Access Statistics for Miguel A. Ferreira

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Banks’ corporate control and relationship lending: evidence from retail loans 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 131
Can Credit Rating Agencies Affect Election Outcomes? 0 0 0 21 0 0 3 39
Case Study: DBRS Sovereign Rating of Portugal. Analysis of Rating Methodology and Rating Decisions 0 0 1 182 0 2 7 512
Centre Rules the Markets 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 33
Creditor Control Rights and Board Independence 0 0 0 29 0 0 1 86
Does Governance Travel around the World? Evidence from Institutional Investors 0 0 0 75 2 6 10 430
Does Institutional Ownership Matter for International Stock Return Comovement? 0 0 0 17 0 1 9 112
Evaluating interest rate covariance models within a value-at-risk framework 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 51
Forecasting Stock Market Returns: The Sum of the Parts is More than the Whole 0 0 3 202 0 3 21 670
How Global is Your Mutual Fund? International Diversification from Multinationals 0 1 2 47 0 1 3 103
International Corporate Governance Spillovers: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions 0 0 0 66 0 1 1 171
Investor-Stock Decoupling in Mutual Funds 0 0 0 30 0 0 1 110
The Determinants of Mutual Fund Performance: A Cross-Country Study 0 0 3 357 0 2 20 1,354
The Economic Effects of Public Financing: Evidence from Municipal Bond Ratings Recalibration 0 1 1 43 1 3 8 111
Trade Credit and the Transmission of Unconventional Monetary Policy 0 1 3 34 0 1 11 103
Universal banks and corporate control: evidence from the global syndicated loan market 0 0 0 82 0 0 2 309
Who Owns the Largest Firms Around the World? 0 0 0 16 0 0 1 88
Total Working Papers 0 3 14 1,233 4 21 100 4,413

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Are U.S. CEOs Paid More? New International Evidence 0 2 13 148 1 5 28 529
Are foreign investors locusts? The long-term effects of foreign institutional ownership 0 0 7 264 1 8 40 762
Bank Ratings and Lending Supply: Evidence from Sovereign Downgrades 1 2 4 27 1 3 10 112
Bank loans and banks’ corporate control: evidence for Portugal 0 0 0 9 1 1 1 57
Board structure and price informativeness 0 0 2 130 0 2 11 457
Capital structure and law around the world 0 1 6 98 1 3 15 444
Corporate Boards and SEOs: The Effect of Certification and Monitoring 0 0 1 6 0 0 2 31
Corporate Governance, Idiosyncratic Risk, and Information Flow 0 1 5 230 1 2 10 724
Correlation dynamics of global industry portfolios 1 1 1 31 1 1 1 149
Do locals know better? A comparison of the performance of local and foreign institutional investors 0 1 3 38 1 4 14 137
Does governance travel around the world? Evidence from institutional investors 1 2 12 374 2 9 59 1,420
Does institutional ownership matter for international stock return comovement? 0 0 2 15 0 1 11 103
Does international cross-listing improve the information environment 0 0 3 154 0 0 12 595
Does sovereign debt ratings news spill over to international stock markets? 1 1 2 111 3 3 7 306
Evaluating Interest Rate Covariance Models Within a Value-at-Risk Framework 0 0 1 63 0 0 2 208
Forecasting stock market returns: The sum of the parts is more than the whole 0 0 8 154 5 9 45 660
Forecasting the comovements of spot interest rates 0 0 0 32 0 1 1 106
Fund Performance and Equity Lending: Why Lend What You Can Sell? 0 0 1 15 0 2 4 75
Generalists versus specialists: Lifetime work experience and chief executive officer pay 2 3 23 395 3 12 76 1,303
Have World, Country, and Industry Risks Changed over Time? An Investigation of the Volatility of Developed Stock Markets 0 0 0 27 0 0 1 87
Idiosyncratic Volatility of Small Public Firms and Entrepreneurial Risk 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 38
Indexing and active fund management: International evidence 3 9 22 274 3 12 62 815
Insider Trading Laws and Stock Price Informativeness 0 5 6 89 2 11 26 356
Lending Relationships and the Effect of Bank Distress: Evidence from the 2007–2009 Financial Crisis 0 0 1 24 0 1 6 86
Portfolio flows, volatility and growth 0 0 0 75 1 1 1 267
Shareholders at the Gate? Institutional Investors and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions 1 3 9 109 6 12 37 437
The Determinants of Mutual Fund Performance: A Cross-Country Study 2 3 20 322 2 6 52 1,038
The Economic Effects of Public Financing: Evidence from Municipal Bond Ratings Recalibration 0 2 2 25 0 2 4 125
The Real Effects of Credit Ratings: The Sovereign Ceiling Channel 1 2 2 37 2 3 9 153
The colors of investors' money: The role of institutional investors around the world 0 6 23 629 4 17 77 1,892
The determinants of domestic and foreign bond bias 0 0 1 23 1 1 4 159
The flow-performance relationship around the world 2 3 10 95 2 5 22 358
Universal Banks and Corporate Control: Evidence from the Global Syndicated Loan Market 0 0 3 27 1 2 5 124
Why Do Firms Hold Cash? Evidence from EMU Countries 0 6 11 116 2 19 39 569
Why are US firms using more short-term debt? 0 2 22 338 1 12 58 950
Total Journal Articles 15 55 226 4,507 48 170 753 15,632

Statistics updated 2025-02-05