Access Statistics for Bjørn Terje Asheim

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Cluster Policy: Renewal through the integration of institutional variety 0 0 0 98 0 1 2 124
Constructing Regional Advantage at the Northern Edge 0 0 1 63 0 1 2 189
Constructing regional advantage: Platform policies based on related variety and differentiated knowledge bases 0 1 2 892 1 5 13 2,363
Contextualizing Regional Innovation Systems in a Globalizing Learning Economy: On Knowledge Bases and Institutional Frameworks 0 0 1 181 1 2 3 420
Face-to-Face, Buzz and Knowledge Bases: Socio-spatial implications for learning and innovation policy 0 0 2 61 2 4 14 299
Identification of regions with less developed research and innovation systems 2 3 10 170 3 6 19 370
Industrial Districts as 'learning regions'. A condition for prosperity 0 0 2 516 1 3 11 1,096
Innovation policy for economic resilience: The case of Sweden 0 0 0 111 0 1 5 180
Knowledge Bases and Spatial Patterns of Collaboration: Comparing the Pharma and Agro-Food Bioregions Scania and Saskatoon 0 0 0 53 0 2 3 210
Location, agglomeration and innovation: Towards regional innovation systems in Norway? 0 0 4 331 0 2 16 755
MNC affiliation, knowledge bases and involvement in global innovation networks 0 0 0 54 0 1 1 189
Regional Innovation System Policy: a Knowledge-based Approach 0 1 4 102 1 7 15 414
Regional Innovation Systems: Past - Presence - Future 1 1 4 394 4 6 19 729
Regionale innovasjonssystem: Teknologipolitikk som regionalpolitikk 0 0 0 36 0 1 2 210
Smart Specialization as an innovation-driven strategy for economic diversification: Examples from Scandinavian regions 0 1 2 241 0 3 14 402
Smart specialisation - Old wine in new bottles or new wine in old bottles? 0 0 0 173 1 6 6 394
Smart specialisation: Sources for new path development in a peripheral manufacturing region 0 1 4 280 1 3 10 653
Talents and Innovative Regions: exploring the Importance of Face-to-Face Communication and Buzz 0 0 2 178 0 1 3 3,961
The Creative Class and Regional Growth: Towards a Knowledge Based Approach 0 0 1 286 0 2 5 700
The Geography and Structure of Global Innovation Networks: A Knowledge Base Perspective 0 1 1 193 0 4 8 253
The Role of Clusters and Public Policy in New Regional Economic Path Development 0 0 0 154 1 2 2 271
The Role of Regional Innovation Systems in a Globalizing Economy: Comparing Knowledge Bases and Institutional Frameworks in Nordic Clusters 0 0 2 66 1 2 6 305
Unrelated knowledge combinations: Unexplored potential for regional industrial path development 0 3 7 242 2 7 18 346
What Does Evolutionary Economic Geography Bring To The Policy Table? Reconceptualising regional innovation systems 0 0 4 222 0 2 8 384
Total Working Papers 3 12 53 5,097 19 74 205 15,217

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Advancing regional innovation systems: What does evolutionary economic geography bring to the policy table? 0 0 4 19 0 2 12 55
Comparing a Pharmaceutical and an Agro-food Bioregion: On the Importance of Knowledge Bases for Socio-spatial Patterns of Innovation 0 0 0 18 0 1 1 82
Constructing Regional Advantage: Platform Policies Based on Related Variety and Differentiated Knowledge Bases 0 0 2 128 0 4 15 499
Constructing Regional Advantage: Towards State-of-the-Art Regional Innovation System Policies in Europe? 0 0 1 34 0 1 2 100
Constructing knowledge-based regional advantage: implications for regional innovation policy 0 0 2 63 0 1 3 152
Contextualising Regional Innovation Systems in a Globalising Learning Economy: On Knowledge Bases and Institutional Frameworks 0 0 4 200 1 2 11 507
Creativity and Cost in Urban and Regional Development in the 'New Economy' 0 0 0 8 0 2 3 30
Editorial: Of journals, oil tankers and citation impacts: Signing-off the editorship of Regional Studies 0 0 0 20 0 1 1 96
Explaining Spatial Patterns of Innovation: Analytical and Synthetic Modes of Knowledge Creation in the Medicon Valley Life-Science Cluster 0 0 0 149 1 2 3 406
Exploring the Multiple Roles of Lund University in Strengthening Scania's Regional Innovation System: Towards Institutional Learning? 0 0 0 3 0 2 2 28
Face-to-Face, Buzz, and Knowledge Bases: Sociospatial Implications for Learning, Innovation, and Innovation Policy 0 0 0 121 0 1 2 1,222
Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Creative Class in European City Regions 0 0 0 41 0 1 1 144
Knowledge Bases, Talents, and Contexts: On the Usefulness of the Creative Class Approach in Sweden 1 1 1 86 1 2 4 241
Knowledge bases and regional innovation systems: Comparing Nordic clusters 0 2 8 400 2 8 25 1,182
La política regional de innovación de la próxima generación: cómo combinar los enfoques del impulso por la ciencia y por el usuario en los sistemas regionales de innovación 0 1 1 34 0 2 4 183
Next generation regional innovation policy: how to combine science and user driven approaches in regional innovation systems 0 0 0 63 0 1 1 209
Nodes, networks and proximities: on the knowledge dynamics of the Medicon Valley biotech cluster 1 1 3 38 1 3 8 131
Regional Futures 0 0 1 29 0 1 2 98
Regional Innovation Systems: The Integration of Local 'Sticky' and Global 'Ubiquitous' Knowledge 0 0 1 421 0 3 13 1,157
Regional Innovation Systems: Theory, Empirics and Policy 2 3 7 203 3 8 19 751
The Changing Role of Learning Regions in the Globalizing Knowledge Economy: A Theoretical Re-examination 0 0 1 13 0 1 3 97
The Geography and Structure of Global Innovation Networks: A Knowledge Base Perspective 0 1 2 44 0 3 5 147
When is Regional “Beautiful”? Implications for Knowledge Flows, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 0 0 0 28 1 2 2 74
Will the post-neoliberal era represent a renaissance of industrial districts as we knew them? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Journal Articles 6 11 40 2,165 12 56 144 7,593

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Cluster policy: Renewal through the integration of institutional variety 0 0 2 18 0 1 4 48
Industrial Districts as ‘Learning Regions’: A Condition for Prosperity 0 0 5 22 0 1 7 77
MNCs between the Local and the Global: Knowledge Bases, Proximity and Distributed Knowledge Networks 0 0 0 11 0 1 5 75
Regional innovation systems: past – present – future 1 3 8 176 4 8 35 516
The role of clusters and public policy in new regional economic path development 0 0 0 18 1 2 3 75
Total Chapters 1 3 15 245 5 13 54 791

Statistics updated 2025-03-03