Access Statistics for Refet S. Gürkaynak

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Convergence and Anchoring of Yield Curves in the Euro Area 0 0 0 129 0 1 1 405
Convergence and anchoring of yield curves in the Euro area 0 0 0 70 1 1 1 220
Convergence and anchoring of yield curves in the euro area 0 0 0 151 0 1 2 503
Devlet Ic Borclanma Senetleri Icin Getiri Egrisi Tahmini 1 3 10 412 3 8 22 1,553
Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? The Response of Asset Prices to Monetary Policy Actions and Statements 0 1 7 170 2 5 18 822
Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?The Response of Asset Prices to Monetary Policy Actions and Statements 0 0 0 0 2 4 31 477
Do Actions Speak Louder than Words? The Response of Asset Prices to Monetary Policy Actions and Statements 0 1 7 423 1 5 33 1,360
Do DSGE Models Forecast More Accurately Out-of-Sample than VAR Models? 0 0 2 230 1 3 10 866
Do actions speak louder than words? the response of asset prices to monetary policy actions and statements 0 0 0 142 0 6 16 628
Does Inflation Targeting Anchor Long-Run Inflation Expectations? Evidence from Long-Term Bond Yields in the US, UK and Sweden 0 0 0 230 3 6 9 778
Does inflation targeting anchor long-run inflation expectations? evidence from long-term bond yields in the U.S., U.K., and Sweden 0 1 7 600 1 4 19 1,470
Econometric Tests of Asset Price Bubbles: Taking Stock 0 0 0 768 1 6 8 1,944
Econometric tests of asset price bubbles: taking stock 0 0 0 536 0 3 6 1,354
Exchange Rate and Inflation under Weak Monetary Policy: Turkey Verifies Theory 1 2 3 65 5 7 24 120
Exchange Rate and Inflation under Weak Monetary Policy: Turkey Verifies Theory 0 0 1 10 2 2 8 40
Exchange rate and inflation under weak monetary policy: Turkey verifies theory 1 1 5 47 1 2 11 64
Forward Guidance and Asset Prices 0 0 3 211 0 1 9 506
How Useful Are Estimated DSGE Model Forecasts for Central Bankers? 0 0 0 82 1 3 3 253
How useful are estimated DSGE model forecasts? 0 1 1 260 1 2 8 634
Identification and Inference Using Event Studies 0 1 3 227 0 1 8 446
Inflation Experience and Inflation Expectations: Spatial Evidence 0 2 2 78 1 3 5 122
Inflation Targeting and the Anchoring of Inflation Expectations in The Western Hemisphere 0 0 1 138 1 3 13 486
Is Growth Exogenous? Taking Mankiw, Romer and Weil Seriously 0 0 1 2,760 1 1 11 8,207
Is Optimal Monetary Policy Always Optimal? 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 63
Is Optimal Monetary Policy Always Optimal? 0 1 2 116 0 1 2 304
Is optimal monetary policy always optimal? 0 0 1 40 0 1 3 58
Is optimal monetary policy always optimal? 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 77
Macro and Micro of External Finance Premium and Monetary Policy Transmission 0 0 0 0 1 4 7 7
Macro and micro of external finance premium and monetary policy transmission 1 4 29 29 1 6 58 58
Macroeconomic Derivatives: An Initial Analysis of Market-Based Macro Forecasts, Uncertainty and Risk 0 0 0 182 0 1 2 692
Macroeconomic Derivatives: An Initial Analysis of Market-Based Macro Forecasts, Uncertainty and Risk 0 0 0 196 1 1 1 624
Macroeconomic Derivatives: An Initial Analysis of Market-Based Macro Forecasts, Uncertainty, and Risk 0 0 0 212 0 0 2 726
Macroeconomic derivatives: an initial analysis of market-based macro forecasts, uncertainty, and risk 0 0 0 119 0 0 0 603
Macroeconomics and the Term Structure 0 2 5 227 1 5 12 586
Market-based measures of monetary policy expectations 0 1 3 279 2 4 8 747
Market-based measures of monetary policy expectations 0 0 1 401 0 2 8 1,015
Measuring Euro Area Monetary Policy 1 1 3 37 2 6 9 160
Measuring Euro Area Monetary Policy 0 3 7 55 1 8 21 201
Measuring euro area monetary policy 0 0 1 57 1 3 8 122
Measuring euro area monetary policy 1 2 4 202 1 7 26 719
Missing Events in Event Studies: Identifying the Effects of Partially-Measured News Surprises 0 1 3 34 0 3 7 91
Missing Events in Event Studies: Identifying the Effects of Partially-Measured News Surprises 0 0 0 51 1 1 323 742
Missing Events in Event Studies: Identifying the Effects of Partially-Measured News Surprises 0 0 0 43 2 3 3 71
Monetary Policy Surprises and Exchange Rate Behavior 0 0 0 100 0 1 3 271
Monetary Policy Surprises and Exchange Rate Behavior 0 0 1 35 1 1 7 79
Monetary Policy Surprises and Exchange Rate Behavior 2 4 9 52 4 11 24 115
Monetary Policy in Turkey after Central Bank Independence 0 0 1 22 0 2 7 117
Monetary Policy in Turkey after Central Bank Independence 0 1 3 83 0 1 5 356
Monetary policy in Turkey after Central Bank independence 0 2 7 498 1 11 23 1,754
Monetary policy surprises and exchange rate behavior 0 0 1 23 2 2 6 48
Output Concerns and Precautionary Savings in Emerging Markets' Debt and Reserve Accumulation 0 2 4 21 0 3 8 40
Stock Market's Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission: The Cash Flow Effect 0 0 3 75 0 0 9 183
Stock Market's Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission: The Cash Flow Effect 0 1 1 41 0 3 6 110
Stock market's assessment of monetary policy transmission: The cash flow effect 0 1 2 40 1 4 12 81
TCMB Faiz Kararlarinin Piyasa Faizleri Ve Hisse Senedi Piyasalari Uzerine Etkisi 0 0 3 196 0 2 11 558
The TIPS yield curve and inflation compensation 0 2 2 598 3 6 10 2,094
The U.S. Treasury yield curve: 1961 to the present 3 7 13 1,633 5 10 35 6,522
The excess sensitivity of long-term interest rates: evidence and implications for macroeconomic models 0 0 0 335 0 1 1 1,050
Turkiye Icin Getiri Egrileri Kullanilarak Enflasyon Telafisi Tahmin Edilmesi 1 2 2 69 1 2 5 237
Turkiye'de Endeksli Bonolar Kullanilarak Enflasyon Telafisi Olculmesi 0 1 6 85 2 3 12 258
Turkiye�de Para Politikasinin Aktarimi:Para Politikasinin Mali Piyasalara Etkisi 0 1 1 404 0 1 2 1,057
Turkiye�de Piyasa Gostergelerinden Para Politikasi Beklentilerinin Olculmesi 0 1 2 135 0 1 2 398
Using federal funds futures contracts for monetary policy analysis 0 2 6 635 2 6 18 1,818
Total Working Papers 12 55 179 15,170 64 206 984 48,203

