Access Statistics for José-Víctor Ríos-Rull

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Quantitative Theory of Unsecured Consumer Credit with Risk of Default 0 0 0 370 0 1 4 1,360
A Quantitative Theory of the Credit Score 0 0 0 16 0 0 2 44
A Quantitative Theory of the Credit Score 0 0 1 12 0 0 2 47
A Quantitative Theory of the Credit Score 0 1 2 14 0 3 6 54
A Quantitative Theory of the Credit Score 0 0 2 10 0 0 3 30
A Theory of Credit Scoring and the Competitive Pricing of Default Risk 0 0 1 84 0 1 6 218
A Theory of Credit Scoring and the Competitive Pricing of Default Risk 0 0 1 109 0 0 4 401
A finite-life private-information theory of unsecured consumer debt 0 0 0 83 0 0 1 294
A quantitative theory of unsecured consumer credit with risk of default 0 2 6 489 0 5 13 1,478
Aggregate Shocks and the Volatility of House Prices 0 0 0 269 0 0 1 404
Aggregate and Welfare Effects of Redistribution of Wealth Under Inflation and Price-Level Targeting 0 0 0 211 0 0 0 958
Aggregate and Welfare Effects of Redistribution of Wealth Under Inflation and Price-Level Targeting 0 0 1 15 0 0 1 101
Business Cycles and Household Formation: The Micro vs the Macro Labor Elasticity 0 0 0 71 1 2 3 155
Business Cycles and Household Formation: The Micro vs the Macro Labor Elasticity 0 0 0 118 1 1 1 486
Capital-skill complementarity and inequality: a macroeconomic analysis 0 2 7 1,686 2 5 22 4,365
Computation of equilibria in heterogeneous agent models 0 0 3 1,075 1 2 13 2,000
Constrained Efficiency in the Neoclassical Growth Model With Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Shocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
Constrained Efficiency in the Neoclassical Growth Model With Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Shocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
Constrained efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks 0 0 0 39 0 0 1 161
Constrained efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks 0 0 0 14 1 1 4 93
Constrained efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks 0 0 0 344 0 0 4 1,022
Constrained efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks 0 0 1 77 0 2 11 438
Constrained efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 65
Constrainted efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic skocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17
Constrainted efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic skocks 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 61
Constrainted efficiency in the neoclassical growth model with uninsurable idiosyncratic skocks 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 14
Credit Lines 0 0 0 81 0 0 1 213
Credit, Bankruptcy, and Aggregate Fluctuations 0 0 2 52 0 0 4 59
Credit, Bankruptcy, and Aggregate Fluctuations 0 0 1 64 0 0 1 126
Credit, bankruptcy, and aggregate fluctuations 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 126
Demand Shocks as Technology Shocks 1 1 27 27 2 4 50 50
Demand Shocks that Look Like Productivity Shocks 0 0 2 196 0 1 7 478
Demand for Liquidity and Welfare Cost of Inflation by Cohort and Age of Households 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 114
Demand shocks and open economy puzzles 0 0 1 114 0 0 2 230
Earnings and Wealth Inequality and Income Taxation: Quantifying the Trade-Offs of Switching to a Proportional Income Tax in the U.S.' 0 0 0 119 0 0 0 567
Earnings and wealth inequality and income taxation: quantifying the tradeoffs of switching to a proportional income tax in the U.S 0 0 1 293 0 1 4 1,023
Engineering a paradox of thrift recession 1 1 1 59 2 3 8 177
Engineering a paradox of thrift recession 0 0 1 56 0 0 3 210
Families as Shocks 0 0 2 111 0 1 7 326
Financial Frictions, Asset Prices, and the Great Recession 0 0 0 49 0 0 3 93
Financial Frictions, Asset Prices, and the Great Recession 0 1 4 146 0 3 15 306
Financial Integration, Financial Deepness and Global Imbalances 0 0 0 285 1 1 3 882
Financial Integration, Financial Deepness and Global Imbalances 0 0 0 412 1 3 7 917
Finite-Life, Private-Information Theory of Unsecured Debt 0 0 0 53 0 1 2 246
Habit formation: implications for the wealth distribution 0 0 2 172 1 1 3 742
Health Heterogeneity and the Preferences for Consumption Growth 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 185
Health and Heterogeneity 0 0 0 174 0 0 2 266
Health versus Wealth: On the Distributional Effects of Controlling a Pandemic 0 0 1 72 0 0 2 91
Health versus Wealth: On the Distributional Effects of Controlling a Pandemic 0 0 1 121 0 0 5 91
Health versus Wealth: On the Distributional Effects of Controlling a Pandemic 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 88
