Access Statistics for Fernando V. Ferreira

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A New Look at the U.S. Foreclosure Crisis: Panel Data Evidence of Prime and Subprime Borrowers from 1997 to 2012 0 0 4 52 1 2 8 157
A Unified Framework for Estimating Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods 0 0 1 83 0 0 1 417
A Unified Framework for Measuring Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods 0 0 3 155 1 2 15 563
A Unified Framework for Measuring Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 55
A Unified Framework for Measuring Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods 0 0 2 83 1 2 7 373
Anatomy of the Beginning of the Housing Boom: U.S. Neighborhoods and Metropolitan Areas, 1993-2009 0 0 0 65 0 0 5 184
Causal Inference in Urban and Regional Economics 0 0 8 165 1 3 21 382
Do Political Parties Matter? Evidence from U.S. Cities 0 1 4 167 1 4 16 1,262
Do School Entry Laws Affect Educational Attainment and Labor Market Outcomes? 0 0 1 64 0 0 4 319
Does Gender Matter for Political Leadership? The Case of U.S. Mayors 1 1 3 91 2 3 14 408
Does Political Partisanship Affect Housing Supply? Evidence from US Cities 0 1 4 6 0 2 11 18
Estimating Preferences for Neighborhood Amenities Under Imperfect Information 0 0 0 20 1 1 3 38
Estimating Racial Price Differentials in the Housing Market 0 0 0 26 0 0 1 139
Estimating the Economic Value of Zoning Reform 0 0 0 16 1 1 9 65
Household Mobility, Networks, and Gentrification of Minority Neighborhoods in the US 0 0 1 13 0 1 4 19
Housing Busts and Household Mobility 0 0 0 120 1 1 3 355
Housing Busts and Household Mobility: An Update 0 0 0 58 0 0 1 222
Housing Disease and Public School Finances 0 0 0 24 0 0 1 36
Housing busts and household mobility 0 0 0 59 1 1 2 196
Housing busts and household mobility: an update 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 93
Income Inequality and Local Government in the United States, 1970-2000 0 0 0 57 0 1 1 269
Neighborhood Choice After COVID: The Role of Rents, Amenities, and Work-From-Home 0 0 0 22 0 1 4 29
Occupy Government: Democracy and the Dynamics of Personnel Decisions and Public Sector Performance 0 0 0 23 0 0 3 58
Pop Internationalism: Has A Half Century of World Music Trade Displaced Local Culture? 0 1 6 78 0 1 13 337
Price Discrimination in the Housing Market 0 0 0 89 0 1 2 325
Race, Ethnicity and High Cost Mortgage Lending 0 0 0 45 0 1 3 242
Race, Ethnicity and High-Cost Mortgage Lending 0 0 1 42 0 2 5 154
The Value of School Facilities: Evidence from a Dynamic Regression Discontinuity Design 0 0 0 1 1 3 4 58
The Value of School Facilities: Evidence from a Dynamic Regression Discontinuity Design 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10
The Value of School Facilities: Evidence from a Dynamic Regression Discontinuity Design 0 0 0 100 0 0 2 376
The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust 0 0 0 37 0 2 2 172
The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust 0 0 0 22 0 0 1 99
The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust 0 0 0 58 0 1 2 81
The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust 0 0 0 61 1 2 3 147
Tiebout Sorting, Social Multipliers and the Demand for School Quality 0 1 1 138 0 2 6 717
What Drives Racial and Ethnic Differences in High Cost Mortgages? The Role of High Risk Lenders 0 0 0 24 0 2 3 99
What Drives Racial and Ethnic Differences in High Cost Mortgages? The Role of High Risk Lenders 0 0 0 44 0 1 1 109
What Drives Racial and Ethnic Differences in High Cost Mortgages? The Role of High Risk Lenders 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 85
You Can Take it With You: Proposition 13 Tax Benefits, Residential Mobility, and Willingness to Pay for Housing Amenities 0 0 0 108 0 3 7 700
Total Working Papers 1 5 40 2,264 13 46 192 9,368

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Unified Framework for Measuring Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods 1 3 15 564 1 12 44 1,489
Do Political Parties Matter? Evidence from U.S. Cities 1 3 24 254 2 11 79 1,160
Do school entry laws affect educational attainment and labor market outcomes? 0 1 8 130 0 2 24 498
Does gender matter for political leadership? The case of U.S. mayors 0 2 14 148 1 4 55 542
Heterogeneity in Neighborhood-Level Price Growth in the United States, 1993-2009 0 0 0 26 0 0 3 187
Housing busts and household mobility 0 0 0 143 0 1 11 679
Housing busts and household mobility: an update 0 0 0 42 0 0 4 258
Pop Internationalism: Has Half a Century of World Music Trade Displaced Local Culture? 0 0 5 34 1 1 8 223
Racial and ethnic price differentials in the housing market 0 0 3 80 0 0 6 295
The Effect of Rising Income Inequality on Taxation and Public Expenditures: Evidence from U.S. Municipalities and School Districts, 1970–2000 1 6 8 75 3 10 22 283
The Value of School Facility Investments: Evidence from a Dynamic Regression Discontinuity Design 1 2 13 113 3 11 38 522
The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust 0 0 0 23 1 3 6 127
The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust: Corrigendum 0 0 1 9 0 1 3 56
The role of price spillovers in the American housing boom 0 0 1 16 0 0 3 75
What Drives Racial and Ethnic Differences in High-Cost Mortgages? The Role of High-Risk Lenders 0 0 0 9 1 4 9 87
You can take it with you: Proposition 13 tax benefits, residential mobility, and willingness to pay for housing amenities 2 2 2 50 2 3 5 270
Total Journal Articles 6 19 94 1,716 15 63 320 6,751

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Causal Inference in Urban and Regional Economics 1 2 25 274 5 11 56 783
Total Chapters 1 2 25 274 5 11 56 783

Statistics updated 2025-02-05