Access Statistics for Boris Maciejovsky

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Are we nice(r) to nice(r) people? - An Experimental Analysis 0 0 0 137 1 1 1 543
Deadline Effects in Ultimatum Bargaining: An Experimental Study of Concession Sniping with Low or no Costs of Delay* 0 1 2 135 0 1 3 659
Everyday representations of tax avoidance, tax evasion, and tax flight: Do legal differences matter? 0 0 3 227 0 4 23 1,243
Framing Effects on Asset Markets - An Experimental Analysis - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 394
Framing Effects, Selective Information and Market Behavior ­ An Experimental Analysis ­ 0 0 0 296 0 0 2 1,357
Framing effects on asset markets: An experimental analysis 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 398
Hindsight Bias and Individual Risk Attitude within the Context of Experimental Asset Markets 0 0 0 268 0 0 2 1,588
Illusion of Expertise in Portfolio Decisions - An Experimental Approach 0 0 1 32 0 0 2 237
Illusion of Expertise in Portfolio Decisions - An Experimental Approach - 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 668
Information Dissemination on Asset Markets with Endogenous and Exogenous Information: An Experimental Approacha 0 0 0 104 0 0 0 501
Mental accounting and the impact of tax penalty and audit frequency on the declaration of income: An experimental analysis 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 384
Overconfidence in Investment Decisions: An Experimental Approach 0 0 0 487 0 0 0 1,628
Overconfidence in Investment Decisions: An Experimental Approach 0 0 3 317 2 2 7 1,273
Reasoning and Institutions: Do Markets Facilitate Logical Reasoning in the Wason Selection Task? 0 0 0 116 0 1 11 696
Risk Attitude and Market Behavior: Evidence from Experimental Asset Markets 0 0 1 328 0 0 3 1,305
Satisficing in Financial Decision Making A Theoretical and Experimental Attempt to Explore Bounded Rationality 0 1 1 147 0 5 13 572
Simultaneous Over-and Underconfidence: Evidence from Experimental Aseet Markets 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 338
Simultaneous over- and underconfidence: Evidence from experimental asset markets 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 281
Specious Confidence after Tax Audits: A Contribition to the Dynamics of Compliance 0 0 0 82 0 1 3 302
Steuermoral und Steuerhinterziehung 0 1 1 254 0 1 1 798
Tax avoidance, tax evasion, and tax flight: Do legal differences matter? 1 1 1 1,161 2 3 11 4,755
Teams Make You Smarter: Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Auctions and Markets by Teams and Individuals 0 0 0 86 0 1 1 376
Teams Make You Smarter: Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Auctions and Markets by Teams and Individuals 0 0 2 38 1 1 6 125
The Effect of Monetary Feedback and Information Spillovers on Cognitive Errors: Evidence from Competitive Markets 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 313
Total Working Papers 1 4 15 4,940 7 22 93 21,347

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Are we nice(r) to nice(r) people?—An experimental analysis 0 0 0 44 0 0 3 270
Conflict and Decision-Making in Close Relationships: Love, Money and Daily Routines; Erich Kirchler, Christa Rodler, Erik Holzl, Katja Meier; Psychology Press Ltd., Hove, East Sussex, UK, 2001; pp. 262, ISBN 0-86377-811-9 ([UK pound]34.95) 0 0 4 118 0 2 7 498
Costs of implementation: Bargaining costs versus allocative efficiency 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 90
Everyday representations of tax avoidance, tax evasion, and tax flight: Do legal differences matter? 0 0 5 372 0 3 13 1,283
Exploring Behavior: An Ultimatum Experiment 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 326
Holistic experimentation versus decomposition: an ultimatum experiment 0 0 0 15 0 0 2 108
Illusion of expertise in portfolio decisions: an experimental approach 0 1 2 31 0 2 13 166
Misperception of chance and loss repair: On the dynamics of tax compliance 0 0 3 62 1 1 8 246
Overconfidence in investment decisions: An experimental approach 0 0 2 193 1 1 12 742
Rationality Versus Emotions: The Case of Tax Ethics and Compliance 0 0 1 24 0 0 6 148
Risk attitude and market behavior: Evidence from experimental asset markets 1 1 3 154 1 2 22 548
Simultaneous Over- and Underconfidence: Evidence from Experimental Asset Markets 0 0 0 140 0 1 5 481
Tax compliance within the context of gain and loss situations, expected and current asset position, and profession 0 0 2 162 2 2 6 425
The Effect of Payoff Feedback and Information Pooling on Reasoning Errors: Evidence from Experimental Markets 0 0 3 13 0 1 5 56
Will Cooperators Manage to Cooperate? - Experimental Evidence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117
—The Researcher as a Consumer of Scientific Publications: How Do Name-Ordering Conventions Affect Inferences About Contribution Credits? 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 110
Total Journal Articles 1 2 25 1,351 5 15 108 5,614

Statistics updated 2025-02-05