Access Statistics for Carl Singleton

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A decade of violence and empty stadiums in Egypt: When does emotion from the terraces affect behaviour on the pitch? 0 0 2 18 0 1 3 45
Accounting for Firms in Ethnicity Wage Gaps throughout the Earnings Distribution 0 0 2 16 0 0 3 23
Accounting for firms in ethnicity wage gaps throughout the earnings distribution 0 0 1 20 0 0 9 55
Accounting for firms in ethnicity wage gaps throughout the earnings distribution 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 17
Accounting for firms in gender-ethnicity wage gaps throughout the earnings distribution 0 0 1 13 2 2 7 26
Are Business Cycles Gender Neutral? 0 0 1 23 0 0 3 90
Betting markets for English Premier League results and scorelines: evaluating a forecasting model 0 0 9 95 2 3 27 276
Betting on a buzz, mispricing and inefficiency in online sportsbooks 0 1 3 37 0 5 13 133
Biased Returns to Tenure: The Impact of Firm-Specific Shocks on Base and Non-base Earnings 5 8 8 8 6 13 13 13
Can Awareness Reduce (and Reverse) Identity-Driven Bias in Judgement? Evidence from International Cricket 0 0 2 2 1 1 14 14
Can Awareness Reduce (and Reverse) Identity-driven Bias in Judgement? Evidence from International Cricket 0 0 1 2 1 2 5 12
Can Awareness Reduce (and Reverse) Identity-driven Bias in Judgement? Evidence from International Cricket 0 0 0 7 0 1 6 27
Causal effects of an absent crowd on performances and refereeing decisions during Covid-19 0 2 3 128 0 4 30 338
Causal effects of an absent crowd on performances and refereeing decisions during Covid-19 0 0 2 30 0 0 7 93
Cristiano of Arabia: Did Ronaldo increase Saudi Pro League attendances? 1 7 58 85 4 20 169 245
Cyclical labor costs within jobs 0 0 0 38 0 1 3 75
Demand for Public Events in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of European Football 0 0 0 58 0 1 7 180
Do high wage footballers play for high wage teams? The case of Major League Soccer 0 1 1 79 1 3 6 177
Do natural resources and FDI tend to erode or support the development of national institutions? 0 0 1 51 0 2 12 90
Echoes: what happens when football is played behind closed doors? 1 1 5 159 5 10 43 591
Eliminating supportive crowds reduces referee bias 0 0 2 51 3 5 8 130
Evaluating Strange Forecasts: The Curious Case of Football Match Scorelines 0 0 3 52 0 0 8 121
Experimental Effects of an Absent Crowd on Performances and Refereeing Decisions during COVID-19 0 0 2 40 0 0 7 157
Experimental effects of an absent crowd on performance and refereeing decisions during Covid-19 0 0 0 17 1 2 3 89
Extreme wages, performance and superstars in a market for footballers 1 2 3 119 3 7 21 500
Gambling on Momentum 0 0 2 8 0 2 13 50
Gambling on Momentum 0 0 0 12 0 1 4 33
Gambling on Momentum in Contests 1 1 12 30 5 8 44 94
Gender and the Business Cycle: A Stocks and Flows Analysis of US and UK Labour Market States 0 0 0 42 0 0 1 109
Going with your Gut: The (In)accuracy of Forecast Revisions in a Football Score Prediction Game 0 0 0 40 0 1 2 78
Going with your gut: the (in)accuracy of forecast revisions in a football score prediction game 0 0 0 79 1 3 4 77
How big is home advantage at the Olympic Games? 0 0 0 30 4 5 17 95
Information, prices and efficiency in an online betting market 0 0 0 34 1 4 8 76
Informational efficiency and behaviour within in-play prediction markets 0 0 1 47 2 4 14 127
It's Just Not Cricket: The Uncontested Toss and the Gentleman's Game 0 1 3 44 1 3 19 158
Long-term unemployment and the Great Recession: Evidence from UK stocks and flows 0 0 0 28 1 1 1 91
Looks and Gaming: Who and Why? 0 0 11 11 1 1 18 18
Looks and Gaming: Who and Why? 0 0 19 19 0 1 12 12
Looks and Gaming: Who and Why? 2 3 9 9 4 13 34 34
Nominal Wage Adjustments and the Composition of Pay: New Evidence from Payroll Data 0 1 1 53 1 2 3 119
Nominal Wage Adjustments and the Composition of Pay: New Evidence from Payroll Data 0 0 0 18 1 1 5 129
On why gender employment equality in Britain has stalled since the early 1990s 0 0 0 42 1 2 2 68
On why the gender employment gap in Britain has stalled since the early 1990s 0 1 1 51 1 4 4 89
Online Appendix to "The Extent of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity: New Evidence from Payroll Data" 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3
Real Wages and Hours in the Great Recession: Evidence from Firms and their Entry-Level Jobs 0 0 0 34 0 0 1 93
Recent Changes in British Wage Inequality: Evidence from Firms and Occupations 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 121
Recent changes in British wage inequality: Evidence from firms and occupations 0 2 2 20 0 3 4 73
Recent changes in British wage inequality: Evidence from firms and occupations 0 0 0 26 0 1 3 105
Recent changes in British wage inequality: Evidence from firms and occupations 0 0 0 54 1 1 3 115
Revisiting Sample Bias in the UK's Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, with Implications for Estimates of Low Pay and the Bite of the National Living Wage 0 3 5 5 1 1 5 5
Scoring goals: The impact of English Premier League football teams on local university admissions 0 0 14 14 1 1 20 20
Segregation and Gender Gaps through the UK's Great Recession 0 0 0 34 0 0 1 64
Separating the crowds: Examining home and away attendances at football matches 0 0 0 20 1 2 9 48
Stadium attendance demand during the COVID-19 crisis: Early empirical evidence from Belarus 0 0 0 21 0 1 5 92
The Age-Wage-Productivity Puzzle: Evidence from the Careers of Top Earners 1 1 5 67 2 3 17 109
The Extent of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity: New Evidence from Payroll Data 0 0 1 35 1 1 7 70
The Impact of a Rising Wage Floor on Labour Mobility across Firms 1 1 7 7 1 1 10 10
The Iron Curtain and Referee Bias in International Football 0 0 0 31 0 1 2 52
The perils of pre-filling: lessons from the UK's Annual Survey of Hours and Earning microdata 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2
They were robbed! Scoring by the middlemost to attenuate biased judging in boxing 0 0 5 5 1 1 14 14
They were robbed! Scoring by the middlemost to attenuate biased judging in boxing 0 0 6 12 0 5 42 48
Unemployment and econometric learning 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 71
Unemployment and econometric learning 0 0 0 38 0 0 1 98
Unequal Hiring Wages and Their Impact on the Gender Pay Gap 1 1 8 8 1 4 9 9
What Can We Learn About Economics from Sport during Covid-19? 0 0 3 33 2 3 22 148
What we can learn about economics from professional sport during Covid-19 0 0 1 15 0 0 3 84
When are wages cut? The roles of incomplete contracts and employee involvement 0 0 0 24 0 2 7 22
When are wages cut? The roles of incomplete contracts and employee involvement 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 7
When are wages cut? The roles of incomplete contracts and employee involvement 0 0 0 19 1 3 11 30
Who works for whom and the UK gender pay gap 0 0 1 63 1 1 5 102
Who works for whom and the UK gender pay gap? 0 0 0 48 0 0 4 167
Who works for whom and the UK gender pay gap? 0 0 2 37 0 2 7 208
Why Wages Don't Fall in Jobs with Incomplete Contracts 0 0 4 4 0 0 13 13
Why wages don't fall in jobs with incomplete contracts 0 1 3 11 0 5 14 36
Total Working Papers 14 38 237 2,523 67 181 875 7,013

