Access Statistics for John H. Rogers

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Unified Measure of Fed Monetary Policy Shocks 0 0 4 91 0 3 15 316
A guide to FRB/Global 0 0 0 325 1 3 7 1,132
An Empirical Examination of State Government Budgets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 369
An empirical comparison of Bundesbank and ECB monetary policy rules 0 0 2 573 0 1 5 1,390
Border effects within the NAFTA countries 0 0 0 357 0 0 0 2,489
Border prices and retail prices 0 0 0 67 1 1 7 1,026
Capital Controls in Emerging and Developing Economies and the Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy 2 2 4 21 2 7 17 43
Capital controls and the international transmission of U.S. money shocks 0 0 0 267 0 2 3 636
Convertibility risk, default risk, and the Mexdollar anomaly 0 0 0 36 0 0 4 586
Deviations from Purchasing Power Parity:Causes and Welfare Costs 0 0 0 184 0 1 10 782
Deviations from Purchasing Power Parity:Causes and Welfare Costs 0 0 0 30 2 2 4 315
Deviations from purchasing power parity: causes and welfare costs 0 0 1 551 0 1 3 3,592
Evaluating Asset-Market Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Comparison 0 1 5 371 1 6 16 822
Exchange rate forecasting: the errors we've really made 0 0 1 1,036 1 1 2 3,223
Exchange rate pass-through to U.S. import prices: some new evidence 1 1 3 664 2 4 12 2,106
Exchange rates and fundamentals: a generalization 0 0 1 100 0 0 1 290
Exchange rates and fundamentals: a generalization 0 0 0 187 0 0 0 411
Expected consumption growth from cross-country surveys: implications for assessing international capital markets 0 0 0 68 0 0 1 250
Firm Financial Conditions and the Transmission of Monetary Policy 0 0 1 13 1 1 12 31
Firm financial conditions and the transmission of monetary policy 0 2 2 2 0 1 1 1
Forward-Looking Monetary Policy and the Transmission of Conventional Monetary Policy Shocks 0 0 0 27 0 1 3 74
Government Budget Deficits and Trade Deficits: Are Present Value Constraints Satisfied in Long-Term Data? 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 579
Government budget deficits and trade deficits: are present value constraints satisfied in long-term data? 1 1 1 190 1 1 3 1,056
Haircuts or Hysteresis? Sources of Movements in Real Exchange Rates 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 694
How Well Does Economic Uncertainty Forecast Economic Activity? 0 1 2 45 0 2 10 68
How Wide is the Border? 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 666
How Wide is the Border? 0 0 1 902 0 1 7 2,975
How wide is the border? 0 0 3 158 1 1 11 933
How wide is the border? 0 0 0 204 0 0 2 844
Identifying the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks on Exchange Rates Using High Frequency Data 0 0 1 176 0 0 2 491
Identifying the effects of monetary policy shocks on exchange rates using high frequency data 0 0 1 225 0 0 5 599
Identifying the effects of monetary policy shocks on exchange rates using high frequency data 0 0 0 134 0 0 1 460
Inflation and the great ratios: long-term evidence from the U.S 0 0 0 204 0 1 2 1,039
International Stock Price Spillovers and Market Liberalization: Evidence from Korea, Japan, and the United States 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 323
International stock price spillovers and market liberalization: evidence from Korea, Japan, and the United States 0 0 1 61 0 0 1 385
Intra-National, Intra-Continental, and Intra-Planetary PPP 0 0 0 69 0 0 1 424
Intra-national, intra-continental, and intra-planetary PPP 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 886
Investment and the current account in the short run and the long run 0 0 1 312 0 0 3 676
Long-term evidence on the Tobin and Fisher effects: a new approach 0 0 0 259 0 0 2 875
Measuring Cross Country Monetary Policy Uncertainty 0 0 0 184 0 0 3 250
Measuring Monetary Policy Uncertainty: The Federal Reserve, January 1985-January 2016 2 3 13 196 2 4 22 451
Modern Pandemics: Recession and Recovery 0 0 0 29 0 0 2 117
Modern pandemics: Recession and recovery 0 0 0 49 0 1 1 154
Monetary Policy Expectations, Fund Managers, and Fund Returns: Evidence from China 0 0 1 40 1 3 8 82
Monetary Policy Uncertainty 1 1 3 121 2 2 11 309
Monetary policy in the end-game to exchange-rate based stabilizations: the case of Mexico 0 0 0 253 0 0 2 849
Monetary policy's role in exchange rate behavior 0 0 1 905 0 1 3 2,209
Monetary shocks and real exchange rates 0 0 2 655 1 1 4 1,704
Monetary union, price level convergence, and inflation: how close is Europe to the United States? 0 1 1 802 0 1 4 2,098
News and noise in G-7 GDP announcements 0 0 3 352 1 1 4 1,243
Output and the real exchange rate in developing countries: an application to Mexico 0 0 0 839 0 0 3 2,006
Output, Inflation and Stabilization: A Counterfactual Analysis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 148
