Access Statistics for Ran Abramitzky

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration 0 0 0 59 1 2 7 278
Automated Linking of Historical Data 0 1 2 57 1 2 10 144
Book Translations as Idea Flows: The Effects of the Collapse of Communism on the Diffusion of Knowledge 0 1 1 26 0 2 3 78
Climbing the Ivory Tower: How Socio-Economic Background Shapes Academia 7 7 7 7 11 13 13 13
Cultural Assimilation during the Age of Mass Migration 0 0 1 111 1 4 15 389
Economics and the Modern Economic Historian 0 2 16 181 1 5 38 391
Enclaves and Assimilation in the Age of Mass Migration: Evidence from Ethnic Catholic Churches 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
Europe's Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses: Self-Selection and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration 0 0 2 90 1 2 9 540
Financial Crisis in a Socialist Setting: Impact on Political Behavior, Social Trust, and Economic Values 0 0 0 29 0 1 6 34
Have the Poor Always Been Less Likely to Migrate? Evidence From Inheritance Practices During the Age of Mass Migration 0 0 0 112 1 1 4 228
How Responsive is Investment in Schooling to Changes in Redistribution Policies and in Returns 1 1 2 76 1 1 3 261
Immigration in American Economic History 0 0 0 203 2 8 22 680
Intergenerational Mobility of Immigrants in the US over Two Centuries 0 0 2 146 0 0 6 332
Intergenerational Mobility over Two Centuries 24 24 24 24 19 19 19 19
Law-Abiding Immigrants: The Incarceration Gap Between Immigrants and the US-born, 1870–2020 1 1 5 36 2 3 15 26
Leaving the Enclave: Historical Evidence on Immigrant Mobility from the Industrial Removal Office 0 0 1 18 3 7 17 161
Linking Individuals Across Historical Sources: a Fully Automated Approach 0 0 0 43 0 0 2 97
Persecution and Migrant Self-Selection: Evidence from the Collapse of the Communist Bloc 0 0 2 18 2 3 9 32
The Effect of Changes in the Skill Premium on College Degree Attainment and the Choice of Major 0 0 4 29 1 4 15 106
The Effect of Immigration on Local Labor Markets: Lessons from the 1920s Border Closure 0 0 5 47 1 3 12 168
The Effect of Labor Market Liberalization on Political Behavior and Free Market Norms 0 0 1 12 0 0 1 27
The Effects of Immigration on the Economy: Lessons from the 1920s Border Closure 0 0 4 119 3 6 20 220
The G.I. Bill, Standardized Testing, and Socioeconomic Origins of the U.S. Educational Elite Over a Century 2 5 5 5 7 19 19 19
The Gendered Impacts of Perceived Skin Tone: Evidence from African-American Siblings in 1870–1940 0 0 0 64 0 0 3 23
The Long-Term Spillover Effects of Changes in the Return to Schooling 0 0 0 22 0 0 4 77
The Refugee Advantage: English-Language Attainment in the Early Twentieth Century 0 0 2 11 0 0 7 21
To the New World and Back Again: Return Migrants in the Age of Mass Migration 0 2 2 78 1 4 5 89
Were Jews in Interwar Poland More Educated? 0 0 1 24 0 0 3 45
Total Working Papers 38 47 92 1,650 63 113 291 4,502

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Is Hanukkah Responsive to Christmas? 0 0 0 9 2 3 6 171
Migration and Human Capital: Self-Selection of Indentured Servants to the Americas 0 0 0 65 2 3 5 299
The Limits of Equality: An Economic Analysis of the Israeli Kibbutz 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 118
The effect of redistribution on migration: Evidence from the Israeli kibbutz 0 0 4 88 1 4 16 408
Total Journal Articles 0 0 4 204 5 10 27 996

Statistics updated 2025-02-05