Access Statistics for Hashmat Khan

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Dynamic Model of COVID-19: Contagion and Implications of Isolation Enforcement 0 0 0 73 0 0 1 278
A Structural Analysis of US Entry and Exit Dynamics 0 0 2 129 1 5 10 231
A Tale of Two Major Postwar Business Cycle Episodes 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 26
A Tale of Two Major Postwar Business Cycle Episodes 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 5
A structural analysis of US entry and exit dynamics 0 0 0 34 0 0 1 96
A structural analysis of US entry and exit dynamics. Tecnnical Appendix 0 0 0 35 0 2 2 50
Business Dynamism and Economic Growth: U.S. Regional Evidence 0 0 1 38 2 4 7 72
Business Dynamism and Economic Growth: U.S. Regional Evidence 0 0 0 67 0 1 4 127
COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Scenarios For Ontario 0 0 0 32 1 1 4 84
COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Scenarios for Ontario 0 1 2 18 0 1 6 58
COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Scenarios for Ontario 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 46
Carbon Emissions and Business Cycles 0 0 1 88 0 0 2 227
Carbon Emissions and Business Cycles 0 0 1 88 0 2 5 118
Characterizing G-multipliers in Canada 0 0 0 4 1 2 8 13
Characterizing G-multipliers in Canada 0 0 1 53 0 4 13 118
Collateral Shocks: A Dominant Source of U.S. Business Cycles? 0 1 1 11 0 1 7 16
Collusion and Antitrust Filings over the Business Cycle 0 0 1 69 1 1 3 176
Competitiveness, inflation, and monetary policy 0 0 1 284 0 1 3 898
Consumer Confidence and Household Investment 0 0 1 5 0 3 6 34
Consumer Confidence and Household Investment 0 0 5 27 2 4 25 124
Contribution of ICT Use to Output and Labour-Productivity Growth in Canada 0 0 0 229 0 0 0 1,020
Did US Business Dynamism Recover in the 2010s? 0 0 0 13 1 1 1 23
Did US Business Dynamism Recover in the 2010s? 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 23
Did the Fed Remain at the ZLB Long Enough? Lessons from the 2008-2019 Period 0 0 0 9 1 2 5 9
Does Business Confidence Matter for Investment? 1 3 11 241 9 15 76 1,207
Effects of Productivity Shocks on Employment: UK Evidence (revised 25 February 2013) 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 209
Endogenous price stickiness, trend inflation, and the New Keynesian Phillips curve 0 0 0 425 1 1 2 1,186
Entrepreneurship and the Business Cycle: Stylized Facts from U.S. Venture Capital Activity 0 0 0 61 1 2 4 101
Entry, Exit and Economic Growth: US Regional Evidence 0 1 3 125 0 2 5 127
Estimates of the Sticky-Information Phillips Curve for the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom 0 0 0 376 0 0 1 1,075
House Prices and Government Spending Shocks 0 0 0 210 1 3 6 549
Household Borrowing Constraints and Residential Investment Dynamics 0 0 0 204 0 1 2 138
Household Borrowing Constraints and Residential Investment Dynamics 0 0 0 68 0 0 1 115
Indebted Demand in a Two Period Consumption-Saving Model 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 12
Inventory Investment and the Real Interest Rate 0 0 0 74 1 2 3 328
Investment Adjustment Costs: An Empirical Assessment 0 0 0 83 1 2 7 864
Investment Shocks and the Comovement Problem 0 0 0 82 0 0 2 227
Investment Shocks and the Comovement Problem 0 0 1 41 0 0 1 126
Investment adjustment costs: evidence from UK and US industries 1 1 1 152 1 1 4 444
Investment shocks and the comovement problem 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 42
Investment-Specific News Dominates TFP News in Driving U.S. Business Cycles 0 0 1 65 1 3 5 133
Investment-Specific News Shocks and U.S. Business Cycles 0 1 2 130 0 1 2 249
Is Unconventional Monetary Policy Stabilizing? Evidence From the Great Recession and Recovery Years 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 6
Is Unconventional Monetary Policy Stabilizing? Evidence From the Great Recession and Recovery Years 0 0 0 25 0 1 4 65
La politique budgétaire en contexte de relance économique post-première vague de Covid-19: Étude appliquée au Québec 0 0 2 23 0 0 8 116
Large Firms and the Cyclicality of US Labour Productivity 0 0 2 23 0 2 6 31
Monetary News Shocks 0 0 3 363 0 1 6 730
New Phillips Curve with Alternative Marginal Cost Measures forCanada, the United States, and the Euro Area 0 0 2 324 0 0 7 1,320
Price Stickiness, Inflation, and Output Dynamics: A Cross-Country Analysis 0 0 0 143 0 0 0 700
Price-setting behaviour, competition, and mark-up shocks in the New Keynesian model 0 0 0 434 0 0 2 1,547
Private versus Social Responses to a Pandemic 0 2 9 9 3 5 22 22
Returns to Scale in U.S. Production, Redux 0 0 5 42 2 4 15 140
Rule-Based Monetary Policy and the Threat of Indeterminacy When Trend Inflation Is Low 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 3
Rules-Based Monetary Policy and the Threat of Indeterminacy When Trend Inflation is Low 0 0 0 85 0 1 4 174
