Access Statistics for Shihe Fu

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Mayor’s Perspective on Tackling Air Pollution 0 0 1 17 1 3 15 55
A Mayor’s Perspective on Tackling Air Pollution 0 0 1 33 0 0 4 94
Agglomeration Economies and Local Comovement of Stock Returns 0 0 0 46 1 1 3 184
Agglomeration Economies and Local Comovement of Stock Returns 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 101
Agglomeration Economies and Race Specific Spillovers 0 0 0 25 0 1 3 94
Agglomeration Economies and Race Specific Spillovers 0 0 1 26 0 0 1 80
Agglomeration Economies and Race Specific Spillovers 0 0 1 25 1 2 6 57
Air Quality and Manufacturing Firm Productivity: Comprehensive Evidence from China 0 0 6 244 0 2 20 515
Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus 0 0 0 69 1 2 3 166
Corporate Equality and Equity Prices: Doing Well While Doing Good? 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 192
Corporate equality and equity prices: Doing well while doing good? 0 0 1 61 0 0 1 192
Do Rural Migrants Benefit from Labor Market Agglomeration Economies? Evidence from Chinese Cities 0 0 0 138 0 1 3 216
Highway toll and air pollution: evidence from Chinese cities 0 2 4 236 1 4 21 417
Impact fees and real estate prices: evidence from 35 Chinese cities 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 137
Industry specialization, diversification, churning, and unemployment in Chinese cities 0 0 0 123 0 0 2 547
Information and communication technologies and geographic concentration of manufacturing industries: Evidence from China 0 0 0 101 0 0 1 234
Information and communication technologies and geographic concentration of manufacturing industries: evidence from China 0 0 0 114 0 0 2 301
Measuring the Stringency of Land Use Regulation: The Case of China's Building Height Limits 0 0 3 36 0 2 11 269
Measuring the Stringency of Land-Use Regulation: The Case of China's Building-Height Limits 1 2 4 48 1 2 9 198
Measuring the Stringency of Land-Use Regulation: The Case of China's Building-Height Limits 0 0 1 88 0 0 2 176
Quality of Life in Chinese Cities 0 0 1 71 0 0 3 166
Race-Specific Agglomeration Economies: Social Distance and the Black-White Wage Gap 0 0 1 21 0 0 2 148
Race-Specific Agglomeration Economies: Social Distance and the Black-White Wage Gap 0 0 0 89 0 1 1 230
Race-Specific Agglomeration Economies: Social Distance and the Black-White Wage Gap 0 0 0 225 0 3 6 167
Race-Specific Agglomeration Economies: Social Distance and the Black-White Wage Gap 0 0 0 73 0 1 1 128
Running with a Mask? The Effect of Air Pollution on Marathon Runners’ Performance 0 1 1 211 0 2 8 419
Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities 0 0 0 19 1 1 2 93
Searching for the parallel growth of cities 0 0 0 103 0 0 0 269
Sexual orientation and neighborhood quality: Do same-sex couples make better communities? 0 0 0 88 0 0 1 717
Smart Cafe Cities: Testing Human Capital Externalities in the Boston Metropolitan Area 0 0 0 138 1 1 9 850
Smart Café Cities: Testing Human Capital Externalities in the Boston Metropolitan Area 0 0 0 220 0 0 1 836
Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing Industries: Urban Diversity or Urban Size? 0 0 0 105 1 2 2 250
Testing urbanization economies in manufacturing industries: urban diversity or urban size? 0 0 0 189 1 1 1 570
The Effect of Beijing’s Driving Restrictions on Pollution and Economic Activity 0 0 1 57 0 3 4 222
The Effect of Housing Wealth on Labor Force Participation: Evidence from China 1 1 3 96 1 2 6 149
The Industry R&D Survey – Patent Database Link Project 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 406
The Industry R&D Survey: Patent Database Link Project 0 0 0 185 0 0 0 722
The Lame Drain 0 1 1 49 0 1 4 136
The effect of Beijing’s driving restrictions on pollution and economic activity 0 1 1 213 1 4 6 516
The effect of housing wealth on labor force participation: evidence from China 1 1 2 61 1 2 6 174
Trans-Boundary Air Pollution Spillovers: Physical Transport and Economic Costs by Distance 0 0 2 47 0 1 5 138
Wage Premia in Employment Clusters: Agglomeration or Worker Heterogeneity? 0 0 0 136 0 0 0 336
Wage Premia in Employment Clusters: Does Worker Sorting Bias Estimates? 0 0 0 212 1 2 2 687
Wage Premia in Employment Clusters: How Important is Worker Heterogeneity? 0 0 0 71 0 1 1 401
What Has Been Capitalized into Property Values: Human Capital, Social Capital, or Cultural Capital? 0 0 0 341 0 1 4 1,366
Total Working Papers 3 9 36 4,784 14 50 184 14,616

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Air Pollution and Manufacturing Firm Productivity: Nationwide Estimates for China 1 5 19 61 5 17 58 178
Commute costs and labor supply: evidence from a satellite campus 1 1 1 8 2 3 6 53
Corporate sexual equality and firm performance 0 0 1 23 0 2 22 102
Do agglomeration economies affect the local comovement of stock returns? Evidence from China 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 58
Do rural migrants benefit from labor market agglomeration economies? Evidence from Chinese cities 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 50
Economic growth, local industrial development and inter-regional spillovers from foreign direct investment: Evidence from China 0 1 2 92 0 1 14 474
Highway toll and air pollution: Evidence from Chinese cities 0 2 4 70 1 5 9 388
Impact Fees and Real Estate Prices: Evidence from 35 Chinese Cities 0 0 0 18 1 1 1 111
Industry specialization, diversification, churning, and unemployment in Chinese cities 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 258
Information and Communication Technologies and the Geographical Concentration of Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from China 0 0 0 20 0 1 1 65
Land conversion across cities in China 0 0 0 17 0 1 9 75
Measuring the Stringency of Land Use Regulation: The Case of China's Building Height Limits 5 6 17 128 6 10 36 461
Quality of life in Chinese cities 0 0 2 22 0 2 9 73
Race-specific urban wage premia and the black-white wage gap 0 3 5 34 0 5 15 136
Running With a Mask? The Effect of Air Pollution on Marathon Runners’ Performance 0 0 0 14 0 1 3 61
Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities in China 0 0 0 29 1 1 2 118
Smart Cafe Cities: Testing human capital externalities in the Boston metropolitan area 0 0 0 188 0 0 5 654
The effect of Beijing's driving restrictions on pollution and economic activity 0 0 2 174 0 5 12 516
The effect of housing wealth on labor force participation: Evidence from China 0 1 2 47 1 5 13 194
The survey of industrial R&D—patent database link project 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 209
Trans-boundary air pollution spillovers: Physical transport and economic costs by distance 0 0 3 31 1 3 22 112
Wage Premia in Employment Clusters: How Important Is Worker Heterogeneity? 0 0 1 142 1 3 6 494
Total Journal Articles 7 19 59 1,276 21 68 247 5,110

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A mayors perspective on tackling air pollution 0 0 0 4 1 2 12 25
Total Chapters 0 0 0 4 1 2 12 25

Statistics updated 2025-02-05