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A decade of violence and empty stadiums in Egypt: when does emotion from the terraces affect behaviour on the pitch? 0 0 1 1 2 5 9 15
Betting Markets for English Premier League Results and Scorelines: Evaluating a Simple Forecasting Model 0 1 3 9 2 3 9 42
Betting on a buzz: Mispricing and inefficiency in online sportsbooks 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 9
Can awareness reduce (and reverse) identity-driven bias in judgement? Evidence from international cricket 0 1 1 1 3 8 10 10
Causal effects of an absent crowd on performances and refereeing decisions during Covid-19 0 1 3 65 0 1 10 225
Cyclical labor costs within jobs 0 0 1 5 0 0 4 47
Do natural resources and foreign direct investment tend to erode or support the development of national institutions? 0 1 1 1 2 6 20 20
Eliminating supportive crowds reduces referee bias 0 1 2 3 0 1 4 25
Evaluating strange forecasts: The curious case of football match scorelines 0 0 1 4 1 1 8 41
Extreme Wages, Performance, and Superstars in a Market for Footballers 0 0 0 10 2 2 7 46
Gender and the business cycle: An analysis of labour markets in the US and UK 0 0 3 46 0 0 16 172
Going with your gut: The (In)accuracy of forecast revisions in a football score prediction game 0 0 1 8 0 0 6 50
Information, prices and efficiency in an online betting market 0 0 3 6 3 5 12 87
Informational efficiency and behaviour within in-play prediction markets 0 0 0 6 2 4 9 49
Long‐Term Unemployment and the Great Recession: Evidence from UK Stocks and Flows 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 53
On why the gender employment gap in Britain has stalled since the early 1990s 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 20
Recent Changes in British Wage Inequality: Evidence from Large Firms and Occupations 0 1 1 2 0 1 5 38
Scoring goals: The impact of English Premier League football teams on local university admissions 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 4
Segregation and Gender Gaps in the United Kingdom's Great Recession and Recovery 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 18
Stadium attendance demand during the COVID-19 crisis: early empirical evidence from Belarus 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 13
The Extent of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity: New Evidence from Payroll Data 0 0 4 4 2 5 28 39
The Iron Curtain and Referee Bias in International Football 0 0 1 1 0 2 13 13
The age‐wage‐productivity puzzle: Evidence from the careers of top earners 0 1 5 5 0 5 23 23
The public–private sector wage differential in the UK: Evidence from longitudinal employer–employee data 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 23
Unemployment and econometric learning 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 49
Who Works for Whom and the UK Gender Pay Gap 0 0 0 14 1 4 5 56
Total Journal Articles 0 7 32 203 23 59 215 1,187

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Economics lessons from sports during the COVID-19 pandemic 0 0 0 3 1 4 5 18
Total Chapters 0 0 0 3 1 4 5 18

Software Item File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Code and data files for "The Extent of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity: New Evidence from Payroll Data" 0 0 4 20 0 0 8 71
Total Software Items 0 0 4 20 0 0 8 71

Statistics updated 2025-02-05