Access Statistics for Keith Robert McLaren

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Class of Demand Systems Satisfying Global Regularity and Having Complete Rank Flexibility 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 104
A New Example of a Closed Form Mean-Variance Representation 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 377
A Parsimonious Autocorrelation Correction for Singular Demand Systems 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 601
A Regular Demand System with Commodity-Specific Demographic Effects 0 0 0 24 0 0 2 306
An EM Algorithm for Modelling Variably-Aggregated Demand 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 690
Cobb-Douglas Utility - Eventually! 0 0 0 633 0 1 3 5,586
Cobb-Douglas Utility - Eventually! 0 0 0 184 1 1 2 1,311
Cobb-Douglas Utility - Eventually! 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 4
Compositional Data Analysis and Zeros in Micro Data 0 0 4 274 0 0 6 763
Consumer Demand, Consumption, and Asset Pricing: An Integrated Analysis 0 0 2 37 0 0 3 123
Econometric Modelling of Price Response by Alcohol Types to Inform Alcohol Tax Policies 0 1 2 128 0 2 4 354
Effective global regularity and empirical modeling of direct, inverse and mixed demand systems 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 99
Equations for Gross Business Fixed Investment 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 496
Estimating Demand with Varied Levels of Aggregation 0 0 0 225 1 1 1 880
Forecasting Compositional Time Series: A State Space Approach 0 1 1 72 0 1 1 127
Intertemporal Consumption and Consumer Demand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 396
Multi-Output Broadacre Agricultural Production: Estimating A Cost Function Using Quasi-Micro Farm Level Data From Australia 0 0 0 127 0 0 3 450
Nonsimultaneity and Futures Option Pricing: Simulation and Empirical Evidence 0 0 0 165 0 2 2 579
Regular and Estimable Inverse Demand Systems: A Distance Function Approach 0 0 1 252 0 0 2 1,293
The Analysis of Consumer Demand for Food in South Africa: An Application of the Modified Almost Ideal Demand System: Some Preliminary Results 0 0 0 33 0 1 5 129
The Benefit Function Approach to Modeling Price-Dependent Demand Systems: An Application of Duality Theory 0 0 0 55 0 1 1 190
The Econometric Specification of Input Demand Systems Implied by Cost Function Representations 0 0 1 82 0 1 3 230
The impact of environmental policy stringency on industrial productivity growth: A semi-parametric study of OECD countries 0 1 2 41 0 1 4 45
Using the Murphy Model to Provide Short-Run Macroeconomic Closure for ORANI 0 0 0 106 0 0 2 705
Total Working Papers 0 3 14 2,718 2 12 46 15,838

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Dynamic Model of a Joint Firm-Household 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51
A Simple Nested Test of the Almost Ideal Demand System 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 402
A System of Demand Equations Satisfying Effectively Global Curvature Conditions 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 120
A System of Demand Equations Satisfying Effectively Global Regularity Conditions 0 0 1 75 0 0 1 332
AJAE appendix for The Benefit Function Approach to Modeling Price-Dependent Demand Systems: An Application of Duality Theory 0 0 1 6 0 0 2 34
An Empirically Oriented Demand System with Improved Regularity Properties 0 0 0 54 1 1 1 241
An Intertemporal Analysis of the Interdependence between Risk Preference, Retirement, and Work Rate Decisions 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 108
Approaches to the Solution of Intertemporal Consumer Demand Models 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 67
Approaches to the Solution of Stochastic Intertemporal Consumption Models 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87
Atemporal, Temporal and Intertemporal Duality in Consumer Theory 0 1 3 49 0 2 4 236
Compositional data analysis and zeros in micro data 0 0 1 137 0 0 2 437
Disaggregated econometric estimation of consumer demand response by alcoholic beverage types 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 23
Disaggregated econometric estimation of consumer demand response by alcoholic beverage types 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 27
Economic welfare evaluation in an era of rapid technological change 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 49
Effective global regularity and empirical modelling of direct, inverse, and mixed demand systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6
Effective global regularity and empirical modelling of direct, inverse, and mixed demand systems 0 0 0 11 0 1 1 65
Empirical demand systems incorporating intertemporal consumption dynamics 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 44
Estimation of Translog Demand Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 151
Forecasting compositional time series: A state space approach 0 0 1 23 1 1 2 79
Inflationary Expectations in Intertemporal Consumer Demand Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
Intertemporal Duality: Application to the Theory of the Firm 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 232
Intertemporal Two-stage Budgeting: Implications for Consumer Demands and Consumption 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 3
Introductory Statistics/Econometrics: EXECUSTAT Version 3.0 and ET the Econometrics Toolkit Version 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 344
Modelling Price Expectations in Intertemporal Consumer Demand Systems: Theory and Application 0 0 0 16 1 1 1 72
Modelling zeroes in microdata 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 123
On the Derivation of a Determinate Investment Equation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 224
On the empirical exploitation of consumers' profit functions in static analyses 0 0 0 28 0 0 1 277
Parsimonious autocorrelation corrections for singular demand systems 0 0 0 11 1 2 3 62
Specification and Estimation of ELES 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 8
Specification and Estimation of Regular Inverse Demand Systems: A Distance Function Approach 0 0 0 83 0 0 1 257
Testing Further Restrictions on Portfolio Models 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38
The Benefit Function Approach to Modeling Price-Dependent Demand Systems: An Application of Duality Theory 0 0 1 30 0 1 2 117
The Optimality of Rational Distributed Lags 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 42
The Orani‐Macro Interface: An Illustrative Exposition* 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
The impact of environmental policy stringency on industrial productivity growth: A semi-parametric study of OECD countries 0 1 1 6 1 4 10 24
The stochastic specification of demand share equations: Restricting budget shares to the unit simplex 0 0 1 91 0 0 1 366
Using the Murphy Model to Provide Short‐run Macroeconomic Closure for ORANI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166
Valuation of public goods: an intertemporal mixed demand approach 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 15
Total Journal Articles 0 4 15 928 7 25 61 5,745
2 registered items for which data could not be found

Statistics updated 2025-02-05