Health versus Wealth: On the Distributional Effects of Controlling a Pandemic 0 0 0 56 0 0 1 175
Health versus Wealth: On the Distributional Effects of Controlling a Pandemic 0 1 1 60 1 4 5 129
Health versus Wealth: On the Distributional Effects of Controlling a Pandemic 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 48
Health, Consumption and Inequality 0 0 2 177 0 0 2 296
Heterogeneity in Expected Longevities 0 0 0 39 0 0 1 115
Heterogeneity in Expected Longevities 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 98
Heterogeneity in expected longevities 0 0 0 58 0 0 3 195
Implementing the 35 Hour Workweek by Means of Overtime Taxation 0 0 0 150 0 0 1 813
Inflation, Nominal Debt, Housing, and Welfare 0 0 0 40 1 1 2 92
Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession 0 0 0 165 0 0 0 318
Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession 0 0 1 66 0 0 3 149
Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 140
Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession 0 0 1 31 0 0 3 174
Intergenerational redistribution in the Great Recession 0 0 0 65 0 0 1 252
Labor Share and Productivity Dynamics 0 0 0 13 0 1 1 33
Labor Share and Technology Dynamics 0 1 1 62 0 2 3 183
Life insurance and household consumption 0 0 4 391 0 0 6 1,121
Marital risk and capital accumulation 0 0 2 209 1 4 8 1,204
Methods versus Substance: Measuring the Effects of Technology Shocks on Hours 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 399
Methods versus Substance: Measuring the Effects of Technology Shocks on Hours 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 134
Methods versus substance: measuring the effects of technology shocks on hours 0 0 0 131 1 2 4 471
Models of government expenditure multipliers 0 0 0 158 0 1 1 276
On Black/White Intermarriage Patterns 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1,390
On the The Living Arrangements of Elderly Widows 0 0 0 110 0 1 4 506
On the Welfare Implications of Financial Globalization without Financial Development 0 0 0 252 0 1 2 856
On the equilibrium concept for overlapping generations organizations 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 194
On the equilibrium concept for overlapping generations organizations 0 0 0 277 0 0 0 903
On the size of U.S. government: political economy in the neoclassical growth model 0 0 0 385 0 0 0 1,944
Organizational Equilibrium with Capital 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 38
Organizational Equilibrium with Capital 0 0 0 65 0 0 1 63
Organizational Equilibrium with Capital 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 24
Paradox of Thrift Recessions 0 0 0 37 0 0 1 122
Paradox of thrift recessions 0 0 0 69 0 1 2 117
Partial Default 0 0 0 91 0 0 2 207
Partial Default 0 0 0 29 1 1 5 59
Partial Default 0 0 0 22 1 2 5 52
Partial Default 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 125
Precautionary Savings and Wealth Distribution Under Habit Formation Preferences 0 0 0 9 0 1 2 31
Procyclical Productivity in New Keynesian Models 0 0 1 38 0 0 1 35
Realistic neoclassical multiplier 0 0 0 98 1 1 1 138
Sex Ratios and Long-Term Marriage Trends 0 0 0 44 0 2 11 176
Social Security, Life Insurance and Annuities for Families 0 1 2 104 0 1 3 385
The Balance of Payments and Borrowing Constraints: An Alternative View of the Mexican Crisis 0 0 0 369 1 1 2 1,605
The Generalized Euler Equation and the Unilateral Default Problem 0 0 3 72 0 2 10 167
The Great Recession and Financial Shocks 0 0 0 79 0 0 2 122
The Role of the Sex Imbalance in Shaping Marital Status 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 585
The Welfare Cost of Inflation Revisited: The Role of Financial Innovation and Household Heterogeneity 0 0 1 56 0 0 4 146
The balance of payments and borrowing constraints: an alternative view of the Mexican crisis 0 0 0 427 0 2 4 1,670
Time Consistent Debt 0 0 0 0 0 5 19 653
Time Consistent Public Expenditures 0 0 0 273 0 0 2 674
Time-Consistent Public Expenditures 0 0 0 262 0 0 2 524
Unemployment spells and income distribution dynamics 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 426
Unemployment spells and income distribution dynamics 0 0 1 11 0 0 2 36
Vested Interests in a Positive Theory of Stagnation and Growth 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 592
What Accounts for the Increase in the Number of Single Households? 0 2 5 140 2 6 26 439
What Constitutions Promote Capital Accumulation? A Political-Economy Approach 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 593
Total Working Papers 2 13 96 13,382 23 87 407 44,296

