Access Statistics for Lindsey A. Macmillan

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Accounting for Intergenerational Income Persistence: Non-Cognitive Skills, Ability and Education 0 0 2 54 1 1 8 201
Accounting for Intergenerational Income Persistence: Noncognitive Skills, Ability and Education 0 0 0 73 1 1 4 274
Accounting for Intergenerational Income Persistence: Noncognitive Skills, Ability and Education 0 0 0 437 0 0 0 894
Accounting for intergenerational income persistence: non-cognitive skills, ability and education 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 109
Assessing the role of grammar schools in promoting social mobility 1 3 10 207 4 7 41 624
Children in jobless households across Europe: Evidence on the association with medium- and long-term outcomes 0 0 0 77 1 1 4 173
Education and Intergenerational Mobility: Help or Hindrance? 0 0 2 100 2 3 19 370
Education and Intergenerational Mobility: Help or Hindrance? 0 1 1 45 0 2 9 126
Explaining Intergenerational Income Persistence: Non-cognitive Skills, Ability and Education 0 0 4 259 0 0 7 827
Family Income and Education in the Next Generation: Exploring income gradients in education for current cohorts of youth 0 0 1 153 0 1 4 473
Grade Expectations: How well can we predict future grades based on past performance? 0 5 28 506 6 18 68 1,651
Higher education, career opportunities, and intergenerational inequality 0 2 3 32 0 2 3 40
Income inequality, intergenerational mobility and the Great Gatsby Curve: is education the key? 0 2 5 220 1 5 18 444
Inequalities in student to course match: evidence from linked administrative data 1 1 1 12 1 1 2 23
Inequalities in student to course match: evidence from linked administrative data 1 1 1 71 1 3 11 288
Inequality in access to grammar schools 0 1 4 157 2 3 22 558
Intergenerational Persistence in Income and Social Class: The Impact of Increased Inequality 0 0 0 181 0 2 2 705
Intergenerational Persistence in Income and Social Class: The Impact of Within-Group Inequality 1 1 1 62 2 2 2 137
Intergenerational Persistence in Income and Social Class: The Impact of Within-Group Inequality 2 2 3 82 2 3 10 187
Intergenerational Persistence in Income and Social Class: The Impact of Within-Group Inequality 0 0 0 127 0 0 1 287
Intergenerational Persistence in Income and Social Class: The Impact of Within-Group Inequality 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 122
Intergenerational income persistence within families 0 0 1 10 0 0 3 49
Intergenerational joblessness across Europe: the role of labour markets, education and welfare generosity 1 2 9 83 2 7 47 353
Is London really the engine-room? Migration, opportunity hoarding and regional social mobility in the UK 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 46
Matching in the Dark? Inequalities in student to degree match 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 36
Matching in the Dark? Inequalities in student to degree match 0 0 4 154 1 1 19 602
Measuring the intergenerational correlation of worklessness 0 0 1 45 0 1 3 136
Moving Towards Estimating Lifetime Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the UK 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 137
Moving Towards Estimating Lifetime Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the UK 0 0 0 11 0 2 9 74
Nonlinear Estimation of Lifetime Intergenerational Economic Mobility and the Role of Education 0 0 1 106 0 2 6 311
Parental Inputs and Socio-Economic Gaps in Early Child Development 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 38
Parental Inputs and Socio-economic Gaps in Early Child Development 0 0 0 20 0 0 2 58
Parental inputs and socio-economic gaps in early child development 0 1 7 119 6 10 32 350
Selective Schooling Systems Increase Inequality 0 1 1 113 0 1 3 287
Selective Schooling Systems Increase Inequality 0 1 3 117 2 6 24 426
The Impact of Fathers’ Job Loss during the 1980s Recession on their Child’s Educational Attainment and Labour Market Outcomes 0 0 0 22 1 1 1 103
The Intergenerational Transmission of Worklessness in the UK 0 0 2 90 0 0 4 212
The role of non-cognitive and cognitive skills, behavioural and educational outcomes in accounting for the intergenerational transmission of worklessness 0 0 6 175 1 2 12 503
The unequal scarring effects of a recession on young people's life chances 0 0 1 142 0 2 10 515
Understanding income mobility: the role of education for intergenerational income persistence in the US, UK and Sweden 0 2 5 421 0 8 17 969
Unemployment: The Coming Storm, Who Gets Hit, Who Gets Hurt, and Policy Remedies 0 0 2 169 1 7 18 400
When and why do initially high attaining poor children fall behind? 0 0 0 73 0 0 1 121
Who gets the Top Jobs? The role of family background and networks in recent graduates' access to high status professions 0 0 3 168 1 3 12 460
Total Working Papers 7 26 112 5,097 39 108 459 14,699

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Access to grammar schools by socio-economic status 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 34
Accounting for Intergenerational Income Persistence: Noncognitive Skills, Ability and Education 0 0 0 272 1 3 8 677
Do selective schooling systems increase inequality? 0 0 1 20 0 1 10 83
Does Teaching Children How to Play Cognitively Demanding Games Improve Their Educational Attainment?: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Chess Instruction in England 0 0 0 23 0 2 4 88
Higher education, career opportunities, and intergenerational inequality 0 1 2 12 0 1 8 83
Intergenerational income mobility: access to top jobs, the low-pay no-pay cycle and the role of education in a common framework 0 0 2 14 0 1 9 100
Intergenerational persistence in income and social class: the effect of within-group inequality 0 0 2 62 0 0 2 244
Intergenerational worklessness in the UK and the role of local labour markets 0 1 1 14 0 2 3 53
Is London Really the Engine-Room? Migration, Opportunity Hoarding and Regional Social Mobility in the UK 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 33
Moving Towards Estimating Sons' Lifetime Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the UK 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 41
The Impact of Fathers' Job Loss during the Recession of the 1980s on their Children's Educational Attainment and Labour Market Outcomes 0 0 1 20 0 1 2 76
Total Journal Articles 0 2 9 456 1 12 48 1,512

Statistics updated 2025-02-05