Access Statistics for Patrick Vanhoudt

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A fallacy in causality research on growth and capital accumulation 0 0 0 10 2 2 3 63
A further augmentation of the Solow model and the empirics of economic growth for OECD countries 0 0 2 155 2 4 10 353
An Assessment of the Macroeconomic Determinants of Inequality 0 0 0 377 2 2 3 1,265
An assessment of the macroeconomic determinants of inequality 0 0 0 35 0 0 1 83
Did the European Unification Induce Economic Growth? In Search of Scale-Effects and Persistent Changes 0 0 0 420 0 0 1 1,644
Did the European unification increase economic growth? In search of scale-effects and persistent changes 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 32
Do Labor Market Policies and Growth Fundamentals Matter for Income Inequality in Oecd Countries? Some Empirical Evidence 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 259
Het belang van investeringen in mensen, materieel en know-how voor economische groei: Emperische evidentie 0 0 1 5 1 1 2 46
Wat denken economen over lange-termijn economische groei? Een overzicht 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 23
Total Working Papers 0 0 3 1,124 9 11 25 3,913
1 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Further Augmentation of the Solow Model and the Empirics of Economic Growth for OECD Countries 5 7 16 692 6 11 32 1,564
A fallacy in causality research on growth and capital accumulation 0 0 2 46 1 1 4 181
An assessment of the macroeconomic determinants of inequality 0 0 0 66 1 2 2 175
Are public and private outlays for physical and knowledge capital accumulation equally productive? 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 76
Boekbesprekingen 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7
Boekbesprekingen: JEGERS, Marc: "Business economics (David BREWSTER, The Dryden Press, 1997)" (p. 459); VANHOUDT, Patrick: "The mosaic of economic growth (Ralph LANDAU, Cambridge University Press, 1996)" (p. 459-460); JEGERS, Marc: "Contemporary mathematics for business and consumers (Robert A. BRECHNER, The Dryden Press, 1997)" (p. 460-461); VAN HOOF, Liliane: "Comperative economic transformations (Yu-Shan WU, Cambridge University Press, 1994)" (p. 461-462); JEGERS, Marc: "The economic foundations of property rights (Svetozar PEJOVICH, Edward Elgar, 1997)" (p. 462); JEGERS, Marc: "Taking the fear out of data analysis (Adamantios DIAMANTOPOULOS & Bodo B. SCHEGELMILCH, The Dryden Press, 1997)" (p. 462-463); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Personnel economics for managers (Edward P. LAZAER, John Wiley & Sons, 1998)" (p. 463-464); MARTENS, Rudy: "The monk/manager and the road to abbey-management (Eric R.J. LEFEBVRE, Acco, 1997)" (p. 464-465); JEGERS, Marc: "Corporate financial management (Douglas R. Emery & John D. FINNERTY, Prentice-Hall International, 1997)" (p. 465-466); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accounting for decision making and control (Jerold L. ZIMMERMAN, Irwin, 1997)" (p. 466-467); JORISSEN, Ann: "Managerial accounting (Dale C. MORSE & Jerold L. ZIMMERMAN, Irwin, 1997)" (p. 467-468); JEGERS, Marc: "Comperative studies in accounting regulation in europe (John FLOWER & Chris LEFERBVRE, Acco, 1997)" (p. 468-469); JORISSEN, Ann: "Cost accounting (Michael MAHER, Irwin, 1997)" (p. 469-470); JORISSEN, Ann: "Vennootschapsboekhouden (Robert VERTONGHEN & Chris LEFEBVRE, Acco, 1997)" (p. 470-471); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Participatie loont! (Mark H. VAN BEUSEKOM, BoekWerk, 1997)" (p. 471-472); DE LATHOUWER, Lieve: "Armoede en sociale uitsluiting (Jan VRABKEN, Dirk GELDOF & Gerard VAN MENXEL, Acco, 1997)" (p. 472-474); BALLON, Gabriël L.: "Le nouveau droit du concordat judicaire et de la faillite (s.n., Bruylant & Academia-Bruylant, 1997)" (p. 474-475) 0 0 0 5 1 1 2 65
