Access Statistics for David Parsley

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Price Based Approach To Estimate The Effects Of Monetary Arrangements On Trade Integration 0 0 0 22 1 2 2 157
A Prism into the PPP Puzzles: The Micro-Foundations of Big Mac Real Exchange Rates 0 0 1 128 0 2 3 565
A Prism into the PPP Puzzles: The Micro-foundations of Big Mac Real Exchange Rates 0 0 1 165 1 2 5 686
Accounting for Real Exchange Rate Changes in East Asia 0 0 0 192 0 1 1 500
Accounting for Real Exchange Rate Changes in East Asia 0 0 0 18 0 0 2 117
Border, Border, Wide and Far, How We Wonder What You Are 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 27
Border, Border, Wide and Far, How We Wonder What You Are 0 0 0 106 0 1 1 773
Border, border, wide and far, how we wonder what you are 0 0 0 92 0 0 0 984
Convergence to the Law of One Price Without Trade Barriers or Currency Fluctuations 0 0 2 505 2 3 8 2,392
Corporate Lobbying and Financial Performance 0 2 3 168 0 3 14 528
Evaluating Exchange Rate Management An Application to Korea 0 1 1 51 0 1 1 170
Exchange Rate Induced Export Quality Upgrading: A Firm-Level Perspective 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 142
Exchange Rate Pass-Through in a Small Open Economy: Panel Evidence from Hong Kong 0 0 1 40 0 0 2 159
Exchange Rate Pass-through in South Africa: Panel Evidence from Individual Goods and Services 0 0 0 80 0 0 3 244
Exchange Rate Passthrough in South Africa Panel Evidence from Individual Goods and Services 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 211
Exchange Rate Pegs and Foreign Exchange Exposure in East Asia 0 0 0 490 0 0 1 1,379
Explaining the Border Effect: The Role of Exchange Rate Variability, Shipping Costs, and Geography 0 0 0 391 0 1 2 1,722
Foreign Exchange Exposure and Exchange Rate Arrangements in East Asia 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 202
GDP Synchronicity and Risk Sharing Channels in a Monetary Union: Blue State and Red States 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 16
In Search of a Euro Effect: Big Lessons from a Big Mac Meal? 0 0 0 79 0 0 1 296
Insignificant and Inconsequential Hysteresis: The Case of the U.S. Bilateral Trade 0 0 0 35 1 2 2 534
Limiting Currency Volatility to Stimulate Goods Market Integration: A Price Based Approach 0 0 2 211 0 1 12 1,167
Limiting Currency Volatility to Stimulate Goods Market Integration: A Price-Based Approach 0 0 0 63 2 3 6 427
Limiting Currency Volatility to Stimulate Goods Market Integration: a Price-Based Approach 0 0 0 44 5 6 11 417
News Spillovers in the Sovereign Debt Market 0 0 0 125 1 1 5 450
Pricing in International Markets: A 'Small Country' Benchmark 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 180
Pricing in International Markets: a 'Small-Country' Benchmark 0 0 0 235 0 0 0 887
Purchasing Power Disparity During the Floating Rate Period: Exchange Rate Volatility, Trade Barriers and Other Culprits 0 0 3 544 0 1 10 2,662
Slow Pass-through Around the World: A New Import for Developing Countries? 0 0 2 37 1 2 6 156
Slow Passthrough Around the World: A New Import for Developing Countries? 0 0 0 68 0 0 0 288
Slow Passthrough Around the World: A New Import for Developing Countries? 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 58
Slow Passthrough Around the World: A New Import for Developing Countries? 0 0 0 404 1 1 3 1,198
Sovereign Credit Ratings, Transparency and International Portfolio Flows 0 0 0 115 0 1 1 419
Sovereign Credit Ratings, Transparency and International Portfolio Flows 0 0 0 22 0 0 1 94
Sudden Deaths: Taking Stock of Geographic Ties 0 0 0 86 1 3 4 402
Sudden Deaths: Taking Stock of Political Connections 0 0 0 232 1 2 5 984
The Micro-foundations of Big Mac Real Exchange Rates 0 0 0 53 0 0 1 283
The Quality of Accounting Information in Politically Connected Firms 0 1 1 147 0 1 4 375
The Quality of Accounting Information in Politically Connected Firms 0 0 1 193 0 0 6 784
Understanding Real Exchange Rate Movements with Trade in Intermediate Products 0 0 0 31 0 0 1 115
Total Working Papers 0 4 18 5,723 18 44 135 24,888

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Prism into the PPP Puzzles: The Micro-Foundations of Big Mac Real Exchange Rates 0 0 0 133 0 2 6 576
Accounting for real exchange rate changes in East Asia 0 0 0 45 0 0 1 142
Aggregate Price Changes and Dispersion: A Comparison of the Equity and Goods and Services Markets 0 0 0 35 0 0 2 263
Anticipated future shocks and exchange rate pass-through in the presence of reputation 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 66
Climate change salience and international equity returns 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2
Convergence to the Law of One Price Without Trade Barriers or Currency Fluctuations 1 1 9 382 4 9 39 1,511
Corporate Lobbying and Firm Performance 0 0 4 22 2 4 23 117
Economic policy uncertainty and voluntary disclosures:How do Chinese firms respond? 1 2 2 2 1 2 6 6
Exchange Rate Pass-through in South Africa: Panel Evidence from Individual Goods and Services 0 0 1 19 0 1 2 91
Exchange Rates, Domestic Prices, and Central Bank Actions: Recent U.S. Experience 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5
Exchange rate induced export quality upgrading: A firm-level perspective 0 1 3 17 1 2 6 65
Exchange rate pass-through in a small open economy: Panel evidence from Hong Kong 0 0 0 75 0 0 1 367
Exchange rate pegs and foreign exchange exposure in East and South East Asia 0 0 0 62 1 3 4 224
Exchange-Rate Pass-through with Intertemporal Linkages: Evidence at the Commodity Level 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 102
Explaining the border effect: the role of exchange rate variability, shipping costs, and geography 0 0 2 188 0 5 14 725
Gauging exchange rate targeting 0 0 0 31 0 1 1 103
In search of a euro effect: Big lessons from a Big Mac Meal? 0 0 0 83 0 0 2 276
Inflation and Relative Price Variability in the Short and Long Run: New Evidence from the United States 0 0 1 94 1 1 3 470
Insignificant and Inconsequential Hysteresis: The Case of U.S. Bilateral Trade 0 0 0 30 0 1 2 351
Japan's trade surplus 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 259
Measuring Financial Integration via Idiosyncratic Risk: What Effects Are We Really Picking Up? 0 0 0 23 1 1 1 90
Measuring Financial Integration via Idiosyncratic Risk: What Effects Are We Really Picking Up? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
News spillovers in the sovereign debt market 1 2 5 281 1 2 11 728
Official Exchange Rate Arrangements and Real Exchange Rate Behavior 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 371
Pricing in International Markets: a “Small‐country” Benchmark 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 171
Return comovement 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 43
Risk Sharing in a Politically Divided Monetary Union 0 0 1 4 0 0 3 18
Slow Pass-through Around the World: A New Import for Developing Countries? 1 1 8 192 2 3 18 841
Sudden Deaths: Taking Stock of Geographic Ties 0 1 3 87 0 4 15 348
The quality of accounting information in politically connected firms 0 1 9 466 3 6 48 1,624
The quality of accounting information in politically connected firms 0 0 2 45 1 1 11 237
Total Journal Articles 4 9 51 2,417 21 52 228 10,286

Statistics updated 2025-03-03