Output, inflation, and stabilization in a small open economy: evidence from Mexico 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 800
Political Competition, Fiscal Illusion, and U.S. State Government Size: Do Tighter Election Produce Tighter Budgets? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 233
Political competition, causal relationships between taxes and spending, and their influence on government size: evidence from state-level data 0 0 0 48 0 1 1 348
Price Level Convergence and Inflation in Europe 0 0 0 188 0 0 0 959
Price level convergence, relative prices, and inflation in Europe 0 0 2 919 0 0 6 3,191
Puzzles in the Chinese stock market 0 0 0 613 0 1 3 2,185
Puzzles in the Chinese stock market 0 0 0 1,029 0 1 3 3,671
Real exchange rate movements in high inflation countries 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 881
Real shocks and real exchange rates in really long-term data 0 1 1 77 0 1 3 418
Regional Patterns in the Law of One Price: The Roles of Geography vs. Currencies 0 1 1 211 0 1 5 1,442
Regional Patterns in the Law of One Price: The Roles of Geography vs. Currencies 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 504
Regional Patterns in the Law of One Price: The Roles of Geography vs. Currencies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173
Regional patterns in the law of one price: the roles of geography vs. currencies 0 0 1 264 0 0 3 792
Relative Price Volatility: What Role Does the Border Play? 0 0 0 100 0 0 1 465
Relative Price Volatility: What Role Does the Border Play? 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 191
Relative Returns on Equities in Pacific Basin Countries 0 0 0 103 0 0 1 1,569
Relative price volatility: what role does the border play? 0 0 0 206 0 0 5 901
Revisiting the Border: an assessment of the law of one price using very disaggregated consumer price data 0 0 2 168 0 0 3 470
Sources of Fluctuations in Relative Prices: Evidence from High Inflation Countries 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 257
Taxonomy of Global Risk, Uncertainty, and Volatility Measures 0 0 0 55 0 0 4 155
The Effect of the China Connect 0 0 0 21 1 2 3 81
The Effect of the China Connect 0 0 3 26 1 4 17 86
The Impact of U.S. Monetary Policy on Foreign Firms 0 0 0 1 1 2 6 8
The Impact of U.S. Monetary Policy on Foreign Firms 0 0 3 16 1 1 7 38
The Present Value Model of the Current Account Has Been Rejected: Round Up the Usual Subjects 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 556
The U.S. Current Account Deficit and the Expected Share of World Output 0 0 0 230 0 0 2 862
The U.S. current account deficit and the expected share of world output 0 0 0 119 0 1 3 621
The U.S. current account deficit and the expected share of world output 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 443
The effect of the China Connect 0 0 1 31 1 2 8 88
The high-frequency response of exchange rates and interest rates to macroeconomic announcements 0 0 3 552 1 1 11 1,598
The present-value model of the current account has been rejected: Round up the usual suspects 0 0 1 244 0 0 1 819
The present-value model of the current account has been rejected: round up the usual suspects 0 0 0 255 0 1 1 1,122
Uncertainty, Curreny Exess Returns, and Risk Reversals 0 0 1 43 0 0 2 99
Unconventional Monetary Policy and International Risk Premia 0 1 3 161 1 2 8 299
Violating the Law of One Price: Should We Make a Federal Case Out of It? 0 1 2 131 1 2 3 639
Violating the Law of One Price: Should We Make a Federal Case Out of It? 0 0 0 21 0 0 2 118
Violating the Law of One Price: Should We Make a Federal Case Out of It? 0 0 1 122 0 0 1 809
Violating the law of one price: should we make a federal case out of it? 0 0 0 73 0 1 1 353
Visible Hands: Professional Asset Managers' Expectations and the Stock Market in China 0 0 1 13 3 4 14 24
What is Certain about Uncertainty? 0 0 1 48 4 5 13 194
Total Working Papers 7 17 86 18,850 37 93 395 76,489

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A unified measure of Fed monetary policy shocks 2 5 21 72 5 17 92 315
An empirical open-economy macro model with credit 0 0 0 18 0 1 1 78
Border prices and retail prices 0 0 1 35 1 2 4 205
Capital Controls and the International Transmission of U.S. Money Shocks 0 0 0 117 0 0 2 370
Capital Controls and the International Transmission of U.S. Money Shocks 0 0 2 18 0 2 10 45
Chinese Asset Managers’ Monetary Policy Forecasts and Fund Performance 1 9 27 56 4 16 46 91
Convertibility Risk, Default Risk, and the Mexdollar Anomaly: A Reply to Gruben and Welch 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 170
Convertibility risk and dollarization in Mexico: a vectorautoregressive analysis 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 137