Boekbesprekingen: JEGERS, Marrc: “The handbook of economic methodology (John B. DAVIS, D. Wade HANDS & Uskali MÄKI, Edward Elgar, 1998)” (p. 495); VANHOUDT, Patrick: “Growth, inequality, and globalization (Philippe AGHION & Jeffrey G. WILLIAMSON, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 495-496); JEGERS, Marc: “Economics for health care management (Ann CLEWER & David PERKINS, Prentice Hall, 1997)” (p. 496-497); ROOSENS, Paul: “Monopolistic competition and macroeconomic theory (Robert M. SOLOW, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 497); VERBOVEN, Frank: “Competition policy in professional sports (Claude JEANRENAUD & Stefan KÉSENNE, CIES-Université de Neuchâtel, 1999)” (p. 498-499); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: “Regression analysis of count data (A. Colin CAMERON & Pravin K. TRIVEDI, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 499); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Frontiers of research in economic theory (Donald P. JACOBS, Ehud KALAI & Morton I. KAMIEN, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 500-501); SCHOKKAERT, Erik: “Then arithmetic of tax and social security reform (Gerry REDMOND, Holy SUTHERLAND & Moira WILSON, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 501-502); JEGERS, Marc: “Technology and market structure (John SUTTON, The MIT Press, 1998)” (p. 502-503); VALCKX, Nico: “Unit roots, cointegration and structural change (G.S. MADDALA & In-Moo KIM, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 503-504); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Reputation (Charles J. FOMBRUN, McGraw-Hill, 1996)” (p. 504-505); VANNESTE, Jacques: “Fiscal policy in transition (Lorand AMBRUS-LAKATOS & Mark E. SCHAFFER, Institute for EastWest Studies, 1997)” (p. 505-506); ANNAERT, Jan: “Van een passief naar een actief thesaurie-beheer (Steven BRAEKEVELDT & Els LINGIER, Roularta Books, 1997)” (p. 506-507); DE CEUSTER, Marc: “Worldwide asset and liability modeling (William T. ZIEMBA & John M. MULVEY, Cambridge University Press, 1998)” (p. 508); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Foreign exchange management (L. SOENEN, McGraw-Hill Cy, 1999)” (p. 508-509); JEGERS, Marc: “Bonds and bond derivatives (Miles LIVINGSTON, Blackwell Business, 1998)” (p. 509); JORISSEN, Ann: “Driving value using activity-based budgeting (James A. BRIMSON, John ANTOS & Jay COLLINS, John Wiley & Sons, 1998)” (p. 509-510); JORISSEN, Ann: “Activity-based management for service industries, government entities, and nonprofit organizations (James A. BRIMSON & John ANTOS, John Wiley & Sons, 1994)” (p. 510-511); DE LATHOUWER, Lieve: “Social Europe (Charles BEAN, Samuel BETOLILA, Giuseppe BERTOLA & Juan DOLADO, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1998)” (p. 512-513) 0 0 0 12 0 1 3 270
Boekbesprekingen: VAN POECK, André: "De economische en monetaire unie en de Belgische economie (Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Intersentia Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. 147); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Advances in the economics of sport (Wallace HENDRICKS, JAI Press, 1997)" (p. 148); ROOSSENS, Paul: "Japan (John RAVENHILL, Edward Elgar, 1997)" (p. 148-149); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: "An introduction to the economics of information (Inés MACHO-STADLER & J. David PÉREZ-CASTRILLO, Oxford University Press, 1997)" (p. 149-150); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Democracy and welfare economics (Hans VAN DEN DOEL & Ben VAN VELTHOVEN, Cambridge University Press, 1993)" (p. 150-151); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Exploring probability and statistics with spreadsheets (R. JACKSON & J.T. CALLENDER, Prentice Hall, 1995)" (p. 151-152); VAN HOOF, Liliane: "Competition Policy and the transformation of