic Development 0 0 0 158 0 1 5 115
Long-Term Barriers to the International Diffusion of Innovations 0 0 0 81 0 0 2 192
Long-Term Barriers to the International Diffusion of Innovations 0 0 0 27 0 0 1 101
Measuring the Dynamic Gains from Trade 0 0 0 122 0 0 2 399
Measuring the dynamic gains from trade 0 0 1 751 1 2 5 2,018
Openness, Country Size and Government 0 1 2 76 0 4 13 368
Openness, Country Size and the Government 0 1 2 393 0 2 14 1,181
Stages of Diversification 0 0 0 2 1 1 8 203
Stages of Diversification 0 1 1 353 0 1 5 1,118
Stages of Diversification 0 0 2 401 0 3 8 932
The Cultural Divide 0 0 0 50 2 5 5 90
The Cultural Divide 0 0 0 76 4 7 13 178
The Democratic Transition 0 1 3 215 1 6 18 719
The Democratic Transition 0 0 0 100 1 3 6 247
The Diffusion of Development 0 0 0 147 2 2 3 634
The Diffusion of Development 0 0 0 169 3 4 11 686
The Diffusion of Development 0 0 1 260 1 1 5 756
The Diffusion of Development 0 0 0 65 1 1 3 385
The Political Economy of Ethnolinguistic Cleavages 0 0 2 44 0 1 6 151
The Political Economy of Ethnolinguistic Cleavages 0 0 0 90 0 2 7 338
The Political Economy of Heterogeneity and Conflict 0 0 1 28 0 0 3 49
The Political Economy of Heterogeneity and Conflict 0 0 0 53 0 0 1 107
The Political Economy of Linguistic Cleavages 0 0 0 27 0 1 3 158
The democratic transition 1 2 4 5 1 2 5 10
The political economy of ethnolinguistic cleavages 0 0 0 49 0 2 7 147
Trade Liberalization and Growth: New Evidence 0 0 0 1,621 1 3 7 3,917
Trade Liberalization and Growth: New Evidence 0 1 3 209 1 3 7 635
Trade Liberalization and Intersectoral Labor Movements 0 0 1 56 0 1 2 209
Trade, Growth, and the Size of Countries 0 1 1 461 3 6 8 1,004
Understanding Spatial Variation in COVID-19 across the United States 0 0 0 55 0 1 1 128
Understanding Spatial Variation in COVID-19 across the United States 0 0 2 16 0 1 4 60
War and Relatedness 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 170
War and Relatedness 0 0 0 29 0 0 3 99
War and Relatedness 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 170
War and Relatedness 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 305
War and Relatedness 0 0 0 15 1 2 3 134
War and Relatedness 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 352
Who Voted for Trump? Populism and Social Capital 0 0 1 36 0 3 6 47
Who Voted for Trump? Populism and Social Capital 0 0 1 39 1 3 6 84
Who Voted for Trump? Populism and Social Capital 0 0 2 21 0 3 17 70
Total Working Papers 4 22 106 12,582 72 189 568 39,102
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Monte Carlo study of growth regressions 0 3 3 338 1 5 12 904
Ancestry and development: New evidence 1 2 6 40 3 4 13 257
Borders and Growth 0 0 0 168 1 1 7 615
Change and persistence in the Age of Modernization: Saint-Germain-d’Anxure, 1730–1895 0 0 1 6 0 0 5 42
Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity 0 1 3 119 3 8 38 688
Death and development 0 1 6 485 3 6 19 1,407
Do Democratic Transitions Produce Bad Economic Outcomes? 0 1 5 326 3 6 13 837
Economic Integration and Political Disintegration 1 1 5 622 3 4 21 2,989
Fertility and Modernity 2 2 4 10 2 5 23 43
Fractionalization 1 5 16 2,293 9 27 79 7,426
How Deep Are the Roots of Economic Development? 1 4 8 549 1 14 58 2,065
How democracy affects growth 2 7 22 1,305 4 16 45 2,959
Is Europe going too far? 0 0 2 167 2 2 9 537
JUE Insight: Understanding spatial variation in COVID-19 across the United States 0 0 1 2 2 3 5 11
Long-Term Barriers to the International Diffusion of Innovations 0 0 0 43 3 6 16 244
Measuring the Dynamic Gains from Trade 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 5
Openness, country size and government 0 2 13 530 1 7 40 1,483
Reflecting on the First 20 Years of the Journal of the European Economic Association 0 1 3 3 0 2 6 6
Review of Easterly's The Elusive Quest for Growth 0 0 0 26 0 2 5 3,451
Small States, Big Pork 0 0 1 11 0 0 3 79
Stages of Diversification 1 2 13 1,802 1 12 61 4,999
The Cultural Divide 1 2 5 20 2 7 30 137
The Diffusion of Development 1 2 9 352 5 17 51 1,374
The First Law of Petropolitics 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 109
The democratic transition 0 0 3 112 1 4 24 538
The political economy of linguistic cleavages 0 0 12 138 2 4 28 566
Trade Liberalization and Growth: New Evidence 3 4 24 565 10 33 115 1,953
Trade liberalization and intersectoral labor movements 0 1 2 287 0 3 5 672
War and Relatedness 0 0 3 36 2 3 12 199
Total Journal Articles 14 41 170 10,374 64 202 748 36,595

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Long-Term Barriers to Economic Development 0 0 3 96 1 2 21 540
Long-Term Barriers to the International Diffusion of Innovations 0 0 0 38 1 1 2 193
Trade, Growth and the Size of Countries 5 8 10 672 7 17 45 3,185
Total Chapters 5 8 13 806 9 20 68 3,918

Statistics updated 2025-03-03