Access Statistics for Patricia Justino

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Africa's lockdown dilemma: High poverty and low trust 0 0 0 54 0 0 1 106
Aid and fragile states 1 1 5 25 3 3 9 20
An exploration of the association between fuel subsidies and fuel riots 0 0 1 10 0 0 3 16
Ask not what your country can do for you': Legacies of the Great Recession and the consequences of the 'trust crisis 0 0 4 20 0 1 8 19
Carrot or stick? Redistributive transfers versus policing in contexts of civil unrest 0 0 0 90 1 1 4 375
Carrot or stick? Redistributive transfers versus policing in contexts of civil unrest 0 0 0 42 0 0 1 234
Civic legacies of wartime governance 0 0 0 30 0 0 2 38
Collective Action and Armed Group Presence in Colombia 0 0 1 147 0 0 7 260
Community organization and armed group behaviour: Evidence from Colombia 1 1 4 37 2 2 7 41
Conflict and development: Recent research advances and future agendas 0 0 0 48 0 0 5 125
Cultivating change: the long-term impact of forced labour in Mozambique 3 3 30 30 4 4 32 32
Desigualdad económica y participación en organizaciones sociales en Colombia 0 0 2 56 2 4 15 135
Do pandemics lead to rebellion? Policy responses to COVID-19, inequality, and protests in the USA 0 1 5 33 0 1 9 98
Do pandemics lead to rebellion? Policy responses to COVID-19, inequality, and protests in the USA 2 4 15 29 4 7 27 84
Do the effectiveness principles matter for development?: Evidence from aid effectiveness data 1 1 8 27 3 3 13 40
Education and Conflict Recovery: The Case of Timor Leste 0 0 1 84 1 2 5 277
Education and conflict recovery: the case of Timor Leste 0 0 0 63 1 2 12 188
Faraway, so close: the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on political violence in Asian countries 0 2 3 3 1 4 14 14
First HiCN Workshop Summary of Discussions 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 95
Food Security, Peacebuilding and Gender Equality: Conceptual Framework and Future Directions 1 1 2 20 1 2 7 54
Fourth HiCN Workshop Summary of Discussions: Linking micro- and macro-level conflict processes 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 45
Governance Interventions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 17
Households amidst urban riots: The economic consequences of civil violence in India 0 0 0 56 0 1 1 154
How Can We Prevent Violence Becoming a Viable Political Strategy? 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 177
Identifying Conflict and Violence in Micro-Level Surveys 0 0 0 79 0 0 1 318
Identifying Conflict and Violence in Micro-Level Surveys 0 0 0 30 0 1 2 151
Improving parenting practices for early child development: Experimental evidence from Rwanda 0 0 2 33 1 1 8 125
Inequality and voting in fragile countries: Evidence from Mozambique 0 0 7 7 0 2 13 13
Inequality, Distributive Beliefs and Protests: A Recent Story from Latin America 0 0 5 222 2 4 23 521
Inequality, Distributive Beliefs and Protests: A Recent Story from Latin America 0 0 0 77 0 0 1 88
Institutional trust in the time of corona: Evidence from countermeasures in Germany 0 0 13 13 0 0 8 8
Local Institutions and Armed Group Presence in Colombia 0 0 1 150 1 1 5 304
Los legados del conflicto armado sobre la capacidad de los hogares para mitigar los choques económicos negativos: Evidencia para Colombia 1 1 4 94 2 2 9 315
Measuring Conflict Exposure in Micro-Level Surveys 0 0 0 58 0 0 2 173
Measuring violent conflict in micro-level surveys: current practices and methodological challenges 0 0 1 49 0 0 7 135
Micro-level dynamics of conflict, violence and development: A new analytical framework 0 0 4 131 0 0 5 225
Nutrition, Governance and Violence: A Framework for the Analysis of Resilience and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in Contexts of Violent Conflict 0 1 4 85 1 2 18 247
On the Legacies of Wartime Governance 1 1 5 14 1 2 9 45
On the Links between Violent Conflict and Chronic Poverty: How Much Do We Really Know? 0 0 0 263 1 1 4 912
On the Links between Violent Conflict and Household Poverty: How Much Do We Really Know? 0 0 1 88 0 0 4 388
On the political and social consequences of economic inequality: Civic engagement in Colombia 0 0 0 46 0 0 2 85
Political Violence, Drought and Child Malnutrition: Empirical Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India 0 0 0 69 0 1 3 444
Poverty Dynamics, Violent Conflict and Convergence in Rwanda 0 0 5 310 0 2 16 1,305
Poverty Dynamics, Violent Conflict and Convergence in Rwanda 0 0 0 89 0 0 2 471
Poverty and Violent Conflict: A Micro Level Perspective on the Causes and Duration of Warfare 0 0 0 93 0 0 2 502
Quantifying the Impact of Women�s Participation in Post-Conflict Economic Recovery 0 1 4 91 1 2 10 324
Redistribution, Inequality And Political Conflict 1 1 1 59 1 1 1 258
Redistribution, Inequality and Political Conflict 0 0 1 143 0 0 1 577
Redistribution, inequality and political participation: Evidence from Mexico during the 2008 financial crisis 0 1 3 88 0 1 5 136
Remittances and Labor Supply in Post-Conflict Tajikistan 0 0 0 47 0 0 3 308
Remittances and Labor Supply in Post-Conflict Tajikistan 0 0 0 41 0 0 1 151
Research and policy implications from a micro-level perspective on the dynamics of conflict, violence and development 1 1 4 139 3 3 15 282
Revisiting the links between economic inequality and political violence: The role of social mobilization 0 0 1 22 1 2 8 41
