Access Statistics for Richard H. Thaler

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Survey of Behavioral Finance 1 7 56 4,142 11 41 220 9,228
An Economic Theory of Self-Control 0 1 7 935 2 7 30 2,963
Anomalies: Closed-End Mutual Funds 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4
Anomalies: Intertemporal Choice 0 0 1 753 1 4 6 1,275
Behavioral Economics 5 12 29 2,141 16 34 135 5,844
Biographical 1 2 4 64 4 5 16 128
Can the Market Add and Subtract? Mispricing in Tech Stock Carve-Outs 0 0 2 374 0 6 14 1,381
Can the Market Add and Subtract? Mispricing in Tech Stock Carve-outs 0 0 0 363 0 0 1 1,174
Do Changes in Dividends Signal the Future or the Past? 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 873
Do Changes in Dividends Signal the Future or the Past? 0 0 0 6 3 6 24 1,759
Financial Decision-Making in Markets and Firms: A Behavioral Perspective 0 2 18 2,240 6 19 125 6,172
From Cashews to Nudges: The Evolution of Behavioral Economics 2 9 25 841 6 18 45 1,110
Individual Preferences, Monetary Gambles and the Equity Premium 0 0 2 302 0 1 7 715
Investor Sentiment and the Closed-End Fund Puzzle 0 1 2 920 1 6 19 2,590
Investor Sentiment and the Closed-End Fund Puzzle 0 0 2 55 0 2 12 236
Labor Supply of New York City Cab Drivers: One Day At A time 0 0 7 689 1 1 18 2,766
Myopic Loss Aversion and the Equity Premium Puzzle 0 0 4 978 1 2 15 2,670
Overconfidence vs. Market Efficiency in the National Football League 0 0 4 514 0 3 20 1,440
Price Reactions to Dividend Initiations and Omissions: Overreaction or Drift? 0 0 6 465 2 3 20 2,103
Probabilistic insurance 0 0 3 26 1 1 10 218
Probabilistic insurance 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 10
Public Policy Toward Life Saving: Maximize Lives Saved vs. Consumer Sovereignty 0 0 0 77 0 0 2 572
Save more tomorrow: Using behavioral economics to increase employee saving 4 10 33 501 12 33 139 1,730
The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of the 125-Year Anniversary of the JPE and of Chicago Economics 3 4 16 547 5 6 41 989
Window Dressing by Pension Fund Managers 0 1 2 555 0 1 7 2,051
Total Working Papers 16 49 227 17,519 72 202 955 50,112

