Access Statistics for Olegs Tkacevs

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Are Tax-Favoured Savings Plans Effective in Raising Private Savings? 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 10
CGE model with fiscal sector for Latvia 0 1 1 92 0 1 5 177
Choosing the European Fiscal Rule 0 0 2 24 0 0 2 28
Choosing the European Fiscal Rule 0 0 1 60 0 2 4 68
Compendium on the diagnostic toolkit for competitiveness 0 0 0 49 0 0 3 221
Cyclically Adjusted Balance of Latvia's General Government Consolidated Budget 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 260
Did Job Retention Schemes Save Jobs during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Firm-level Evidence from Latvia 1 4 14 62 2 8 28 62
Do EU Funds boost productivity and employment?: Firm level analysis for Latvia 0 0 0 38 1 2 3 94
Everything you always wanted to know about Latvia's service exporters (but were afraid to ask) 0 0 0 35 0 1 1 102
Explaining government revenue windfalls and shortfalls: an analysis for selected EU countries 0 0 1 94 0 0 1 397
Export and productivity in global value chains: Comparative evidence from Latvia and Estonia 0 0 2 87 0 0 8 293
Export and productivity in global value chains: Comparative evidence from Latvia and Estonia 0 0 1 31 0 0 1 109
Fiscal Performance under Inflation and Inflation Surprises: Evidence from Fiscal Reaction Functions for the Euro Area 1 1 4 12 1 2 15 31
Fiscal Sustainability and the Role of Inflation 0 1 3 10 0 8 23 30
Fiscal Sustainability and the Role of Inflation 0 0 6 16 0 0 3 12
Fiscal Sustainability and the Role of Inflation 0 0 2 16 0 0 9 14
Fiscal performance under inflation and inflation surprises: evidence from fiscal reaction functions for the Euro Area 0 1 8 10 0 2 19 28
Getting Old Is No Picnic? Sector-Specific Relationship Between Workers Age and Firm Productivity 0 0 1 43 0 0 11 99
Impact of Sovereign Debt Maturity on Fiscal Sustainability 1 9 9 9 2 18 18 18
Importance of EU Regional Support Programmes for Firm Performance 0 1 2 70 1 2 5 117
Interest Rate Spreads in the Baltics and the Rest of the Euro Area: Understanding the Factors behind the Differences 0 0 2 23 1 8 26 96
Measuring the Effectiveness of Cost and Price Competitiveness in External Rebalancing of Euro Area Countries: What Do Alternative HCIs Tell Us? 0 0 1 39 0 0 3 94
Measuring the effectiveness of cost and price competitiveness in external rebalancing of euro area countries: What do alternative HCIs tell us? 0 0 0 47 0 0 2 124
On the design of stabilising fiscal rules 0 1 1 47 0 1 1 104
On the design of stabilising fiscal rules 0 0 0 28 1 1 2 45
Public investment crowds in private investment - with ifs and buts 1 2 4 18 4 8 29 47
Relationship Between Inflation and Economic Activity and Its Variation Over Time in Latvia 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 110
Secular Decline in Public Investment: are National Fiscal Rules to Blame? 0 0 1 14 2 2 7 57
The Assesment of Equilibrium Real Echange Rate of Latvia 0 1 1 36 2 4 6 249
The Impact of Sovereign Bond Yields on Fiscal Discipline 0 0 1 68 0 1 4 108
The Survival of Latvian Products and Firms in Export Markets 0 0 0 7 0 0 3 12
The role of price and cost competitiveness for intra- and extra-euro area trade of euro area countries 0 0 0 34 0 0 2 54
The role of price and cost competitiveness for intra- and extra-euro area trade of euro area countries 0 0 2 48 2 2 7 129
The survival of Latvian products and firms in export markets 0 0 0 14 0 3 3 20
Understanding How Job Retention Schemes Reshape the Within-Occupation Skill Profile of Employees within Firms 1 2 12 12 3 4 18 18
Total Working Papers 5 24 82 1,367 22 81 279 3,628

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Aim high, shoot low? Product complexity and export survival in Latvia 0 1 2 2 1 3 10 10
Export and productivity in global value chains: comparative evidence from Latvia and Estonia 1 2 13 33 4 10 27 129
Fiscal rules and volatility: the role of stabilising properties and compliance 0 1 8 20 2 4 17 46
Importance of EU regional support programmes for firm performance 0 1 4 22 0 1 9 88
The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Prices: Does the Fiscal Theory of Price Level Matter in Latvia? 0 0 0 66 2 2 3 199
The Impact of Government Borrowing Costs on Fiscal Discipline 0 0 4 14 0 0 8 81
The effectiveness of tax incentives to encourage private savings 0 1 2 7 0 1 7 15
The equilibrium real exchange rate: pros and cons of different approaches with application to Latvia 2 2 3 19 4 6 9 129
Total Journal Articles 3 8 36 183 13 27 90 697

Statistics updated 2025-02-05