Access Statistics for Caroline Hoxby

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Revealed Preference Ranking of U.S. Colleges and Universities 0 0 5 968 1 2 25 2,769
All School Finance Equalizations Are Not Created Equal 0 0 0 343 1 1 4 1,298
Benevolent Colluders? The Effects of Antitrust Action on College Financial Aid and Tuition 0 0 0 101 0 0 5 414
Charter Schools in New York City: Who Enrolls and How They Affect Their Students' Achievement 0 0 0 225 0 0 7 619
Competition Among Public Schools: A Reply to Rothstein (2004) 0 0 1 284 0 1 6 1,122
Cost Should Be No Barrier: An Evaluation of the First Year of Harvard's Financial Aid Initiative 0 0 0 116 1 1 9 449
Do Private Schools Provide Competition for Public Schools? 0 0 3 904 2 3 30 3,944
Do and Should Financial Aid Packages Affect Students' College Choices? 0 0 0 307 1 4 8 998
Does Competition Among Public Schools Benefit Students and Taxpayers? 0 0 2 814 1 5 12 3,526
Endowment Management Based on a Positive Model of the University 0 0 0 41 0 0 2 180
Expanding College Opportunities for High-Achieving, Low Income Students 0 1 5 174 2 10 25 739
Explaining Rising Income and wage Inequality Among the College Educated 0 0 1 246 1 2 7 1,414
How the Changing Market Structure of U.S. Higher Education Explains College Tuition 0 1 3 632 1 2 15 2,179
Is There an Equity-Efficiency Trade-Off in School Finance? Tiebout and a Theory of the Local Public Goods Producer 0 0 0 407 0 0 3 2,124
Measuring Opportunity in U.S. Higher Education 0 2 7 45 0 4 17 144
Overidentification Tests with Grouped Data 0 0 0 353 0 0 1 1,840
Peer Effects in the Classroom: Learning from Gender and Race Variation 1 6 17 1,480 4 37 125 6,083
Political Jurisdictions in Heterogeneous Communities 0 0 0 21 1 1 3 221
Political Jurisdictions in Heterogeneous Communities 0 0 0 71 1 1 3 356
Political Jurisdictions in Heterogeneous Communities 0 0 1 118 1 2 8 736
Robin Hood and His Not-So-Merry Plan: Capitalization and the Self-Destruction of Texas' School Finance Equalization Plan 0 0 1 311 1 2 6 1,346
School Choice and School Productivity (or Could School Choice be a Tide that Lifts All Boats?) 0 1 5 712 1 2 28 1,943
The Changing Selectivity of American Colleges 0 0 1 189 0 1 9 699
The Cost of Accountability 0 0 1 204 0 0 4 849
The Economics Of Online Postsecondary Education: MOOCs, Nonselective Education, And Highly Selective Education 0 0 0 78 0 0 3 124
The Economics of Online Postsecondary Education: MOOCs, Nonselective Education, and Highly Selective Education 0 0 0 77 0 0 7 256
The Effects of Class Size and Composition on Student Achievement: New Evidence from Natural Population Variation 0 0 3 773 0 3 12 4,175
The Effects of the Tax Deduction for Postsecondary Tuition: Implications for Structuring Tax-Based Aid 0 1 1 19 0 1 3 108
The Effects of the Tax Deduction for Postsecondary Tuition: Implications for Structuring Tax-Based Aid 0 0 1 38 0 1 6 158
The Governance and Performance of Research Universities: Evidence from Europe and the U.S 1 1 1 384 1 2 12 921
The Hated Property Tax: Salience, Tax Rates, and Tax Revolts 0 0 4 301 0 5 23 1,140
The Missing "One-Offs": The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low Income Students 0 2 4 46 1 6 18 119
The Missing "One-Offs": The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low Income Students 0 0 4 405 2 8 24 1,244
The Productivity of Schools and Other Local Public Goods Providers 0 0 1 160 0 1 4 933
The Returns to the Federal Tax Credits for Higher Education 1 2 4 50 1 3 7 115
The governance and performance of universities: Evidence from Europe and the US 0 0 0 0 1 2 8 118
The governance and performance of universities: evidence from Europe and the US 0 0 0 49 2 2 7 193
What High-Achieving Low-Income Students Know About College 0 0 3 77 1 3 15 302
Why Reform Europe's Universities? 0 0 1 140 2 2 6 421
Why reform Europe's universities 0 0 0 0 1 1 10 160
Why reform Europe's universities 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 100
Would School Choice Change the Teaching Profession? 0 0 0 202 0 0 5 1,073
Total Working Papers 3 17 80 11,865 33 122 537 47,652