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
2013 Update on the U.S. Earnings, Income, and Wealth Distributional Facts: A View from Macroeconomics 1 3 15 219 2 11 42 594
A Quantitative Theory of Unsecured Consumer Credit with Risk of Default 0 1 2 760 1 2 9 1,787
A finite-life private-information theory of unsecured consumer debt 0 0 0 99 0 1 4 250
Accounting for the U.S. Earnings and Wealth Inequality 6 15 51 1,313 9 28 105 2,845
Aggregate and welfare effects of redistribution of wealth under inflation and price-level targeting 0 1 5 151 1 2 11 448
An Aggregate Economy with Different Size Houses 0 0 5 99 1 1 12 376
Are consumption taxes really better than income taxes? 0 1 1 334 0 1 4 790
Capital-Skill Complementarity and Inequality: A Macroeconomic Analysis 0 0 0 1 5 11 52 2,293
Classical competitive analysis of economies with Islands 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 44
College Attainment of Women 0 1 2 110 0 1 6 822
Comment on: "Taxes, benefits, careers, and markets" by Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent 0 0 2 39 0 0 2 103
Constrained Efficiency in the Neoclassical Growth Model With Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Shocks 0 0 5 256 0 2 12 737
Consumption smoothing in island economies: Can public insurance reduce welfare? 2 3 13 512 2 5 18 998
Demand Induced Fluctuations 0 0 0 33 0 0 7 154
Demand Shocks and Open Economy Puzzles 0 0 0 41 0 0 1 242
Desigualdad, ¿qué sabemos? 0 0 1 149 1 1 2 531
Dimensions of inequality: facts on the U.S. distributions of earnings, income, and wealth 0 1 3 610 0 2 8 2,143
Efectos de los créditos participativos públicos en la financiación de las empresas 0 0 0 80 0 0 1 295
Exploring the income distribution business cycle dynamics 1 2 6 462 1 3 23 1,039
Facts on the distributions of earnings, income, and wealth in the United States: 2007 update 0 2 9 196 1 6 21 514
Families As Shocks 0 0 4 81 1 2 10 195
Financial Integration, Financial Development, and Global Imbalances 1 3 10 1,017 2 6 37 2,633
Heterogeneity in Expected Longevities 0 1 3 40 0 1 4 106
Implementing the 35 Hour Workweek by Means of Overtime Taxation 0 0 1 182 0 1 6 1,056
Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession 0 1 5 32 0 3 24 190
Labour Share and Productivity Dynamics 0 0 2 10 0 2 8 42
Life Insurance and Household Consumption 0 0 4 97 3 8 18 331
Life-Cycle Economies and Aggregate Fluctuations 0 0 6 617 1 2 15 1,096
Methods versus substance: Measuring the effects of technology shocks 0 1 2 81 0 2 10 299
On the Size of U.S. Government: Political Economy in the Neoclassical Growth Model 0 0 0 450 0 0 6 2,268
On the Welfare Implications of Financial Globalization without Financial Development [with Comments] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8
On the quantitative importance of market completeness 2 3 7 261 2 4 9 678
Optimal Time-Consistent Taxation with International Mobility Of Capital 0 0 0 205 0 1 3 516
Politico-economic equilibrium and economic growth 0 1 2 465 0 2 6 1,093
Population Changes and Capital Accumulation: The Aging of the Baby Boom 0 0 0 295 0 1 3 1,097
Precautionary savings and wealth distribution under habit formation preferences 0 0 3 243 1 2 11 651
Redistributive shocks and productivity shocks 0 1 5 283 0 5 14 753
Social security, life insurance and annuities for families 0 1 3 202 0 1 5 626
Sticky Wage Models and Labor Supply Constraints 0 0 2 12 0 0 4 75
The Research Agenda: Determinants of Inequality 1 2 2 283 2 3 4 733
The Success and Failure of Reforms in Transition Economies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 366
The balance of payments and borrowing constraints: An alternative view of the Mexican crisis 0 0 0 64 0 0 1 305
The welfare cost of inflation revisited: The role of financial innovation and household heterogeneity 0 1 2 16 0 3 12 70
Tightening Financial Frictions on Households, Recessions, and Price Reallocations 1 1 1 177 1 1 4 550
Time-Consistent Public Policy 1 1 4 293 1 2 11 578
Time-consistent optimal fiscal policy 0 0 0 307 0 1 2 641
Understanding the Dynamics of the Labor Share: the Role of non-Competitive Factor Prices 0 1 2 31 0 2 5 84
Understanding the U.S. distribution of wealth 1 3 6 251 3 5 9 1,518
Updated facts on the U.S. distributions of earnings, income, and wealth 0 1 4 359 0 3 10 924
Vested Interests in a Positive Theory of Stagnation and Growth 0 0 4 387 0 2 18 972
Working in the Market, Working at Home, and the Acquisition of Skills: A General-Equilibrium Approach 0 0 0 243 0 0 1 773
Total Journal Articles 17 52 204 12,601 43 144 613 38,799

Book File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Shielding the Poor: Social Protection in the Developing World 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 50
Total Books 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 50

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
On the Welfare Implications of Financial Globalization without Financial Development 0 0 1 73 0 0 1 200
Total Chapters 0 0 1 73 0 0 1 200

Software Item File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Code and data files for "Demand Induced Fluctuations" 0 0 3 91 0 0 5 195
Code and data files for "Tightening Financial Frictions on Households, Recessions, and Price Reallocations" 0 0 0 197 0 0 2 332
Total Software Items 0 0 3 288 0 0 7 527

Statistics updated 2025-02-05