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Mean-Reverting Walk Down Wall Street 0 0 0 404 0 2 2 933
A citywide experiment testing the impact of geographically targeted, high-pay-off vaccine lotteries 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 5
A note on the value of crime control: Evidence from the property market 1 3 6 362 1 4 15 932
An Economic Theory of Self-Control 0 5 40 3,277 5 26 135 8,742
An econometric analysis of property crime: Interaction between police and criminals 1 1 4 173 1 3 10 443
Annuitization Puzzles 0 1 3 59 0 2 11 326
Anomalies: Cooperation 0 1 4 570 0 1 7 1,386
Anomalies: Preference Reversals 0 0 2 189 0 1 8 514
Anomalies: Risk Aversion 0 1 2 1,179 1 3 16 3,361
Anomalies: The Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, and Status Quo Bias 1 4 18 2,318 5 22 92 6,146
Anomalies: The Equity Premium Puzzle 0 1 3 1,600 0 2 10 4,340
Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial Markets 2 3 8 285 3 7 38 1,038
Anomalies: The Winner's Curse 0 2 6 505 1 7 21 1,016
Anomalies: Ultimatums, Dictators and Manners 0 1 4 530 0 1 16 1,741
Anomalies: Utility Maximization and Experienced Utility 0 0 1 1,070 1 2 7 2,750
Behavioral Economics 2 3 19 149 2 7 42 360
Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, and Future 2 5 18 1,235 5 11 55 2,803
Can the Market Add and Subtract? Mispricing in Tech Stock Carve-outs 1 21 38 1,059 5 42 100 3,005
Closed-End Mutual Funds 0 0 0 172 0 0 2 802
Commentary—Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice: Anatomy of a Failure 0 0 1 97 0 2 5 257
Deal or No Deal? Decision Making under Risk in a Large-Payoff Game Show 0 0 0 323 0 1 8 1,214
Decision Making and Problem Solving 4 8 27 192 5 16 54 411
Design Choices in Privatized Social-Security Systems: Learning from the Swedish Experience 3 17 25 402 5 27 41 1,203
Dividend Changes Do Not Signal Changes in Future Profitability 0 0 0 487 0 3 7 1,368
Do Changes in Dividends Signal the Future or the Past? 2 4 21 1,077 5 9 40 3,345
Do Security Analysts Overreact? 0 1 5 1,021 2 6 23 2,669
Does the Stock Market Overreact? 8 15 54 5,132 14 32 145 12,163
Economic Analysis and the Psychology of Utility: Applications to Compensation Policy 0 1 4 1,014 1 2 13 2,372
Economía del comportamiento: pasado, presente y futuro 0 0 1 26 0 1 11 152
Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem 2 6 33 2,707 19 61 204 9,619
Fairness and the Assumptions of Economics 1 3 10 1,684 5 14 40 4,523
Fairness as a Constraint on Profit Seeking: Entitlements in the Market 3 8 23 2,677 8 32 105 8,624
Foreign Exchange 1 1 4 541 1 2 14 1,275
Foreword 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 134
From Cashews to Nudges: The Evolution of Behavioral Economics 1 5 10 151 2 8 32 634
From Homo Economicus to Homo Sapiens 0 0 2 560 1 2 22 2,416
Further Evidence on Investor Overreaction and Stock Market Seasonalit y 0 7 26 1,082 5 15 64 2,547
Gambling with the House Money and Trying to Break Even: The Effects of Prior Outcomes on Risky Choice 0 2 6 163 0 7 29 731
Helping Consumers Know Themselves 0 0 0 105 0 0 2 440
Heuristics and Biases in Retirement Savings Behavior 0 1 10 128 0 2 25 923
How Much Is Investor Autonomy Worth? 0 0 0 131 1 1 3 464
In Honor of Matthew Rabin: Winner of the John Bates Clark Medal 0 0 1 152 1 2 4 792
Individual Preferences, Monetary Gambles, and Stock Market Participation: A Case for Narrow Framing 1 1 4 162 1 2 11 860
Interindustry Wage Differentials 0 0 0 83 0 0 1 295
Interpreting [alpha]-rationality in hierarchical games 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 127
Intertemporal Choice 0 1 8 368 0 1 18 864
Invest now, drink later, spend never: On the mental accounting of delayed consumption 0 2 11 381 2 6 33 1,097
Investor Sentiment and the Closed-End Fund Puzzle 0 2 7 1,174 3 7 24 3,275
Irving Fisher: Modern Behavioral Economist 0 2 9 210 0 4 17 640
Labor Supply of New York City Cabdrivers: One Day at a Time 2 7 32 281 7 23 93 2,398
Libertarian Paternalism 0 0 8 734 3 7 46 2,056
Libertarian paternalism is not an oxymoron 0 0 1 600 0 0 3 1,943
Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice 1 10 39 920 8 44 146 3,213
Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice 0 0 5 258 2 6 32 847
Myopic Loss Aversion and the Equity Premium Puzzle 2 4 29 5,517 2 12 97 17,614
Naive Diversification Strategies in Defined Contribution Saving Plans 0 3 13 721 1 9 50 2,733
Parimutuel Betting Markets: Racetracks and Lotteries 0 0 0 541 2 6 9 1,740
Price Reactions to Dividend Initiations and Omissions: Overreaction or Drift? 0 1 10 548 2 9 36 1,805
Probabilistic Insurance 0 0 1 314 0 1 9 1,399
Psychology and Savings Policies 5 7 24 707 5 9 47 1,880
Public policy toward life saving: Should consumer preferences rule? 0 0 0 18 0 1 1 88
Response [Anomalies: Risk Aversion] 0 0 0 167 0 0 2 446
Risk Aversion or Myopia? Choices in Repeated Gambles and Retirement Investments 0 1 5 323 1 5 20 844
Save More Tomorrow (TM): Using Behavioral Economics to Increase Employee Saving 4 9 42 1,043 10 33 137 3,429
Saving, Fungibility, and Mental Accounts 0 0 0 651 0 2 4 1,713
Seasonal Movements in Security Prices II: Weekend, Holiday, Turn of the Month, and Intraday Effects 0 1 5 452 0 1 8 1,286
Some empirical evidence on dynamic inconsistency 7 16 70 2,048 12 41 165 4,021
Split or Steal? Cooperative Behavior When the Stakes Are Large 0 1 1 73 1 3 9 350
Standing United or Falling Divided? High Stakes Bargaining in a TV Game Show 0 0 0 30 0 0 1 176
Sticky Wages and Implicit Contracts: A Transactional Approach 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 161
The Behavioral Life-Cycle Hypothesis 0 0 0 0 32 123 302 7,435
The Effect of Myopia and Loss Aversion on Risk Taking: An Experimental Test 3 11 57 738 3 27 139 3,807
The Endowment Effect and Repeated Market Trials: Is the Vickrey Auction Demand Revealing? 0 1 4 124 0 1 9 465
The Flypaper Effect 1 1 3 1,722 2 4 13 7,806
The January Effect 0 1 2 691 0 1 5 1,503
The Law and Economics of Company Stock in 401(k) Plans 0 0 0 14 0 0 4 693
The Loser's Curse: Decision Making and Market Efficiency in the National Football League Draft 0 2 6 46 2 8 19 142
The Nominal Share Price Puzzle 0 1 1 83 1 2 7 639
The Psychology and Economics Conference Handbook: Comments 0 0 4 130 1 1 5 328
The Relevance of Quasi Rationality in Competitive Markets 0 0 2 244 0 0 10 677
The Relevance of Quasi Rationality in Competitive Markets: Reply 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 226
The Ultimatum Game 0 0 0 454 0 0 10 1,065
Toward a positive theory of consumer choice 3 13 78 5,322 18 57 242 11,335
When Nudges Are Forever: Inertia in the Swedish Premium Pension Plan 1 1 1 13 2 2 4 61
Total Journal Articles 65 230 922 63,049 228 847 3,272 192,543

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A survey of behavioral finance 5 30 71 2,420 29 113 312 7,086
Anomalies Parimutuel Betting Markets: Racetracks and Lotteries 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 74
Anomalies: Risk aversion 0 0 3 8 0 1 9 35
Libertarian paternalism 0 0 12 12 1 7 27 29
The Endowment Effect: Evidence of Losses Valued More than Gains 0 0 3 306 0 2 8 692
The Value of Saving a Life: Evidence from the Labor Market 0 1 13 802 5 13 61 2,188
Total Chapters 5 31 102 3,558 35 136 419 10,104

Statistics updated 2025-02-05