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Revealed Preference Ranking of U.S. Colleges and Universities 0 2 14 430 2 7 67 1,434
All School Finance Equalizations are Not Created Equal 1 2 5 495 2 5 25 2,104
Are Efficiency and Equity in School Finance Substitutes or Complements? 0 0 0 710 0 1 5 2,384
Does Competition Among Public Schools Benefit Students and Taxpayers? Reply 0 0 0 117 0 0 3 477
Does Competition among Public Schools Benefit Students and Taxpayers? 0 2 7 864 0 6 34 3,238
How Much Does School Spending Depend on Family Income? The Historical Origins of the Current School Finance Dilemma 0 0 7 185 1 1 10 577
How Teachers' Unions Affect Education Production 1 3 11 824 3 9 38 2,995
Online Postsecondary Education and the Higher Education Tax Benefits: An Analysis with Implications for Tax Administration 0 0 1 6 0 0 3 24
Political Jurisdictions in Heterogeneous Communities 0 1 3 246 0 2 16 1,070
Productivity in Education: The Quintessential Upstream Industry 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 9
Pulled Away or Pushed Out? Explaining the Decline of Teacher Aptitude in the United States 0 0 2 322 1 3 8 945
The Changing Selectivity of American Colleges 0 0 0 179 0 0 4 821
The Economics of Online Postsecondary Education: MOOCs, Nonselective Education, and Highly Selective Education 0 0 1 119 1 1 7 458
The Effects of Class Size on Student Achievement: New Evidence from Population Variation 3 4 18 1,526 3 11 62 6,837
The Missing "One-Offs": The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low-Income Students 1 3 8 83 11 28 87 409
The Returns to the Federal Tax Credits for Higher Education 0 0 0 7 1 1 11 67
The effects of the tax deduction for postsecondary tuition: Implications for structuring tax-based aid 0 1 1 15 0 1 3 104
The governance and performance of universities: evidence from Europe and the US 2 3 6 12 3 5 17 39
The productivity of schools and other local public goods producers 0 1 1 132 1 3 6 371
What High-Achieving Low-Income Students Know about College 1 1 3 145 1 8 13 530
What do America's \\"traditional\\" forms of school choice teach us about school choice reforms? 0 0 0 92 0 0 5 417
Would School Choice Change the Teaching Profession? 0 0 0 33 0 0 7 296
Total Journal Articles 9 23 88 6,543 30 92 434 25,606

Book File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
College Choices: The Economics of Where to Go, When to Go, and How to Pay For It 0 0 0 0 2 6 14 922
Higher aspirations- an agenda for reforming European universities 0 1 1 58 1 2 7 276
How the Financial Crisis and Great Recession Affected Higher Education 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 303
Productivity in Higher Education 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 48
The Economics of School Choice 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 411
Total Books 0 1 1 58 5 11 41 1,960

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Did the Fiscal Stimulus Work for Universities? 0 0 0 23 0 0 1 95
Do and Should Financial Aid Packages Affect Students' College Choices? 1 1 2 128 2 4 13 500
Endowment Management Based on a Positive Model of the University 0 0 2 34 0 0 5 124
Front matter to "Productivity in Higher Education" 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
Introduction to "College Choices: The Economics of Where to Go, When to Go, and How to Pay For It" 0 0 1 121 0 2 5 262
Introduction to "How the Financial Crisis and Great Recession Affected Higher Education" 0 0 1 39 0 2 6 176
Introduction to "Productivity in Higher Education" 0 0 2 13 0 0 4 48
Introduction to "The Economics of School Choice" 0 0 0 97 0 1 2 206
Online Postsecondary Education and Labor Productivity 0 1 1 28 0 1 3 157
Online Postsecondary Education and the Higher Education Tax Benefits: An Analysis with Implications for Tax Administration 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 51
School Choice and School Productivity. Could School Choice Be a Tide that Lifts All Boats? 0 1 5 119 3 12 36 580
Tax Incentives for Higher Education 0 1 1 31 0 1 2 136
The Productivity of US Postsecondary Institutions 0 0 0 52 1 1 4 152
The Returns to the Federal Tax Credits for Higher Education 0 0 0 19 0 1 3 128
Total Chapters 1 4 15 710 6 25 87 2,620

Statistics updated 2025-02-05