Some International Evidence on Inequality, Demographics, and Long-term Interest Rates* 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 45
Sources of Canadian Economic Growth 0 0 0 121 1 1 3 366
Technology Shocks and UK Business Cycles 0 0 2 276 0 0 2 964
The Behavior of the Aggregate U.S. Wage Markdown 0 0 1 27 1 3 8 86
The Collateral Channel: How Real Estate Shocks Affect Corporate Investment:Comment 0 0 0 118 1 1 4 303
The Effects of Permanent Markup Shocks in Canada – revised version: Markups and Oil Prices in Canada (12 October 2012) 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 121
The Phillips Curve Under State-Dependent Pricing 0 0 0 72 0 0 2 268
The Phillips curve under state-dependent pricing 0 0 0 24 0 1 1 133
The Phillips curve under state-dependent pricing 0 0 0 228 0 0 1 661
The Quantitative Importance of News Shocks in Estimated DSGE Models 1 1 4 334 1 1 7 697
The Real Interest Rate Channel is Structural in Contemporary New-Keynesian Models 3 4 7 163 3 6 10 335
The Shifts in Lead-Lag Properties of the US Business Cycle 0 0 0 123 0 0 1 330
The Stock Market and the Consumer Confidence Channel in Canada 0 0 0 33 0 1 2 110
The Stock Market and the Consumer Confidence Channel in Canada 0 0 1 82 0 1 4 408
The Welfare and Distributional Consequences of Corporate Tax Cuts in Open Economies 1 2 4 41 4 6 14 73
The extensive margin and US aggregate fluctuations: A quantitative assessment 0 0 0 15 0 1 1 21
US Postwar Macroeconomic Fluctuations Without Indeterminacy 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 42
Why Does Household Investment Lead Business Investment over the Business Cycle?: Comment 0 0 0 16 0 0 1 46
Why Does Household Investment Lead Business Investment over the Business Cycle?: Comment 0 0 0 69 0 0 1 55
Total Working Papers 7 17 78 7,099 43 109 378 20,922
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
COVID‐19 pandemic and economic scenarios for Ontario 0 0 3 10 0 0 3 13
Carbon emissions and business cycles 1 1 5 54 1 3 15 153
Did US business dynamism recover in the 2010s? 0 0 0 9 2 2 2 17
Does business confidence matter for investment? 0 0 2 22 1 1 9 73
Effects of productivity shocks on hours worked: UK evidence 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 120
Estimates of the Sticky-Information Phillips Curve for the United States 0 0 4 115 0 0 5 287
House Prices and Government Spending Shocks 0 1 3 16 1 3 8 91
Household borrowing constraints and residential investment dynamics 0 0 0 12 0 1 2 88
Introduction to the Special Issue on COVID Economics 0 0 0 2 1 2 3 11
Inventory investment and the real interest rate 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 777
Investment Adjustment Costs: An Empirical Assessment 0 0 0 16 2 3 6 47
Investment Adjustment Costs: An Empirical Assessment 0 0 0 0 2 2 10 154
Investment shocks and the comovement problem 0 0 1 120 0 2 3 385
Investment‐Specific News Shocks and U.S. Business Cycles 1 3 4 42 1 4 12 152
Markups and oil prices in Canada 1 1 1 59 2 2 2 330
Monetary News Shocks 0 0 4 24 1 2 11 80
New Phillips curve under alternative production technologies for Canada, the United States, and the Euro area 0 0 1 101 0 0 1 286
Price stickiness, inflation, and persistence in real exchange rate fluctuations: cross-country results 0 0 0 17 1 1 1 74
Price stickiness, trend inflation, and output dynamics: a cross-country analysis 0 0 0 23 0 1 2 144
Price stickiness, trend inflation, and output dynamics: a cross‐country analysis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11
Price-setting behaviour, competition, and markup shocks in the new Keynesian model 0 0 1 130 0 0 5 399
Rules-based monetary policy and the threat of indeterminacy when trend inflation is low 0 0 0 11 4 6 8 49
Sources of Canadian economic growth 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 16
Sources of Canadian economic growth 0 0 1 12 1 2 4 57
The New Keynesian Phillips curve under trend inflation and strategic complementarity 0 1 2 184 0 1 3 374
The Phillips curve under state-dependent pricing 0 0 0 107 1 1 3 307
The Quantitative Importance of News Shocks in Estimated DSGE Models 0 0 2 9 0 1 6 32
The Quantitative Importance of News Shocks in Estimated DSGE Models 0 0 2 98 1 1 12 370
The Real Interest Rate Channel Is Structural in Contemporary New‐Keynesian Models: A Note 0 1 4 6 0 1 5 14
The Timing and Intensity of Social Distancing to Flatten the COVID-19 Curve: The Case of Spain 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 5
The extensive margin and US aggregate fluctuations: A quantitative assessment 0 1 3 22 0 1 5 52
The stock market and the consumer confidence channel: evidence from Canada 0 0 0 14 0 0 4 67
Total Journal Articles 3 9 46 1,409 22 44 158 5,063

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Unit labour cost, wages and labour productivity in Canada: A bottom-up analysis 1 1 3 3 2 4 9 9
Total Chapters 1 1 3 3 2 4 9 9

Statistics updated 2025-03-03