Access Statistics for Giuseppe Moscarini

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Aggregate Worker Reallocation and Occupational Mobility in the United States: 1976-2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 310
Aggregate worker reallocation and occupational mobility in the United States: 1971-2000 0 0 0 155 0 0 1 566
Asymmetric Information and Employment Fluctuations 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 164
Business Cycles and Endogenous Uncertainty 0 2 7 175 1 9 32 713
Competitive Experimentation with Private Information 0 0 1 72 0 0 1 299
Did the Job Ladder Fail After the Great Recession? 0 0 0 12 0 0 2 87
Did the Job Ladder Fail After the Great Recession? 0 0 0 42 0 0 2 144
Did the Job Ladder Fail After the Great Recession? 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 4
Did the job ladder fail after the Great Recession? 0 0 0 7 1 1 2 61
Growing Large or Growing old? A New Perspective on the Firm Life Cycle 0 0 0 73 0 2 5 152
Job-to-Job Quits and Corporate Culture: New Results 0 0 1 8 0 1 2 38
Job-to-job quits and corporate culture 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 294
Large Employers Are More Cyclically Sensitive 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 127
Large Employers Are More Cyclically Sensitive 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 105
Large Employers Are More Cyclically Sensitive 0 0 0 85 0 0 1 232
Large Employers Are More Cyclically Sensitive 0 0 0 30 1 1 4 127
Measuring Employer-to-Employer Reallocation 0 0 1 11 0 1 3 73
Measuring Employer-to-Employer Reallocation 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 32
Measuring Employer-to-Employer Reallocation 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 19
Morale Hazard 0 0 0 222 0 0 1 1,212
Morale Hazard 0 0 0 103 1 1 1 711
Non-Stationary Search Equilibrium 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 153
Occupational Mobility and the Business Cycle 0 0 0 63 0 0 2 256
Occupational Mobility and the Business Cycle 0 0 0 138 0 0 4 480
Occupational and Job Mobility in the US 0 1 1 93 0 1 4 382
On the Job Search and Business Cycles 1 1 2 54 2 6 11 150
Optimal Dynamic Contests 0 0 0 29 1 2 4 97
Price Competition for an Informed Buyer 0 0 0 212 0 0 1 1,097
Recall and Unemployment 0 0 3 58 0 0 6 109
Recall and Unemployment 0 0 0 74 1 2 2 188
Recall and Unemployment 0 0 0 52 1 1 1 72
Recall and unemployment 0 0 0 75 0 1 1 258
Rent Rigidity, Asymmetric Information, and Volatility Bounds in Labor Markets 0 0 0 66 0 1 1 292
Social Learning in a Changing World 0 0 1 287 0 0 2 1,222
Stochastic Search Equilibrium 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 65
Stochastic Search Equilibrium 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Stochastic Search Equilibrium 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 158
Stochastic Search Equilibrium 0 0 1 153 0 0 1 372
Stochastic Search Equilibrium 0 0 0 31 1 1 9 125
The Contribution of Large and Small Employers to Job Creation in Times of High and Low Unemployment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
The Contribution of Large and Small Employers to Job Creation in Times of High and Low Unemployment 0 0 2 52 0 0 9 189
The Demand for Information: More Heat than Light 0 0 0 34 1 2 2 214
The Demand for Information: More Heat than Light 0 0 0 141 1 2 5 1,006
The Job Ladder: Inflation vs. Reallocation 0 0 2 20 3 3 14 33
The Timing of Labor Market Expansions: New Facts and a New Hypothesis 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 61
Wage Posting and Business Cycles: a Quantitative Exploration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Wage Posting and Business Cycles: a Quantitative Exploration 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 97
Wage Posting and Business Cycles: a Quantitative Exploration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Wald Revisited: The Optimal Level of Experimentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 374
Wald Revisited: The Optimal Level of Experimentation 0 0 2 331 1 1 5 1,352
Total Working Papers 1 4 25 3,165 19 44 159 14,279

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Comment 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2
Competence Implies Credibility 0 1 3 89 0 2 6 364
Competitive experimentation with private information: The survivor's curse 0 0 1 54 0 0 2 203
Did the Job Ladder Fail after the Great Recession? 0 1 3 133 0 1 9 428
Equilibrium Wage Dispersion: Monopsony or Sorting? 0 0 1 24 0 0 2 117
Excess Worker Reallocation 1 1 3 30 1 1 7 435
Introduction to Search Theory and Applications 0 0 1 287 0 0 3 751
Job Matching and the Wage Distribution 0 0 1 374 0 0 9 884
Limited information capacity as a source of inertia 0 0 2 311 0 1 4 648
Measuring Employer-to-Employer Reallocation 0 1 5 5 3 32 52 52
Morale hazard 0 0 1 93 0 0 3 469
Occupational and Job Mobility in the US 0 2 4 10 0 2 7 53
On the Job Search and Business Cycles 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 7
Price Competition for an Informed Buyer 0 0 3 89 0 1 6 344
Recall and Unemployment 0 0 1 50 1 2 9 381
Rent Rigidity, Asymmetric Information, and Volatility Bounds in Labor 1 1 1 102 1 1 5 497
Social learning in a changing world 0 0 1 119 0 0 4 516
Stochastic Search Equilibrium 0 0 2 53 0 1 4 235
The Contribution of Large and Small Employers to Job Creation in Times of High and Low Unemployment 0 0 3 148 0 0 5 565
The Cyclical Job Ladder 1 1 6 30 3 3 18 119
The Law of Large Demand for Information 0 0 0 73 0 0 1 386
The Optimal Level of Experimentation 0 0 0 48 0 0 1 189
The Relative Power of Employment-to-Employment Reallocation and Unemployment Exits in Predicting Wage Growth 0 0 4 29 1 2 6 144
The demand for information: More heat than light 1 1 2 53 1 4 7 199
Unemployment and Small Cap Returns: The Nexus 0 0 0 42 0 0 1 187
Wage Posting and Business Cycles 0 0 1 27 1 1 2 166
Wage Posting and Business Cycles: a Quantitative Exploration 1 2 5 133 2 8 22 389
Total Journal Articles 5 11 56 2,485 14 66 206 8,934

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Comment on "An Anatomy of Monopsony: Search Frictions, Amenities and Bargaining in Concentrated Markets" 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6
Comment on "Reference Dependence and Labor Market Fluctuations" 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 39
Did the Job Ladder Fail after the Great Recession? 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 165
The Timing of Labor Market Expansions: New Facts and a New Hypothesis 0 0 1 115 0 0 1 280
Total Chapters 0 0 1 124 0 0 6 490

Software Item File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Code and data files for "Rent Rigidity, Asymmetric Information, and Volatility Bounds in Labor Markets" 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 234
Code and data files for "Wage Posting and Business Cycles: a Quantitative Exploration" 0 0 2 112 0 1 4 220
Total Software Items 0 0 2 196 0 1 4 454

Statistics updated 2025-02-05