Deviations from purchasing power parity: causes and welfare costs 0 0 2 196 0 0 13 765
Empirical exchange rate models 0 0 1 107 0 0 2 225
Entry barriers and price movements between major and emerging stock markets 0 0 0 35 0 0 2 155
European product market integration after the euro 1 1 2 461 1 2 8 1,081
Evaluating International Economic Policy with the Federal Reserve's Global Model 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 7
Evaluating asset-market effects of unconventional monetary policy: a multi-country review 0 0 6 215 0 2 24 554
Evaluating international economic policy with the Federal Reserve's global model 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 143
Exchange rate forecasting: the errors we've really made 2 2 4 288 3 3 10 680
Expected Consumption Growth from Cross-Country Surveys: Implications for Assessing International Capital Markets 0 0 0 26 0 0 1 122
Foreign Inflation Transmission under Flexible Exchange Rates and Currency Substitution 0 0 1 91 0 1 2 388
Government budget deficits and trade deficits Are present value constraints satisfied in long-term data? 1 2 3 392 4 5 11 1,184
Haircuts or hysteresis? Sources of movements in real exchange rates 0 1 4 204 1 2 7 823
High inflation: causes and consequences 0 0 2 756 0 0 7 8,536
How Wide Is the Border? 1 1 21 1,616 2 7 75 4,977
Identifying the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks on Exchange Rates Using High Frequency Data 0 0 2 157 2 6 9 502
Inflation and the great ratios: Long term evidence from the U.S 0 1 5 98 0 3 9 442
International stock price spillovers and market liberalization: Evidence from Korea, Japan, and the United States 0 0 2 61 0 1 3 213
Intranational, Intracontinental, and Intraplanetary PPP 0 0 0 39 0 0 7 252
Investment and the Current Account in the Short Run and the Long Run 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 547
Modern Pandemics: Recession and Recovery 1 2 3 3 3 4 15 15
Monetary policy in the end-game to exchange-rate based stabilizations: the case of Mexico 0 1 1 21 0 1 3 148
Monetary policy uncertainty 4 6 26 135 9 23 91 464
Monetary policy's role in exchange rate behavior 2 3 11 480 3 6 29 1,117
Monetary shocks and real exchange rates 0 0 1 131 0 1 5 336
Monetary union, price level convergence, and inflation: How close is Europe to the USA? 0 0 5 189 1 1 7 410
News and Noise in G-7 GDP Announcements 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 648
Output and the real exchange rate in developing countries: an application to Mexico 0 1 2 380 0 2 9 840
Output, inflation and stabilization: a counterfactual analysis 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 72
Output, inflation, and stabilization in a small open economy: Evidence from Mexico 0 0 0 93 0 1 3 288
Political Competition and State Government Size: Do Tighter Elections Produce Looser Budgets? 0 0 2 94 0 0 3 386
Puzzles In The Chinese Stock Market 0 0 2 415 0 1 11 1,404
Relative returns on equities in Pacific Basin countries 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 323
Relative returns on equities in Pacific Basin countries 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 183
Sources of Fluctuations in Relative Prices: Evidence from High Inflation Countries 0 0 1 65 0 1 2 287
Temporary foreign exchange subsidies, anticipated devaluation, and the Mexdollar anomaly 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 45
The Currency Substitution Hypothesis and Relative Money Demand in Mexico and Canada 0 0 0 130 0 1 1 534
The Impact of U.S. Monetary Policy on Foreign Firms 1 3 10 10 2 8 21 21
The U.S. current account deficit and the expected share of world output 0 0 0 136 0 0 1 691
The U.S. current account deficit and the expected share of world output 0 0 3 177 0 0 9 626
The effects of U.S. monetary policy on international mutual fund investment 1 1 4 17 2 2 11 38
The high-frequency response of exchange rates and interest rates to macroeconomic announcements 1 2 18 483 4 13 51 1,451
The present-value model of the current account has been rejected: Round up the usual suspects 0 0 5 361 0 2 12 917
Uncertainty, currency excess returns, and risk reversals 0 1 3 20 1 2 15 106
Unconventional Monetary Policy and International Risk Premia 0 0 6 40 1 2 20 130
Violating the Law of One Price: Should We Make a Federal Case Out of It? 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 834
What Is Certain about Uncertainty? 3 6 15 51 8 17 49 127
Total Journal Articles 21 48 224 8,638 58 159 728 35,448

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Regional Patterns in the Law of One Price: The Roles of Geography versus Currencies 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 86
Total Chapters 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 86

Statistics updated 2025-02-05