Central Europe (John FINGLETON, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1996)" (p. 152); JEGERS, Marc: "Economic evaluation and health promotion (Ceri PHILLIPS, Avebury, 1997)" (p. 152-153); VANHOUDT, Patrick: "Quantitative aspects of post-war European economic growth (Bart VAN ARK & Nicholas CRAFTS, Cambridge University Press, 1996)" (p. 153); VAN HOUDT, Toon: "Economic thought before Adam Smith (Murray N. ROTHBARD, Edward Elgar, 1995)" (p. 153-155); MEGANCK, Jacques: "The crisis of vision in modern economic thought (Robert HEILBRONER & William MILBERG, Cambridge University Press, 1996)" (p. 155-156); DENDUYVER, Julien: "Vervoerseconomie (Gust BLAUWENS, Peter DE BAERE & Eddy VAN DE VOORDE, MIM Standaard Uitgeverij, 1995)" (p. 156-157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Industrial organization (Oz SHY, The MIT Press, 1996)" (p. 157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Industrial economics and organization (David JACOBSON & Bernadette ANDRÉOSSO-O'CALLAGHAN, The McGraw-Hill Book Companies, 1996)" (p. 158); JEGERS, Marc: "Strategy as rationality (Alan E. SINGER, Avebury, 1996)" (p. 158-159); JEGERS, Marc: "Small firm finance (Jerome S. OSTERYOUNG, Derek L. NEWMAN & Leslie G. DAVIES, The Dryden Press & Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1997)" (p. 159); ANNAERT, Jan: "Portfolio management (James L. FARELL, McGraw-Hill, 1997)" (p. 160-161); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "International financial integration (Richard C. MARSTON, Cambridge University Press, 1995)" (p. 161); LODEWYCKX, Jef: "Risk management in volatile financial markets (Franco BRUNI, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996)" (p. 161-162); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: "Ondernemingssturing (Michel VLASSELAER & Thierry VAN SCHOUBROECK, MAKLU Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. -162-163); VANSTRAELEN, Ann: "Cost accounting: A managerial emphasis (Charles T. HORNGREN, George FOSTER & Srikant M. DATAR, Prentice Hall International, 1996)" (p. 163-164); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accountability (Rolland MUNRO & Jan MOURITSEN, International Thomson Business Press 1996)" (p. 164-165); JORISSEN, Ann: "(1) Introduction to Business analysis & valuation (Krishna G. PALEPU, Victor L. BERNARD & Paul M. HEALY, South-Western College Publishing, 1996)" (p. 165-167); JORISSEN, Ann: "(2) Business analysis & valation: Using financial statements. Text and cases (Krishna G. PALEPU, Victor L. BERNARD & Paul M. HEALY, South-Western College Publishing, 1996)" (p. 165-167); JEGERS, Marc: "Implementing activity-based management in daily operations (John A. MILLER, John Wiley & Sons, 1996)" (p. 167-168); DERIJCKE, Luc: "The psychology of action (Peter M. GOLLWITZER & John A. BARGH, The Guilford Press, 1996)" (p. 168-169); DUPONT, Patrick: "Policy-making in the European Union (Hellen WALLACE & William WALLACE, Oxford University Press, 1996)" (p. 169-170) 1 1 2 13 1 2 10 293
Boekbesprekingen: VANHOUDT, Patrick: “Handbook of population and family economics (Mark R. ROSENZWEIG & Oded STARK, Elsevier Science, 1997)” (p. 609); VAN MALDEGEM, Peter: “Enterprise and social benefits after communism (Martin REIN, Barry L. FRIEDMAN & Andreas WÖRGÖTTER, Cambridge University Press, 1997)” (p. 609-610); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Europe’s economy looks east (Stanley W. BLACK, Cambridge University Press, 1997)” (610-611); JEGERS, Marc: “Strategic management of health care organization (Peter M. GINTER, Linda E. SWAYNE & W. Jack DUNCAN, Blackwell Publishers, 1997)” (p. 611-612); WITLOX, Frank: “Internationaal produceren (A.D.M. VAN DE VEN, Lemma BV, 1996)” (p. 612-613); VAN HOOYDONK, Charlotte: “Capital controls, exchange rates, and money policy in the world economy (Sebastian EDWARDS, Cambridge University