Riots and social capital in urban India 0 0 0 14 0 1 2 46
Riots and social capital in urban India 0 0 2 5 0 1 6 17
Roots of dissent: Trade liberalization and the rise of populism in Brazil 1 2 5 59 2 3 11 123
Second HiCN Workshop Summary of Discussions: The Unit of Analysis and the Micro-Level Dynamics of Violent Conflict 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 105
Shared Societies and Armed Conflict: Costs, Inequality and the Benefits of Peace 0 0 0 31 0 1 2 143
Shared Societies and Armed Conflict: Costs, Inequality and the Benefits of Peace 0 0 0 17 0 0 3 117
Tackling Civil Unrest: Policing or Redistribution? 0 0 0 69 0 0 1 384
The Impact of Armed Civil Conflict on Household Welfare and Policy Responses 0 0 0 107 0 1 5 369
The Impact of Armed Civil Conflict on Household Welfare and Policy Responses 0 0 2 73 1 2 5 337
The Microeconomics of Violent Conflict 2 2 4 33 2 3 18 93
The effects of wartime institutions on households' ability to cope with shocks: Evidence for Colombia 0 0 0 29 1 3 8 61
The legacy of coercive cotton cultivation in colonial Mozambique 0 0 22 22 0 1 25 25
The microeconomics of violent conflict 0 0 0 4 1 3 10 27
The social consequences of organized crime in Italy 0 0 9 49 0 3 42 97
The violent legacy of fascism: Neofascist political violence in Italy, 1969-88 0 0 3 28 1 4 23 58
Third HiCN Workshop Summary of Discussions: Micro level conflict processes and institutions 0 0 0 44 0 0 1 169
Trust in the Time of Corona 0 0 1 28 0 0 2 36
Trust in the time of corona 0 0 2 24 0 0 4 90
Violent Conflict and Human Capital Accumulation 0 1 4 183 1 3 14 440
War and Poverty 0 1 3 73 0 3 10 225
War and Poverty 2 3 3 40 2 5 8 146
War and Social Attitudes: Revisiting Consensus Views 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 54
Wartime governance and state-building trajectories in post-conflict societies 0 1 2 22 0 1 7 28
Welfare Spending and Political Conflict 0 0 2 17 0 0 3 102
Welfare losses, preferences for redistribution, and political participation 1 2 16 25 3 4 20 41
Welfare losses, preferences for redistribution, and political participation: Evidence from the United Kingdom's age of austerity 0 0 10 21 1 1 16 35
What drives parental investments in early childhood?: Experimental evidence from a video intervention in Rwanda 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
Winning or buying hearts and minds?: Cash transfers and political attitudes in Pakistan 0 0 0 20 1 1 3 41
Youth, violence, and sustaining peace 0 0 4 11 0 0 6 12
Total Working Papers 19 33 241 4,661 54 109 629 14,921
18 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Africa's lockdown dilemma: High poverty and low trust 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
An exploration of the association between fuel subsidies and fuel riots 0 0 1 5 0 0 6 19
Bridging Micro and Macro Approaches on Civil Wars and Political Violence 0 1 2 18 1 5 7 71
Do the principles of effective development co‐operation improve development outcomes? The case for clearer definitions and measurement 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6
Governance Interventions in Conflict-Affected Countries 0 0 2 9 0 0 4 38
Households amid Urban Riots 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 26
Improving Parenting Practices for Early Child Development: Experimental Evidence from Rwanda 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3
Measuring Violent Conflict in Micro-level Surveys: Current Practices and Methodological Challenges 0 0 0 27 0 1 4 99
Multidimensional welfare distributions: empirical application to household panel data from Vietnam 0 1 2 24 1 2 4 94
Pathways to achieving food security, sustainable peace and gender equality: Evidence from three FAO interventions 0 0 4 7 0 0 4 11
Political violence, adverse shocks and child malnutrition: Empirical evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 19
Poverty Dynamics, Violent Conflict, and Convergence in R wanda 0 0 0 29 0 0 3 128
Poverty and Violent Conflict: A Micro-Level Perspective on the Causes and Duration of Warfare 0 0 0 12 0 1 4 60
Redistributive Preferences and Protests in Latin America 0 1 4 40 2 4 9 80
Remittances and labor supply in post-conflict Tajikistan 0 0 0 29 0 0 3 133
Short- and Long-Term Impact of Violence on Education: The Case of Timor Leste 0 0 1 12 0 3 5 76
Social security in developing countries: MYTH or necessity? Evidence from India 0 0 2 40 0 1 3 183
Supply and demand restrictions to education in conflict-affected countries: New research and future agendas 0 1 2 59 2 5 17 220
The Life with Corona survey 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
The impact of collective action on economic development: empirical evidence from Kerala, India 0 0 1 117 0 0 4 303
The need to be governed: Governance and violence in conflict contexts 0 0 0 18 0 1 1 57
Welfare in Vietnam during the 1990s: Poverty, inequality and poverty dynamics 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 19
Welfare spending and political conflict in Latin America, 1970–2010 0 1 3 75 0 3 7 177
Total Journal Articles 1 6 28 599 11 32 100 1,979

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Aid and fragile states 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2
Total Chapters 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2

Statistics updated 2024-11-05