Access Statistics for Juan Vargas

Author contact details at EconPapers.

Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
A Peace Baby Boom? Evidence from Colombia’s Peace Agreement 1 1 3 10 3 3 9 23
Are All Resources Cursed? Coffee, Oil and Armed Confict in Colombia 0 0 1 335 1 2 6 989
Beyond divide and rule: weak dictators, natural resources and civil conflict 0 0 1 122 2 5 15 428
Brothers or Invaders? How Crises-Driven Migrants Shape Voting Behavior 0 0 0 55 0 1 2 99
Brothers or Invaders? How Crisis-driven Migrants Shape Voting Behavior 0 0 0 122 1 2 4 315
Can SMS Technology Improve Low Take-up of Social Benefits? 0 0 0 37 1 4 7 146
Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities 0 0 0 3 0 3 3 14
Colombia: Democratic but Violent? 0 0 2 32 0 1 4 59
Colombia: Democratic but Violent? 0 0 3 46 1 4 9 106
Colombia: Democratic but violent? 2 2 6 19 3 4 11 46
Combatant recruitment and the outcome of war 0 0 0 73 1 2 4 300
Concealed costs: illicit economies and the erosion of the local tax base in Colombia 0 8 22 22 0 5 25 25
Corruption in the Times of Pandemia 0 0 1 17 1 1 5 43
Corruption in the Times of Pandemia 0 0 0 40 1 1 6 103
Corruption in the times of Pandemia 0 0 0 96 1 1 14 369
Corruption in the times of pandemia 0 1 9 189 2 7 48 761
Do explosions shape voting behavior? 0 1 1 15 1 3 10 133
Does the Unemployement Benefit Institution Affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from a Field Experiment 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 18
Does the Unemployement Benefit Institution Affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from a Field Experiment 0 0 0 20 0 0 1 96
Does the Unemployment Benefit Institution affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from a Field Experiment 0 0 1 42 0 0 1 94
Does the unemployment benefit institution affect the productivity of workers? Evidence from a field experiment 1 2 3 86 1 5 13 481
Does the unemployment benefit institution affect the productivity of workers?: Evidence from the field 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
Don't Make War, Make Elections. Franchise Extension and Violence in XIXth-Century Colombia 2 2 7 226 2 3 11 515
Don't make war, make elections: Franchise extension and violence in XIXth-century Colombia 0 0 1 268 3 4 18 642
Don’t Make War, Make Elections. Franchise Extension and Violence in XIXth-Century Colombia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Crash of Ponzi Schemes 0 0 1 8 0 0 5 54
Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Crash of Ponzi Schemes 0 0 1 142 2 3 11 542
El lado oscuro de la equidad: Violencia y equidad en el desempeno escolar 1 2 5 156 1 3 15 622
Empowering IDP with SMS: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bogot� 0 0 0 13 1 1 3 93
Empowering IDP with SMS: a randomized controlled trial in Bogotá 0 0 0 79 0 0 5 400
Empowering IDPs with SMS: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bogota 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 25
Empowering IDPs with SMS: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bogota 0 0 1 14 0 0 1 124
End-Of-Conflict Deforestation: Evidence From Colombian’s Peace Agreement 0 1 12 291 0 2 36 1,031
End-of-Conflict Deforestation: Evidence from Colombia’s Peace Agreement 0 0 1 23 0 0 7 48
End-of-conflict deforestation: evidence from Colombia’s peace agreement 0 0 1 43 0 1 2 106
Endogenous Taxation in Ongoing Internal Conflict: The Case of Colombia 0 0 0 5 1 2 5 35
Fear to Vote Explosions, Salience, and Elections 1 4 7 19 5 8 17 42
Fear to Vote: Explosions, Salience, and Elections 0 1 1 7 0 3 4 11
Fear to Vote: Explosions, Salience, and Elections 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3
Health Workforce Reallocation in the Aftermath of Conflict: Evidence from Colombia 0 2 19 19 3 7 21 21
Health Workforce Reallocation in the Aftermath of Conflict: Evidence from Colombia 0 2 21 21 5 8 47 47
Hitos del conflicto y riesgo país 0 0 0 88 0 0 3 298
How Peace Saves Lives: Evidence from Colombia 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 8
How Peace Saves Lives: Evidence from Colombia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10
How Peace Saves Lives? Evidence from Colombia 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 21
How peace saves lives: evidence from Colombia 0 1 2 10 0 1 5 82
Inequality, Crime, and the Long Run Legacy of Slavery 0 0 0 56 0 0 3 55
Inequality, Crime, and the Long-Run Legacy of Slavery 0 0 0 19 0 1 1 85
Inequidad Regional en Colombia 0 0 0 91 0 1 6 259
Inequidad Regional en Colombia 0 0 0 28 1 1 4 116
Inequidad regional en Colombia 0 0 0 449 0 0 13 1,913
Killing Social Leaders for Territorial Control: The Unintended Consequences of Peace 0 1 9 569 3 9 37 1,918
Killing Social Leaders for Territorial Control: The Unintended Consequences of Peace 0 0 1 29 0 0 4 57
Killing social leaders for territorial control: the unintended consequences of peace 0 0 3 33 0 0 6 94
Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 0 0 0 14 0 0 2 15
Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 1 1 1 81 1 3 5 271
Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 0 0 3 5 1 2 10 32
Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining 0 0 2 6 0 0 5 22
Landmines: The local effects of demining 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
Landmines: The local effects of demining 0 0 0 8 0 1 1 23
Landmines: the Local Effects of Demining 0 0 0 12 0 0 2 12
Landmines: the Local Effects of Demining 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 19
Landmines: the local effects of demining 0 0 2 57 1 1 14 236
Learning how (not) to fire a gun: combatant training and civilian victimization 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 153
