Access Statistics for Marco Juri van der Leij

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 283
A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation 0 0 0 25 1 1 1 108
A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation 0 0 1 84 0 0 1 399
A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 31
A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation 0 0 1 23 0 0 1 47
A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation 0 0 0 114 1 1 2 495
A simple test for GARCH against a stochastic volatility 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 100
Competing Transport Networks 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 303
Complex Methods in Economics: An Example of Behavioral Heterogeneity in House Prices 0 0 1 27 1 1 2 87
Dynamic Interbank Network Analysis Using Latent Space Models 0 0 0 22 0 0 2 76
Dynamic Interbank Network Analysis Using Latent Space Models 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 68
Economics: An Emerging Small World? 0 0 0 332 1 1 1 1,119
Economics: An Emerging Small World? 0 0 0 192 0 1 4 762
Economics: An Emerging Small World? 0 0 0 210 0 0 1 801
Identifying Booms and Busts in House Prices under Heterogeneous Expectations 0 0 0 14 1 1 5 89
Identifying Booms and Busts in House Prices under Heterogeneous Expectations 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 68
Identifying Booms and Busts in House Prices under Heterogeneous Expectations 0 0 0 33 1 2 3 97
Matching and Network Effects 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 103
Matching and network effects 0 0 0 153 0 0 0 375
Modeling and forecasting outliers and level shifts in absolute returns 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 53
On the Influence of Top Journals 0 0 0 30 0 0 1 51
On the Influence of Top Journals 0 1 1 140 0 2 2 153
On the Inuence of Top Journals 0 0 1 35 0 0 2 185
Risk Aversion and Social Networks 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 132
Risk aversion and social networks 0 0 0 73 0 0 0 267
Scientific Networks and Co-authorship 0 0 1 315 0 0 2 1,032
Social Networks and Labor Market Inequality between Ethnicities and Races 0 0 0 129 0 0 0 211
Strong Ties in a Small World 0 0 0 179 1 1 1 561
Strong ties in a small world 0 0 0 106 0 0 0 179
The Formation of a Core Periphery Structure in Heterogeneous Financial Networks 0 0 0 85 1 1 1 184
The formation of a core periphery structure in heterogeneous financial networks 0 0 2 11 1 1 5 165
The formation of a core periphery structure in heterogeneous financial networks 0 0 0 30 1 1 2 88
The multi-layer network nature of systemic risk and its implications for the costs of financial crises 0 0 0 47 0 0 2 157
Total Working Papers 0 1 8 2,744 11 15 44 8,829
3 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Simple Test for GARCH Against a Stochastic Volatility Model 0 0 1 55 0 0 1 134
A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation 0 1 5 7 3 6 13 22
Dynamic interbank network analysis using latent space models 0 0 0 13 0 1 1 42
Economics: An Emerging Small World 0 1 4 316 1 2 12 845
Link-based influence maximization in networks of health promotion professionals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Matching and Network Effects 0 1 5 169 0 2 11 434
Modelling and forecasting level shifts in absolute returns 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 486
Risk Aversion and Social Networks 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 4
Social Networks and Research Output 0 0 3 72 0 1 9 261
Social networks and labor market inequality between ethnicities and races 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 29
Strong Ties in a Small World 0 0 0 68 1 1 3 234
The formation of a core-periphery structure in heterogeneous financial networks 0 0 1 19 1 3 11 74
The multi-layer network nature of systemic risk and its implications for the costs of financial crises 0 0 1 55 1 2 14 243
Total Journal Articles 0 3 20 887 7 20 80 2,808

Statistics updated 2025-02-05