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A research program on monetary policy for Europe 0 1 7 7 1 3 30 30
Cari açık, bütçe dengesi, finansal istikrar ve para politikası: Heyecanlı bir dönemin izi 0 0 0 0 1 3 10 1,490
Convergence and Anchoring of Yield Curves in the Euro Area 0 0 0 97 0 0 2 342
Devlet iç borçlanma senetleri için getiri eğrisi tahmini 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 619
Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? The Response of Asset Prices to Monetary Policy Actions and Statements 9 18 116 1,058 49 113 534 4,174
Does Inflation Targeting Anchor Long-Run Inflation Expectations? Evidence from the U.S., UK, and Sweden 1 2 7 176 1 5 19 622
Dual Inflation and the Real Exchange Rate in New Open Economy Macroeconomics [with Comments] 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 5
How Useful Are Estimated DSGE Model Forecasts for Central Bankers? 0 1 2 179 1 3 14 644
Identification and Inference Using Event Studies 0 1 4 290 1 3 10 620
Inflation targeting and the anchoring of inflation expectations in the western hemisphere 0 0 3 163 0 0 6 504
International Portfolios with Supply, Demand, and Redistributive Shocks [with Comments] 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 4
Is Optimal Monetary Policy Always Optimal? 0 0 1 149 2 2 7 378
Macro and micro of external finance premium and monetary policy transmission 2 3 6 6 3 9 18 18
Macroeconomic Derivatives: An Initial Analysis of Market-Based Macro Forecasts, Uncertainty, and Risk [with Comments] 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 5
Macroeconomics and the Term Structure 3 4 13 429 7 9 32 1,112
Market-Based Measures of Monetary Policy Expectations 1 1 8 200 1 1 15 509
Measuring euro area monetary policy 5 16 62 226 19 55 205 767
Missing Events in Event Studies: Identifying the Effects of Partially Measured News Surprises 1 3 10 46 3 6 23 186
Monetary Policy in Turkey after Central Bank Independence 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 183
Monetary policy surprises and exchange rate behavior 1 2 14 81 7 14 55 255
Stock Market's Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission: The Cash Flow Effect 3 10 27 53 10 27 85 186
The Sensitivity of Long-Term Interest Rates to Economic News: Evidence and Implications for Macroeconomic Models 1 3 27 940 7 13 57 2,278
The TIPS Yield Curve and Inflation Compensation 0 1 3 333 3 7 23 1,409
The U.S. Treasury yield curve: 1961 to the present 2 9 44 774 9 30 157 2,519
The excess sensitivity of long-term interest rates: evidence and implications for macroeconomic models 0 0 0 212 1 3 4 802
Türkiye'de para politikasının aktarımı: Para politikasının mali piyasalara etkisi 0 0 0 0 2 11 63 4,226
Türkiye’de piyasa göstergelerinden para politikası beklentilerinin ölçülmesi 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 244
Total Journal Articles 29 75 356 5,689 133 328 1,406 24,910

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Appropriate Policy Tools to Manage Capital Flow Externalities 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8
Banks 0 0 4 7 0 0 7 13
Comment on "Dual Inflation and the Real Exchange Rate in New Open Economy Macroeconomics" 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 67
Comment on "International Portfolios with Supply, Demand and Redistributive Shocks" 0 0 0 13 1 1 1 48
Do DSGE Models Forecast More Accurately Out-Of-Sample than VAR Models?☆The views expressed in this article are those of the authors 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 8
Futures and options 0 0 3 19 2 3 9 38
Inflation Targeting and the Anchoring of Inflation Expectations in the Western Hemisphere 0 0 1 59 0 1 4 362
Introduction 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 5
Is Growth Exogenous? Taking Mankiw, Romer, and Weil Seriously 0 1 2 633 3 7 27 1,996
Macroeconomic Derivatives: An Initial Analysis of Market-Based Macro Forecasts, Uncertainty, and Risk 0 0 0 67 1 2 7 294
Monetary Policy Surprises and Exchange Rate Behavior 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 94
Total Chapters 1 2 12 814 11 18 70 2,933
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Statistics updated 2025-03-03