Press, 1997)” (p. 613-614); JEGERS, Marc: “Managerial economics (Ivan PNG, Blackwell Publishers, 1997)" (p. 614-615); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Economic dynamics (Ronald SHONE, Cambridge University Press, 1997)" (p. 615-616); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Perspectives on public choice (Dennis C. MUELLER, Cambridge University Press, 1997)" (p. 616); WILFRIED, Pauwels: "Economics with no special technology (Trout RADER, Input-Output Publishing Company, 1996)" (p. 616-618); JEGERS, Marc: "Dix ans d'avancées en économie de la santé (Jean-Claude SAILLY & Thérèse LEBRUN, Editions John Libbey Eurotext, 1997)" (p. 618); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Mathematics and Mathematica for economists (Cliff J. HUANG & Philip S. CROOKE, Blackwell Publishers, 1997)" (p. 618-619); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Corporatism or competition? (Coen TEULINGS & Joop Hartog, Cambridge University Press, 1998)" (p. 619-620); ROOSENS, Paul: "Structural adjustment reconsidered (David E. SAHN, Paul A. DOROSH & Stephen D. YOUNGER, Cambridge University Press, 1997)" (p. 620-621); WITLOX, Frank: "Economie en transport (Jaap DE WIT & Henk VAN GENT, Lemma BV, 1996)" (p. 621-622); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Vasicek and beyond (Lane HUGHSTON, Risk Publications, 1996)" (p. 622-623); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Exotic options (LES CLEWLOW & Chris STRICKLAND, International Thomson Business Press, 1997)" (p.623-624); VALCKX, Nico: "Financial mathematics (W.J. RUNGGALDIER, Springer-Verlag, 1997)" (p. 624-625); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "Derivaten (B. VAN AMERONGEN, Nederlands Instituut voor het Bank- en Effectenbedrijf (NIBE), 1997)" (p. 625-626); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "La réforme des marchés et des intermédiaires financiers/ De hervorming van de financiële markten en bemiddelaars (s.n., Bruylant, 1997)" (p. 626); LAERMANS, H.: "Marketing for the non-marketing manager (Colin V. SOWTER, McGraw-Hill, 1995)" (p. 627); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accounting's changing role in social conflict (Cheryl R. LEHMAN, Markus Wiener Publishing & Paul Chapman Publishing, 1995)" (p. 627-628); VAN DE WIELE, Patricia: "Policing accounting knowledge (Tony TINKER & Tony PUXTY, Markus Wiener Publishing & Paul Chapman Publishing, 1994)" (p. 628-629); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accounting and performance measurement (Irvine LAPSLEY & Falconer MITCHELL, Paul Chapman Publishing, 1996)" (p. 629-630); VERBEECK, Philippe: "The psychology of money (Adrian FURNHAM & Michael ARGYLE, Routledge, 1998)" (p. 631-632); FAUCOMPRET, Erik: "Politics by principle, not interest (James M. BUCHANAN & Roger D. CONGLETON, Cambridge University Press, 1998)" (p. 632-633); ROOSENS, Paul: "De begroting van de Europese Unie (Bart KERREMANS & Herreman MATTHIJS, Intersentia Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. 633-634); ROOSENS, Paul: "Regional partners in global markets (Ahmed GALAL & Bernard HOEKMAN, Centre for Economic Policy Research & Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, 1997)" (p. 634) 0 0 1 9 0 2 5 239
De economische motivaties achter regionale solidariteit 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 49
Did the European unification induce economic growth? In search of scale effects and persistent changes 0 0 2 74 0 1 5 247
Do Labor Market Policies and Growth Fundamentals Matter for Income Inequality in OECD Countries?: Some Empirical Evidence 0 0 1 18 0 0 1 61
Implications of the Changes in the System of National Accounts for Measured Growth and the Business Cycle 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 109
Total Journal Articles 6 8 24 970 10 21 65 3,336

Statistics updated 2025-02-05