Measuring the size and growth of cities using nighttime light 0 0 2 36 1 1 9 90
Military Empowerment and Civilian Targeting in Civil War 0 0 1 35 0 0 3 167
Military empowerment and civilian targeting in civil war 0 0 0 96 0 0 3 354
More roads, more conflict? The effect of rural roads on armed conflict and illegal economies in Colombia 0 2 11 188 2 7 28 506
Peaceful Entry: Entrepreneurship Dynamics During Colombia s Peace Agreement 6 8 31 154 9 16 70 360
Peaceful entry: Entrepreneurship dynamics during Colombia’s peace agreement 1 2 2 12 1 2 5 27
Predicting Politicians Misconduct: Evidence From Colombia 1 1 3 28 2 2 8 103
Predicting Politicians' Misconduct: Evidence from Colombia 0 0 1 14 1 1 4 13
Rebellion, repression and welfare 0 0 0 98 0 3 7 302
Resource Curse in Reverse: The Coffee Crisis and Armed Conflict in Colombia 0 2 4 477 1 3 12 1,788
Resource curse in reverse: The coffee crisis and armed conflict in Colombia 0 2 8 201 2 6 40 701
Right to Education: Forced Migration and Child Education Outcomes 0 1 3 3 0 2 9 9
Rural Property Tax Revenue in the Face of Economic Concentration and Political Competition: Evidence from Colombia 0 0 1 12 0 1 5 41
Seguridad democrática, presencia de la policía y conflicto en Colombia 0 0 1 124 0 0 3 490
Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab 1 1 3 31 1 1 3 53
Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab 1 1 3 55 3 6 18 288
Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab 0 0 1 30 0 3 7 60
Sovereign Risk and Armed Conflict: An Event-study for Colombia 0 0 0 115 0 1 2 282
Sunlight Disinfects? Free Media in Weak Democracies 1 1 1 333 1 3 10 921
Sunlight Disinfects? Free Media in Weak Democracies 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 88
Sunlight disinfects? Free media in weak democracies 0 0 1 306 2 2 10 910
The Cost of Fear: Learning How (Not) to Fire a Gun: Combatant Training and Civilian Victimization 0 0 0 19 3 3 3 96
The Crime Kuznets Curve 1 1 4 122 5 8 16 309
The Dynamics of the Colombian Civil Conflict: A New Data Set 0 0 0 239 0 0 7 708
The Dynamics of the Colombian Civil Conflict: A New Data Set 0 0 3 325 0 0 6 1,101
The Dynamics of the Colombian Civil Conflict: A New Data Set 0 0 3 425 0 0 8 1,346
The Environmental Impact of Civil Conflict: The Deforestation Effect of Paramilitary Expansion In Colombia 0 1 4 360 3 11 32 1,457
The Human Capital Peace Dividend 1 1 2 19 2 2 4 31
The Human Capital Peace Dividend 0 0 0 11 0 0 2 34
The Long Shadow of the Past: Political Economy of Regional Inequality in Colombia 1 6 16 374 2 10 37 835
The Need for Enemies 1 3 18 486 13 35 93 1,605
The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with the FARC 0 0 3 24 0 0 6 95
The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with the FARC 0 0 0 6 2 2 4 23
The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia’s peace agreement with FARC 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 34
The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia’s peace agreement with the FARC 0 1 5 52 1 3 18 200
The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia’s peace agreement with the FARC 0 0 0 18 0 1 2 36
The Perils of High-Powered Incentives: Evidence from Colombia's False Positives 2 4 4 200 2 4 11 498
The Real Winner's Curse 1 2 6 412 1 4 22 984
The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 0 0 10 93 0 6 28 318
The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 0 0 1 14 1 1 4 29
The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 0 0 2 35 0 1 4 111
The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 38
The Severity of the Colombian Conflict: Cross-Country Dataset versus New Micro Data 0 0 0 103 1 3 7 444
The Severity of the Colombian Conflict: Cross-Country Datasets versus New Micro Data 0 0 0 111 0 0 1 545
The Work of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch: Evidence from Colombia 0 0 2 76 1 3 14 416
The crime kuznets curve 1 1 3 28 1 4 8 117
The crime kuznets curve 0 0 7 105 2 3 20 415
The environmental impact of civil conflict The deforestation effect of paramilitary expansion in Colombia 0 0 0 11 1 1 2 52
The environmental impact of civil conflict: The deforestation effect of paramilitary expansion in Colombia 1 2 3 51 2 3 8 108
The environmental impact of civil conflict: The deforestation effect of paramilitary expansion in Colombia 0 1 3 136 2 5 26 453
The human capital peace dividend 0 1 3 106 0 2 8 460
The human capital peace dividend 0 0 0 26 0 0 2 44
The human capital peace dividend 0 0 0 24 1 1 1 85
The perils of misusing remote sensing data The case of forest cover 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9
The perils of misusing remote sensing data. The case of forest cover 2 2 3 44 3 3 11 133
The perils of misusing remote sensing data: The case of forest cover 0 0 0 6 1 1 2 25
The perils of misusing remote sensing data: The case of forest cover 0 2 4 46 2 4 23 167
The perils of misusing remote sensing data: The case of forest cover 0 0 1 32 0 0 4 206
The persistent colombian conflict bubnational analysis of the duration of violence 0 0 0 109 0 0 5 285
The politics of resource booms 0 0 0 149 0 0 6 284
The rise and persistence of illegal crops: Evidence from a naive policy announcement 0 0 0 25 0 0 1 70
The rise and persistence of illegal crops: evidence from a naive policy announcement 0 0 0 19 0 0 5 57
Unbundling the Relationship between Economic Shocks and Crime 0 0 4 28 4 5 16 59
Violence and growth in colombia: a review of the quantitative literature 0 0 0 193 0 2 13 456
Total Working Papers 31 82 347 11,380 133 314 1,282 37,043
7 registered items for which data could not be found

