Access Statistics for Anna Aizer

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Access to Care, Provider Choice and Racial Disparities 0 0 0 43 1 1 1 350
Can Early Intervention Reduce Future Child Maltreatment? 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4
Children and the US Social Safety Net: Balancing Disincentives for Adults and Benefits for Children 0 0 1 21 1 1 4 46
Competition in Imperfect Markets: Does it Help California's Medicaid Mothers? 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 9
Competition in Imperfect Markets: Does it Help California's Medicaid Mothers? 0 0 0 29 1 2 3 331
Daughters as Safety Net? Family Responses to Parental Employment Shocks: Evidence from Alcohol Prohibition 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5
Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries in HMOs 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 23
Discrimination and Racial Disparities in Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from WWII 1 1 1 22 2 4 25 94
Do Low Levels of Blood Lead Reduce Children's Future Test Scores? 0 0 0 25 1 2 5 165
Do Youth Employment Programs Work? Evidence from the New Deal 0 0 1 20 1 3 8 68
Education, Knowledge and the Evolution of Disparities in Health 0 0 0 50 0 0 2 288
Got Health? Advertising, Medicaid and Child Health 0 0 0 95 1 1 2 437
Grandparents, Moms, or Dads? Why Children of Teen Mothers Do Worse in Life 0 0 0 57 1 4 5 160
Grandparents, Moms, or Dads? Why Children of Teen Mothers Do Worse in Life 0 2 2 30 2 9 42 129
Grandparents, Moms, or Dads? Why children of teen mothers do worse in life 1 1 5 15 4 6 12 46
Grandparents, Mothers, or Fathers? Why Children of Teen Mothers do Worse in Life 0 0 0 41 1 3 9 86
Growing an Industry: How Managed Is TennCare's Managed Care? 0 0 0 5 1 1 2 55
Home Alone: Maternal Employment, Child Care and Adolescent Behavior 0 0 0 205 1 2 2 1,132
Juvenile Incarceration, Human Capital and Future Crime: Evidence from Randomly-Assigned Judges 0 0 2 115 1 5 21 527
Lead and Juvenile Delinquency: New Evidence from Linked Birth, School and Juvenile Detention Records 0 0 2 65 1 5 12 189
Love, Hate and Murder: Commitment Devices in Violent Relationships 0 0 2 142 2 6 41 2,032
Managed Care and Low-Income Populations in Florida: 1996-1998 Update 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 25
Managed Care for Low-Income Populations with Special Needs: The Tennessee Experience 0 0 0 4 1 2 3 36
Maternal Stress and Child Outcomes: Evidence from Siblings 0 0 1 103 0 0 1 293
Medicare Beneficiaries and HMOs: A Case Study of the Tampa-St. Petersburg Market 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 25
Medicare Beneficiaries and HMOs: Highlights of the Los Angeles and New York City Medicare HMO Markets 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 29
Neighborhood Violence and Urban Youth 0 0 0 178 2 4 4 1,859
Networks or Neighborhoods? Correlations in the Use of Publicly-Funded Maternity Care in California 0 0 1 84 1 1 2 470
Parental Medicaid Expansions and Health Insurance Coverage 0 0 0 51 0 1 2 433
Peer Effects and Human Capital Accumulation: the Externalities of ADD 0 0 1 107 0 1 10 476
Public Health Insurance, Program Take-Up, and Child Health 0 0 0 62 0 0 2 429
The Effects of the 2021 Child Tax Credit on Child Developmental Outcomes 0 0 1 1 0 1 18 18
The Impact of Child Support Enforcement on Fertility, Parental Investment and Child Well-Being 0 0 0 72 0 0 1 324
The Incentive Effects of Cash Transfers to the Poor 0 0 2 32 1 1 9 126
The Long Term Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families 0 0 0 82 1 2 4 326
The Production of Human Capital: Endowments, Investments and Fertility 0 1 4 150 2 6 32 543
Wages, Violence and Health in the Household 1 1 3 103 1 3 13 400
Total Working Papers 5 8 31 2,014 45 92 313 11,988

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Review Essay on Isabel Sawhill's Generation Unbound: Drifting into Sex and Parenting without Marriage and Laurence Steinberg's Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence 0 0 0 30 1 3 6 233
Access to Care, Provider Choice, and the Infant Health Gradient 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 320
Do Low Levels of Blood Lead Reduce Children's Future Test Scores? 0 0 0 25 0 1 6 133
Does Managed Care Hurt Health? Evidence from Medicaid Mothers 0 1 3 129 2 4 10 485
Economics of Child Protection: Maltreatment, Foster Care, and Intimate Partner Violence 0 0 3 32 1 3 12 124
Home alone: supervision after school and child behavior 0 0 2 106 1 1 10 632
Juvenile Incarceration, Human Capital, and Future Crime: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges 1 4 13 204 8 16 47 1,006
Lead and Juvenile Delinquency: New Evidence from Linked Birth, School, and Juvenile Detention Records 0 0 10 77 2 5 35 360
Love, hate and murder: Commitment devices in violent relationships 0 3 8 100 0 10 39 633
Low Take-Up in Medicaid: Does Outreach Matter and for Whom? 0 0 2 64 0 0 6 371
Maternal Stress and Child Outcomes: Evidence from Siblings 0 0 1 47 2 4 28 392
Networks or neighborhoods? Correlations in the use of publicly-funded maternity care in California 0 1 1 118 2 4 8 555
Poverty, Violence, and Health: The Impact of Domestic Violence During Pregnancy on Newborn Health 0 0 4 69 3 4 16 408
Public Health Insurance, Program Take-Up, and Child Health 2 3 4 121 2 4 16 538
Rising Inequality and Intergenerational Mobility: The Role of Public Investments in Human Capital 0 0 0 35 1 1 2 98
The Gender Wage Gap and Domestic Violence 0 1 5 273 4 8 35 999
The Impact of Child Support Enforcement on Fertility, Parental Investments, and Child Well-Being 0 1 3 36 2 5 11 234
The Long-Run Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families 1 1 4 113 1 3 12 452
Total Journal Articles 4 15 63 1,631 32 76 299 7,973

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Neighborhood Violence and Urban Youth 0 1 5 31 1 4 18 248
Total Chapters 0 1 5 31 1 4 18 248

Statistics updated 2025-02-05