Access Statistics for Enrique Fernandez-Macias

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Taxonomy of Tasks for Assessing the Impact of New Technologies on Work 1 4 9 89 2 8 24 216
A comprehensive European database of tasks indices for socio-economic research 0 2 5 75 0 3 25 213
A unified conceptual framework of tasks, skills and competences 1 1 9 67 1 2 19 132
Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective 1 3 8 199 2 6 14 504
Changes in the Structure of Employment in the EU and Their Implications for Job Quality 0 0 0 105 0 0 2 275
Digital Labour Platforms in Europe: Numbers, Profiles, and Employment Status of Platform Workers 0 1 14 254 1 7 46 675
Digital Transformation in Transport, Construction, Energy, Government and Public Administration 0 1 4 85 0 3 10 201
Do robots really destroy jobs? Evidence from Europe 2 3 13 215 4 10 42 590
Does Robotization Affect Job Quality? Evidence from European Regional Labour Markets 0 1 2 17 2 3 7 54
Does robotization affect job quality? Evidence from European regional labour markets 0 0 0 28 2 3 4 129
Does robotization affect job quality? Evidence from European regional labour markets 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12
Does robotization affect job quality? Evidence from European regional labour markets 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 16
Does robotization affect job quality? Evidence from European regional labour markets 0 0 1 29 1 2 13 89
Effects of health care decentralization in Spain from a citizens’ perspective 0 0 0 26 0 0 2 110
Employment shifts in Europe from 1997 to 2021: from job upgrading to polarisation 0 0 5 29 2 2 11 49
European Jobs Monitor 2019: Shifts in the employment structure at regional level 0 1 5 48 0 1 12 174
Feminization, ageing and occupational change in Europe in the last 25 years 0 0 4 52 0 0 10 74
Global Shifts in the Employment Structure 1 4 17 17 8 11 32 32
How computerisation is transforming jobs: Evidence from the European Working Conditions Survey 0 0 5 155 0 6 28 503
How to quantify what is not seen? Two proposals for measuring platform work 1 2 2 58 1 2 3 138
Job Quality in Europe in the first decade of the 21st Century 0 1 2 49 0 6 10 104
Job quality in Europe in the first decade of the 21st Century 0 0 0 42 0 1 2 101
Measuring the Occupational Impact of AI: Tasks, Cognitive Abilities and AI Benchmarks 0 3 8 129 0 4 19 286
New evidence on platform workers in Europe: Results from the second COLLEEM survey 1 2 29 409 4 11 79 914
Not so disruptive yet? Characteristics, distribution and determinants of robots in Europe 0 0 0 53 0 0 5 142
Platform Workers in Europe: Evidence from the COLLEEM Survey 0 3 11 179 0 10 49 636
Regional heterogeneity in occupational change: Using Census data to investigate employment polarisation and upgrading at NUTS-3 level 0 0 5 43 0 0 8 51
Skewed signals? Confronting biases in Online Job Ads data 0 1 5 5 1 5 22 22
Telework before the COVID-19 pandemic: Trends and drivers of differences across the EU 0 0 3 63 0 2 13 240
Telework by region and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic: An occupational analysis 0 2 21 21 1 4 47 47
Telework, work organisation and job quality during the COVID-19 crisis: a qualitative study 0 1 9 288 2 6 28 819
Teleworkability and the COVID-19 crisis: a new digital divide? 1 7 18 199 5 18 44 695
The Algorithmic Management of Work and its Implications in Different Contexts 2 3 11 47 5 9 24 116
The COVID confinement measures and EU labour markets 0 0 3 110 0 1 10 328
The Professional Lens: What Online Job Advertisements Can Say About Occupational Task Profiles 0 0 4 53 0 0 11 149
The algorithmic management of work: A basic compass 0 0 2 19 1 1 6 33
The changing nature of work and skills in the digital age 4 11 48 365 12 40 159 1,002
The labour market impact of robotisation in Europe 0 0 4 126 0 2 16 273
The platformisation of work 0 0 1 12 0 2 11 35
The rise of digital monitoring and algorithmic management of work: empirical insights 1 3 10 29 1 5 14 47
The role of between- and within-occupation differences in wage inequality trends in Europe (2002-2018) 0 4 33 33 1 11 67 67
Universality in Social Protection: An Inquiry about its Meaning and Measurement 0 0 1 23 1 2 8 84
Total Working Papers 16 64 331 3,851 60 209 956 10,377

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Tasks for Assessing the Impact of New Technologies on Work 0 2 10 17 1 6 28 43
Effects of health care decentralization in Spain from a citizens’ perspective 0 0 2 13 0 0 3 60
Employment Relations in a Changing Society — Assessing the Post‐Fordist Paradigm – Edited by Luis Enrique Alonso and Miguel Martínez Lucio 0 0 0 47 1 1 3 132
Employment and Occupational Mobility among Recently Arrived Immigrants: The Spanish Case 1997–2007 0 0 3 28 1 1 5 86
Employment impact of Covid-19 crisis: from short term effects to long terms prospects 1 1 2 45 2 3 16 260
Income Inequality in the Great Recession from an EU-wide Perspective 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 21
Innovation and job quality. A firm-level exploration 0 0 1 11 2 3 8 46
Job satisfaction as an indicator of the quality of work 0 1 2 249 0 1 9 717
Not so disruptive yet? Characteristics, distribution and determinants of robots in Europe 0 1 2 14 2 4 11 40
Recent trends in wage inequality from an EU perspective: a tale of two convergences 0 0 4 17 0 0 8 60
Supplementary private pensions and saving: evidence from Spain* 0 0 0 20 0 1 1 79
Teleworkability and the COVID-19 crisis: potential and actual prevalence of remote work across Europe 0 0 1 6 1 3 8 20
Total Journal Articles 1 5 27 471 10 23 100 1,564
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Book File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Measuring More than Money 3 8 21 215 9 26 59 518
Total Books 3 8 21 215 9 26 59 518

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Capacity Utilisation, Working Time and the Quality of Work 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11
Cross-country Comparison of Operating Hours, Capacity Utilisation, Working Times and Employment 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 4
Operating Hours, Working Times and Employment in Spain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total Chapters 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 18

Statistics updated 2025-02-05