Journal Article File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Beyond divide and rule: Weak dictators, natural resources and civil conflict 0 0 0 16 0 0 3 90
Brothers or invaders? How crisis-driven migrants shape voting behavior 0 0 7 23 1 2 19 105
Can SMS Technology Improve Low Take-up of Social Benefits? 0 0 0 16 0 0 5 135
Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 13
Colombia: Democracy, violence, and the peacebuilding challenge 0 0 0 17 0 1 2 42
Colombia: Introduction To A Special Issue Of Defence And Peace Economics 0 1 1 40 0 1 1 99
Combatant recruitment and the outcome of war 0 0 1 42 1 4 6 200
Commodity Price Shocks and Civil Conflict: Evidence from Colombia 3 9 45 507 12 32 161 1,575
Conflict, Crime, and Violence in Colombia 0 1 3 89 0 2 6 217
Does the Unemployment Benefit Institution Affect the Productivity of Workers? Evidence from the Field 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 23
Dolarizar, flotar, callar 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 61
Economic shocks and crime: Evidence from the crash of Ponzi schemes 0 0 0 35 2 2 10 122
El lado oscuro de la equidad: violencia y equidad en el desempeno escolar 0 1 5 131 0 1 8 393
End-of-conflict deforestation: Evidence from Colombia’s peace agreement 0 0 3 28 1 1 5 124
Endogenous Taxation in Ongoing Internal Conflict: The Case of Colombia 0 0 1 7 0 0 1 44
How peace saves lives: Evidence from Colombia 0 0 7 7 0 0 11 11
Inequality, crime, and the long run legacy of slavery 0 1 6 39 0 2 15 164
Measuring the size and growth of cities using nighttime light 0 1 5 28 2 4 17 94
Peaceful entry: Entrepreneurship dynamics during Colombia’s peace agreement 4 5 6 8 7 9 21 25
Rebellion, Repression and Welfare 0 0 0 65 0 0 5 235
Seguridad Democrática, presencia de la Policía y conflicto en Colombia 0 0 1 217 0 0 3 863
Selective Civilian Targeting: The Unintended Consequences of Partial Peace 0 0 5 14 2 4 17 33
Self-Selection into corruption: Evidence from the lab 0 0 1 4 1 2 5 30
Sovereign risk and armed conflict: an event-study for colombia 0 0 1 130 0 0 5 378
Special Data Feature; The Severity of the Colombian Conflict: Cross-Country Datasets Versus New Micro-Data 0 0 0 12 0 0 4 56
The Dynamics of the Columbian Civil Conflict: A New Dataset 0 0 0 0 0 4 24 1,026
The Human Capital Peace Dividend 0 0 5 9 0 0 11 25
The Need for Enemies 0 2 9 56 2 10 53 229
The Perils of High-Powered Incentives: Evidence from Colombia's False Positives 1 3 12 36 5 16 69 202
The Real Winner's Curse 1 3 16 33 5 10 44 106
The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement 0 0 7 15 1 4 20 66
The persistent Colombian conflict: subnational analysis of the duration of violence 0 0 0 127 0 0 6 380
True Believers, Deserters, and Traitors 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 56
Violence and growth in Colombia: A review of the quantitative literature 0 0 0 106 0 0 7 332
Total Journal Articles 9 27 147 1,888 42 111 569 7,554

Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
Last month 3 months 12 months Total Last month 3 months 12 months Total
Colombia: Democratic but Violent? 0 0 0 0 4 5 6 13
The changing nature of economics of crime 0 0 3 10 1 1 9 26
Unbundling the relationship between economic shocks and crime 0 0 3 7 0 1 11 18
Total Chapters 0 0 6 17 5 7 26 57

Statistics updated 2025-02-05