Access Statistics for Igor Masten

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
An Overview of the Factor-augmented Error-Correction Model 0 0 5 202 1 4 18 219
Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Acceding Countries: The Role of Exchange Rate Regimes 0 0 0 280 0 0 1 656
Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Candidate Countries 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 581
Exchange Rate Policy and Inflation in Acceding Countries: The Role of Pass-through 0 0 0 365 0 0 2 1,035
Financial integration and financial development in transition economies: What happens during financial crises? 0 0 0 31 0 0 1 76
Financial integration and financial development in transition economies: what happens during financial crises? 0 0 2 170 0 0 5 422
Financial integration and financial development in transition economies: what happens during financial crises? 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 200
Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables Using Diffusion Indexes in Short Samples with Structural Change 0 0 2 219 0 0 7 636
Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables Using Diffusion Indexes in Short Samples with Structural Change 0 0 1 126 0 0 2 683
Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables Using Diffusion Indexes in Short Samples with Structural Change 0 0 1 141 0 0 3 552
Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables for the Acceding Countries 0 0 1 120 0 0 1 577
Forecasting macroeconomic variables for the new member states of the European Union 0 0 1 192 0 2 6 704
Forecasting with Factor-augmented Error Correction Models 0 0 1 60 0 0 2 228
Forecasting with Factor-augmented Error Correction Models 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 233
How Important Is the Shock-Absorbing Role of the Real Exchange Rate? 0 0 0 208 1 1 1 495
Leading Indicators for Euro Area Inflation and GDP Growth 0 0 1 343 0 0 4 1,054
Leading Indicators for Euro-area Inflation and GDP Growth 0 0 2 668 0 4 7 1,844
Non-linear growth effects of financial development: Does financial integration matter? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64
Sources and Obstacles for Growth in Transition Countries: The Role of Credit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
Structural FECM: Cointegration in large-scale structural FAVAR models 0 0 1 90 0 0 2 186
Total Working Papers 0 0 18 3,653 2 11 62 10,477
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Control of Inflation on the Road to the European Monetary Union 0 0 1 21 0 0 1 100
Exchange rate pass-through in EMU acceding countries: Empirical analysis and policy implications 0 0 1 200 0 0 2 526
Forecasting with factor-augmented error correction models 0 1 5 89 1 4 15 230
L'influence du régime de change sur l'inflation dans les pays adhérents 0 0 1 3 0 1 2 27
Leading Indicators for Euro‐area Inflation and GDP Growth* 0 0 2 250 0 3 8 882
Linfluence du régime de change sur linflation dans les pays adhérents 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 58
Non-linear growth effects of financial development: Does financial integration matter? 0 0 4 336 2 3 13 855
Optimal monetary policy with Balassa-Samuelson-type productivity shocks 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 195
Shadow short rate and monetary policy in the Euro area 0 1 8 145 2 5 21 364
Stress testing the EU fiscal framework 0 0 0 30 0 0 2 155
Structural FECM: Cointegration in large‐scale structural FAVAR models 0 0 2 25 0 0 3 83
Time Dependent Efficiency of Free Trade Agreements - The Case of Slovenia and the CEFTA Agreement 0 0 1 32 0 0 1 136
Total Journal Articles 0 2 25 1,217 5 16 68 3,611

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
An Overview of the Factor-augmented Error-Correction Model 0 0 0 17 1 1 5 67
Total Chapters 0 0 0 17 1 1 5 67

Statistics updated 2025-02-05